Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1076

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1024 INDEX. Edwards, T O., Envelopes, Stamped, payment to, ~··~ 542 payment for, -·—- 590 Eel River Indians, Errors, Writ: of Scc Aypeah. appropriations for payment of, - 679 James, not to be paid till the fact of the exist- Act for the relief oi · - - 679 ence of such a tribe is ascertained, Buzz, (Muasacizuaem,) 679 annexed to the collection district of Glouback payments to be made to, if misapplied cestor, -·--- 275 heretofore, --·- 579 Estimates, appropriations for, 26, 137, 257, 387, 579 of expenses of collecting the revenue to be Bldrcd, Julian, Elisha, and Francie B., made yearly, ·--— 398 to be paid for bringing a mass of cop- Etting, Henry, per from Lake Superior to Washington, allowed, in account, the expense of a 683 certain suit, ---- 677 Electron, Evansville, evidence in cases of contested elections of appropriation for marine hospital at, 634, members of Congress, 568, 569, 570 616 Electors, Evans, ¥ViUiam, compensation of messengers oh 295, 417 arrears of pension to be paid to his heirs, Elcctmullagnetic Power, 751 appropriation for testing, · ·· 375 Evidence, Elliott, Richard, Little & Browns edition of the laws of pension to, · · - · · 660 the United Suites made evidence, 76 Elliot, IVm., Jr., certiied copies of the Journals of Congress permitted to enter certain lands, - 649 made evidence, - - - 80 Ella, Phenix Chzpwuer, in prosecutions for embezzlement of the pension to be paid to his administrator, public money, ---- 63 702 record of the lands selected for the Smith· Ellie, Robert, souian Institution made evidence, 104 increase of pcnsiou of, - - — 729 authenticated copies from the departments Ellimn, 1V6u1am S., made evidence, - · - 346, 350 discharged from a judgment, • 760 Examiners, Bmarthla Sole, additional, to be appointed in the patent payment to, ~—-- 558 office, -··-- 231 Embezzkmmz of Public Money, two additional examiners and assistant exwhat shall amount to, - - - 63 aminers to be appointed in the patent failure to pay, made prima facie evidence o5ce, —---- 617 of, ---- - - 63 Examiner { Drugs, ge., punishment of; -—·~ 63 pay 0 ---- 238, 363 made a felony, -·-- 63 special, to be appointed by Secretary of the Emigmcion, Taxes mz, Treasury, - - . - 238 treaty with Bavaria for the abolition oi provisions respecting, - - - 269 820 oath of, - -·-- 230 treaty with Hesse Cassel for the abolition taken from ofncers now in customs, 239 on · ----~ 818 Exchanges, Inlernational. See International Er- Emile, Borgue, clumges. new register for, under name of Jane Executive, Gzmo, ---·- 650 appropriation for, - . . 600 Ezscurmwion, Brig, Bzeculors and Adminictralurs, register to issue to, - · - 714 in District of Columbia, may be compelled Engels, Peter, to give further security, - - 4, 5 pension on ·—-·- 713 Exploring Expedition, Bnginzen, Assistant, extra pay to certain officers o£ 109, 344 rank of those absent on duty at time of distribution of copies of, - · 111 regular examination, - ~ 825 distribution of works oi tc Russia and rank of J. Follansbeo and B. F. Isherwcod, Ecuador, ----- 418 625 appropriation for publishing of work of, 94, may be detailed to nmpcrintend construe- 164. 297, 355, 543, 626 tion of lighthouses, - - — 629 copies of works on, to be given to Ore- Esgineers in the Navy, gon, ··--- 561 pension laws extended to, and to their to Minnesota, - - - 561 widows and children, - — 283 republication of Wilkeas Narrative of tho, pay oi ··--- 378 599, 600 Euhbbnent, Eztortion, for ordnance corps authorized, - 18 punishment of, in case of assistant treasfor regular army, -——- 11, 117 urer, Sec., --·-- 65 of volunteerl, ---- 9 Eztradihbn of Cvimirocis, in additional regiments, - - 124 under treaty with the Comanchca, &o., near western posts, bounty on, - 439 815 of miners, ----— 507 with the Hawaiian Islands, - 981 Hawks, Samwf D., act to carry out treaties for, · · 302 tc be paid for a marc lost, · · $72 Euro Pay. See Army.