Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/689

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xv Samuel G1-ice, Payment to. An act for the relief of Samuel Grice. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 194. 741 Frederic Durrive, Land confirmed ta. An act for the relief of Frederic Durrive. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 195. ... . ... . . . ... . . . ... 741 William P£t·m,an,> Pension to. An act granting a pension to William Pitman. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 196. ... . . . . ... . . ... 74] Claim of Jalm P. B. and Henry Gratiot, to be audited, Q-c. An act for the relief of John P. B. Gratiot and the legal representatives of Henry Gratiot. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 197. . 741 Robert Purkzls, Payment to, for Bravery. An act uuthorizing the payment of a sum of money to Robert Purkis. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 198 . .. . 742 William Hogan, Jldmznishalor, Payment to. An act for the relief of William Hogan, administrator of Michael Hogan, deceased. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 199. . . . 742 Richard M. Jahnszm, Payment to, for Buildings at Choctaw Agency. An act to compensate R. M. Johnson for the erection of certain buildings for the u e of the Choctaw Academy. Aug. 14, 1848,ch.200. . . .¤. .. . .. 742 Certain Duties ta Ik rqfumlad. An act for the relief of Benjamin Adams and Company and others. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 201. . . . . . .  : . . . . . . . . ... . 743 Be1qa1ninJ. Cahocne, Purser, Settlement of dowunts of An act for the relief of Purssr » Benjamin J. Cahcone. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 202. . . .. 743 Abigail Garland, Pension ta. An act granting a pension to Abigail Garland, widow of Jacob Garland, deceased. Aug. 14, 1848, cb. 203. ... . ... . .. .. 743 Anna J. Hassler, Pension ta. A11 act for the relief of Anna. J. Hasslcr. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 204. . . .` .. . . . . . ... 743 Welcome Parmeter, Pension to. An act for the relief of Welcome Parmeter. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 205.  : ... . . .. . ... 744 David Currier, Pension t0. An act for the relief of David Currier. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 206. 744 Elizabeth Pistale, Prruriun ta. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Pistols, widow of Charles Pistole, deceased. Aug. 14, 1848, ch. 207. . .. . . . . .. 744 David .0. Watterston, Payment to. An act for the relief of David A. Wattcrston. Aug. 14, 1848, ch 208. . . . . .. . . . . . 744 Payment to David Wilkinson, for Use of an Invention. An act for the relief of David Wilkiuson. Aug. I4, 1848, ch. 209. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 John L. Graham, Settlement of Accounts nf. An act for the relief oflolm Lorimcr Graham, late pbstmaster in the city of New York. Aug. 14, 1848, cb. 210. . 745 RESOLUTIONS. 3. Payment to Betsey McIntosh, a Cherokee. A resolution for the relief of Betsey Mclntosh. March 14, 1848 .. . .. . .. 746 9. Payment of the Texas Mounted Regiment. Joint resolution providing for payment of the regiment of Texas mounted troops called into the service of the United States, under the requisition of Colonel Curtis, in the yea: eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and for other purposes. June 16, 1848. . ... . .,. 746 10. Claim of Shaw and Corscr, to bn audited, {wc. A resolution in favor of David Shaw and Solomon T. Corser. June 26, 1848. . .. 746 ll. Verbal Amendment af.9ct of 1848, cb. 69. A resolution to explain am act passed tyranty-fburth June, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled “An Ack for the rel1cfof W. B. Slaughter, late Secretary of the Territory of Wisconsin." June 28, 1848. .. . 747 14. John McGar1·, Naval Pension of. A resolution in relation to tha naval pension of John McGn:r. July 5, 1848.. .. . . . . . ... 747 27. Claim of Catholic Congregation of St. Augustine to be submitted to Arbitration. A resolution authorizing the submission of certain claims to arbitration. Aug. 11, 1848. . . . 747 2S. H. B. Gaither, Payment to. A resolution for the relief of H. B. Gaither. Aug. 14, 1848 . . [.> ... . .. ... ... 748 STATUTE H. — 1848-9. Land Claims of Jean E Perry and others vzmjfrmed. An act for the relief of the heirs of Jia-¤ F. Pc:x·ry,J0siah Bleakley, Niclmlas Im-mt, and Robert Morrison. Dec. 2i, 1848, 749 c . 1 . . . . . . .. . . . .