Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/651

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THIRTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 1851. 625 For Hospitals, viz. : Hospitals. At Boston.-For repairing, painting, whitewashing, glazing, fur- Boston, naces, ranges, &c., fifteen hundred dollars. Ag New York.--For plastering, painting, repairs of furnaces, banks, New York, wall, paving of flagging, building for laboratory, wall around graveyard, grading, setting trees, and all other repairs, fifteen thousand dollars. At Philadefphia. —-For removing and rebuilding stable, drains, and Philadelphia water to stable, excavation and grading wall on south side of Shippen Street, curbing and paving along Shippen Street, painting house, iron railing, &.c., repairs of all kinds, thirteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven dollars. At NmfoZk.—For general repairs, five thousand dollars. Norfolk. At Pensacola.- For wall around hospital grounds, drawing and Pensaeola. filling ponds, repairs of all kinds, four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Marine Corps.-For pay of officers, non-commissioned officers, _ Marine corps. musicians, and servants serving on shore, subsistence for officers, and pay for undrawn clothing, two hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred dollars. For provisions for marines serving on shore, fifteen thousand dollars. For clothing, fifty-six thousand six hundred and one dollars. For fuel, ten thousand dollars. For military stores, repair of arms, pay of armorers, accoutrements, ordnance stores, fiags, drums, fifes, and musical instruments, eight thousand dollars. For transportation of officers and troops, and expenses of recruiting, nine thousand dollars. For repairs of barracks, and rent of temporary barracks, and offices for commanding officers, six thousand dollars. For contingencies, viz.: freight, ferriage, cartage, wnarfage, compensation to judges advocate, per diem for attending courts martial, courts of inquiry, and for constant labor, house rent, in lieu of quarters, burial of deceased marines, printing, stationery, forage, postage, pursuit of deserters, candles, oil, straw, furniture, bed sacks, spades, axes, shovels, picks, carpenter’s tools, keep of a horse for the messenger, pay of matron, washerwoman, and porter at hospital head-quarters, twenty- five thousand dollars. For arrearages of pay which accrued to John Rush, late sailing John Rush. master, from thirty-first of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, to ninth of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, six thousand and ninety-five dollars and seventy-one cents. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in time of peace, or while In time of War is not threatened, the Steamers employed in carrying the United gggcggghéagfg SUUBS mail between New York and Liverpool shall be placed U¤€l€1' under control of the exclusive control of, and ori-ieered by the contractors, E. K. Collins °W¤°YS· and his associates, provided the same shall be done with the consent of the contractors. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any assistant engineer Examination Shall have been absent from the United States on duty an iiié time gfugggsmut "` others of his date were examined, he shall, if not rejected at a subse- ` quent examination, be entitled to the same rank with them; and if, from any cause, his relative rank cannot be assigned to him, he shall retain his original position on the register. SEC- 4. And be it further enacted, That the rule established in the ·QBF%ll*;¤*g’°Q Pl'€¢€diHg Section shall be applied to the eases of Joshua FollHI1Sb€€ ;,I:,0d_`S H and B. F. Isherwood, who were prevented by reason of their absence on duty from being present at the examination ordered for officers of their date. Vox.. IX. PUB. -79