Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/825

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GENERAL INDEX. 169 Thompson, William, pension to, vi. 349. Tonnage Duties, gontinued.) -—-7-———T——————-, allowance to, for money sels of the nited States are not allowed paid, vx. 371. i · to trade, iii. 344, 969. Tlwoft, Barnard, debentures to nssue to, v1. 299. repealed as to American vesseIs,two thirds T/im·na,5.g;mes, and others, interest allowed to, of the crew of which are Americans, iv. vi. . 425. Thorndike, Hezekiah, pension to, vi. 123. Q repealed as to vessels of nations which do Thornton, D. M. F., credit allowed to, vi. 942. not impose countervailing duties, iv. 425. --——-, Colonel John, claim of, for pay, to be on vessels on Mississippi, i1. 182. settled, vi. 533. _ _ on American ships, with ciiicers and two

7, Presley, pemuon to, v1. 33. thirds of crew not citizens, iii, 352.

Three Sisters, Schooner, iishing bounty allowed on coasting vessels, with three fourths of to owners of, vi. 569. crew citizens, iii. 351, T/irustnn, Algernon S., credit allowed to, vi. on ships not so manned, iii. 351, 352. 548. p _ on French ships, iii. 605, 641, 681, 747. ---—, Charles Mynn, pension to, v1. 68. how paid, i. 675, 676; ii. 182. Thuijur, Ezra, and6 others, allowance to, for suspended as to certain foreign countries, amages vi. 40 . iii. 224. Tibbs,_J•;>:gh; allowed to withdrawaland entry, regitted on certain French vessels from vi. _ ape Francois i. 342 410. Tice, John, grant of land to, vi. 615. acts respecting ’discrirnin¤.ting duties on Tiengl fornclius, allowance to, for losses, vi. veglselsof the following nations:- . orwa , iv. 206. Tifany, Philemon, pension to, vi. 417. Portugxl, iv. 517. ——-, Sylvester, pension to, vi. 805. Spain, iv. 578, 741. T@, Amasa .8., pension to, vi. 612. Sweden, iv. 206. Tild;ig1.gnhn,6QVi:gaw, Qc., ?tii¤nitatior§2i·n Stat. See also Discriminating Duties an Tonnage, c. ", 3, exten e to vi. 7 . p. 48. Tilfcrd, james, claim of, to be settled, vi. 622. Tonnage of Ships, Tilton, John, increase of pension to, vi. 234. how ascertained, i. 55, 675, 676. -—-3}-, Sylvester, pension to, vi. 111. 22 annual account of domestic and foreign, Tim er, Navy. See Navy Timber p. 1 . iii. 541. Timberlake, John B., credit for ’money over- Tongue, James, allowance to, for property de drawn allowed to vi. 228. stroycd, vi. 866. Tingle, George E., t0’be paid for services, vi. Tools of Trade, exempt from duty, i. 661 ; 507. 782 · v. 560. Tinkham, Ebenezer, pension to, vi. 24. Tapp, Jdhn, to be paid for wood, vi. 310. -—--—-—-, increase of pension to, vi. Tapagmpher, in the general post—ofi·lce, v. 175, 83. 265. _ Tinslm , Jonathan ension to vi. 82. To oda, appropriation to test, ii. 569. J s P s "P Tippett, Stephen, authorized to enter land, vi. Topographical Engineers, ii. 819. 26 459. Torrance, fliwmas, pension to vi. . Tipton, Jonathan, allowance to indemnify, vi. Torrey, Joseph, commutation of hampay to rep- 837. resentatives of] vi. 590. _ -—-, William, am-ears of pension to be paid —--—--—- W., allovgnce to, for services, to vi. 434. as an attorney vi. 4. Tobey,, Daniel, donation to, vi. 191. Tarreyre, John, grain!. of land to, vi 43. _ Todd, Charles, to be paid for a. wagon, horses, Totten, Benjamin Jgsgo be pmd for services us and tobucco vi. 171. lieutenant vi. . _ —-, Isaac, releise of land to, vi. 905. Toulmin, J0hn’B., land claim confirmed to, vi. -—-—, Joseph, pen ion to, vi. 112. _ 460. __ _ ——--—--, allowance to, for schooner, v1. Tousard, Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis, on couns- 372. lent for his pension allowed, vi. 15; 1. 394. -—-, Henry, and others, allowed to complete --—--·, allowance to, vi. 47. _ entrie for drawback, vi. 413. Toutant, Jacques, land claim confirmed to, vn. --·, Hiram, land sale confirmed to, vi. 749. 500. _ _ ——, Thomas, land patent to issue to, vi. 787. Tower, Benjamin, pension to, vi. 26.. _ Tolbzmtt, William D., allowed to enter certain —-Fl-2:1-—-·-—·, increase of pension to, v1. land v. 715. - Tolly, Jolm and Thomas, paymenggo, vi. 185. Town, overpayment to be refunded to, T 'lon Ja er, pension to vi. 1 . v1. . _ _ Tzmiimin, jiibez, grant of land to, vi. 41. Tawnsand, Isaiah, and others, credit to be nl- Ibmpkins, Daniel D., account of, to be settled, lowed to, vi. 439. _ vi. 280. ————, William, to be paid for am anchor, va. _..._ $35,190 to be paid to, vi. 327. 290. Taumslzy, Thomas F., allowance to, for dam- .-.-—---, $69,239 to be puid to, vi. ages on certain] drufb, vi. 1 319. Towson, Nathan, a owunce to, you _ . Tan, weight of] at custom·houses, v. 567. Tazicr, William, pension to, vi. Tonnage Duties, Tralmc, Daniel, pension tc,_vi. 654. ___ obsolete acts, i. 27, 69; repealed, i. 136. Trade with Enemies, prohibited, (obsolete,) u. com in force-, i. 135, 136; iii. 314, 344, 351. 778; iii. 195, 196. _ _ on foreign vessels from ports to which ves- Trading Houses. See Indian Afairs, p. 87 v01.. vm. 22