Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/15

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. xv Liccnscsfar Phehts. An act to authorize the secretary of the treasury to license yachts, and for other purposes. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 141. . . . .. . ... 274 Place of Session. of District far Hlabarrta, Middle District. An act to change the place of holding the District Court of the United States for the middle district of Alabama, and for other purposes. Aug. 7, 1948, cli. 143. ... . . . .. . . . . .. 274 Essex cznnrretl to the Collection District of Gloucester. An act to annex the town of Essex, in the State of Massachusetts, to the collection district of Gloucester. Aug. 7, 1548, ch 144 . . .. . . . . ...,. 275 Chirago Collection Distric!. An act to annex that part of the state of Indiana bordering on Lake Michigan to the Chicago collection district. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 145 . . . 275 Certain Bounty Land Warrnrtts may be paid in by Preemption Claimants to the Miami Lands. An act {br the rcliefof those preemption claimants upon the Miami lands in Indiana, who, by their services in the Mexican war, are entitled to bounty land. Aug. 7, 1‘3—le,ch.147.. . . ... . .. . .. ... 275 Jurisdirtion conferred upon American Ministers and Consul: under certain Treaties. An act to carry into effect certain provisions in the treaties between the United States and China and the Ottoman Porte, giving certainjudicial powers to ministers and consuls of the United States in those countries. Aug. 11, 1848, ch. 150. . . 276 Georgia diriricd into two Judicial Districts. An act for dividing the State of Georgia into two judicial districts, and organizing and establishing an additional District Court. of the United States, with Circuit Court powers and jurisdiction. Aug. 11, 1848, eh. 151. . . . . ... . .. .. 280 Internal Improrcment Lands in Alabama to be applied to Use of Schools. An Act to authorize the State of Alabama to apply certain lands heretofore granted to that State for internal improvements, for the use of schools in the valueless sixteenth sections in said state. Aug. 11, 1648, ch. 152. .. . .. . .. 231 7Tme of holding Courts in Kentucky changed. An act to change the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts in the State of Kentucky. Aug. 11, 1848, ch. 153. . ... 252 Time of holding Circuit Court in Maine changed. An act to change the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Court of the United States in the District of Maine. Aug. 11, 1848, ch. 154. .. . . . . . .. . . 232 Renewal and Extension of Provisions respecting Naval Pensions, An act renewing certain naval pensions and extending the benefits of existing laws, respecting naval pensions, to engineers, firemen, and coal-beavers in the navy, and to their widows. Aug. 11, 1843, ch. 155 ... . ... 282 Cumbefarzd Road surrendered in part to Indiana. An act to surrender to the State of Indiana the Ch.nberIand road in said State. Aug. 11, 1848, ch. 156 . . . 283 General Apprapriatinrt Bill. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government for the year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and for other purposes. Aug. 12, 1848, ch. 166.. . .. . . 284 Lrrrai itiori Treaties carried into Eject. An act for giving etfect to certain treaty stipulations between this and foreign governments, for the apprehension and delivering up of certain offenders. Aug. 12, 1848, ch. 167. . ... ... 302 Pay Department in the Army. An act concerning the pay department of the army. Aug. 12,lo-lS,ch.168 . .. . . 303 Terms of the United States Courts in New Jersey. An act in relation to the terms of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in and for the district of New Jersey. Aug. 12, 1848, ch. 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 303 Army jpprnpriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. Aug. 14, 1348, ch. 173 ... . . ... . ... ... . . 304 Pest Routes established. An act to establish certain post routes. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 175.. . 306 Lighthouse, 8,·e., Jlppropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for lighthouses, lightboats, buoys, &;c., and providing for the erection and establishment of the same. Aug. 14, 1848,ch.176. . .. ... .. .. .. . ,. . 321 Oregon Territorial Bill. An act to establish the territorial government of Oregon. Aug. 14, 1848,oh.177. .. .. .. . . ... 323 Payment to Vermont Militia. An act for the payment of the fourth regiment in the second brigade of the third division of the Vermont Militia, for services at the battle of Plattsburg. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 178 . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . 331 Provision for Widows and Orphans of Ojieers and Crew of the Somers. An act for the relief