Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1036

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'£g° Sq"- 9· Tm
following articles have been duly considered and solemnly

' adopted by the undersigned -—·tha.t 1 to say, James S. Calhoun, Indian Agent, residing at Santa Fc, acting as commissioner cm the part of the United States of America, and Quixiachigiutc, Nauito, N incocunachi, ébaganixc, Rama£1i, Subleta, Rngmllachi, Suguascxcgn, Paguisachi, obaxanor, Amuc c, Puigniachi, anachi, Sichuga, Uvicaxinape, Cuchuticay, Nachitnpc, Pucgutc, Guano Juas, Pacachi, Saguancbi, Acagugtc nach}, Puilpqgiactc, Quixacljc tugte,_ Saxiabe, Pichiute, Nochichrguc, Uvxvc, prmmpal and subordinate cbncfs, representing the Utah tribe of Indians. Um; Indians a¤· I. The Utah. tribe of Indians do hereby acknowledge and declare, $:2%:;%:% they are lawfully and exclusively under the jurisdiction of the govern- 1,,,,;,, me au- ?ent 3:} said States; and to its power and authority they now uncon·

  • ¥¤¤**! ¤F the U- ition y submit.

Stgfsgmou of II. From and after the signing of this treaty, hostilities between the hostilities and contracting parties shall cease, and perpetual peace and amity shall cx-

HP°";f£nV°“$; ist, the said tribe hereby binding themselves most solemnly never to

.,,58; y associate with, cr give countenance or aid tc, any tribe or band of Indians, or other persons or powers, who may be, at any time, an enmity with the people or government of said States; and that they will, in all future time, tmat honestly and humancly every citizen of the United States, and all persons and powers at peace with the said States, and all cases of aggression against said Utahs shall be referred to the aforesaid government for adjustment and settlement. Au American III. AH American and Mexican captives, and others, taken from mdl Meman persons or powers at peace with the said States, shall be restored and gggggesotgxgj delivered by said Utahs to an authorized officcr or agent of said States, cer of the U. si at Abiquin, on or before the Hrs! day of March, in the year of our Lord

’§§‘6'° Mmh L one thousand eight hundred and fifty. And, in like manner, all stolen

° property, of every description, shall be restored by or before the afore- Stolen property and first day of March, 1850. In the event such stolen property shall wb? "°P“’”“d·°' have been consumed or destroyed, the said Utah Indians do agree, and "Smumu made' are hereby bound, to make such restitution and under such circumstances as the government of the United States may order and prescribe. But this article is not to be so construed, or understood, as to create a claim against said States, for any losses or depredazions com— miitcd by said Utahs. Laws new in IV. The contracting parties agree that the laws now in force, and Y°"’° '°" "'8"!°*‘ such others as may be passed, regulating th: trade and intercourse, and ‘“‘ "*""° ‘“" mma ‘ r m n ‘ ‘b Mas war pmemug p,,,,, prsscrvatmu o peace wu the varwus in cs 0 u am q e ••§¤¤ me iudiw the protection and guardianship of the government of the United t23Q2d";`: States, shall be as binding and obligatory upon the said Umhs as if said Uzahs, and me laws had been enacted for their sole bcnefxt and protection. And that

  • ‘?”“‘;'Y h°°°‘!‘ said laws may be duly executed, and for all other useful purposes, the

2Q1x2;; t,_¤°°§,: territory occupied by the Utahs is hereby annexed to New Mexico as Mexico- nswuorgagiged, or git Il?] be orgzémzcd, or umn] the government of t c nite nies s lot crwise or er. Freepuugn V. The people of the United States, and all others in amity with the

B"Z“$h *b'“ United States, shall have free passage through the territory of said

mmm Utahs, uéxder such rules aud regulations as may be adopted by authority of said tates.