Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/859

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THIRTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4, 5, 6. 1851. Q09 same are hereby, reenacted and extended to the first day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and until the end of the next session of Congress which shall happen thereafter, until which time the said company may exercise all the powers, and have and enjoy all the privileges and immunities, granted to them by the said original act of incorporation, and the amendment thereto, any thing to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. This act shall commence and be in force This Mt ¢¤ from the passage thereotl ;’;k;a;§°;_f'°m Sec. 2. And be it jurther enacted, That the stockholders of said Indiviguallia.- company shall be individually liable for the debts and liabilities of said ggjgh S al; corporation to an amount U equal to the capitol [capital] stock held by the degtscgg the them respectively: Provided, That such liability shall be confined to ¤¤mp¤¤y- the stockholders who were ···ah when such debts were contracted or Pr°"“°’ liabilities incurred. Approved, January 27, 1851. Czar. IV.—An Act for the Relief of Charlotte Lynch. Feb. 5, 1851. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That out of any Payment to be moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, there shall be al- E:;°L*‘;c,f’h“’ lowed and paid to Charlotte Lynch, only surviving child of Lieutenant y ` Colonel Ebenezer Gray, of the sixth regiment of the Connecticut line, who served in the army of the revolution from the beginning of the war to its close, as an equivalent for the loss sustained by him by the substitution of the commutation certificates, issued in seventeen hundred and eighty-three, for the half pay for life, to which he was entitled under the resolution of Congress of seventeen hundred and eighty, live years’ full pay, without interest, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Arpnovan, February 5, 1851. CHAP. V.-An Aet to amend an Act entitled •* An det for the Relief of Frederic Feb. 14, 1851, D;urrive," approved August fourteen, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ’' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proviso Proviso in rercontained in the first section of the above-entitled act be, and the same mu ¤°* *°P¤"l°d is hereby, repealed. (a) Approved, February 14, 1851. CHA?. 'VI.-An Act to authorize the Ezchanae of a Lot on lhs miliwfy $#2 of Feb. 14, 1851. Fort Hamilton, for an equal Quantity of Ground adjoining said Site. ———-———;—~— Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Aznerica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Exchange or of War be, and he is hereby, authorized, under the direction of the °IQaf,;fw‘;f President of the United States, to cause to be exchanged a lot of New York, ' ground, being part of the site of Fort Hamilton, New York, for an equal quantity of ground lying nearer to said fort, and being more valuable for military purposes. Approved, February 14, 185.1.

(a) The proviso thus repealed made it a. conditionto the confirmation of a purchase of a. school lot, and the issuing of a patent therefor, that “ the said Durrive shall first procure and file with the register of the district the assent in writing of the commissioners of schools, and a majority of the voters in the township in which said land is situated, to such confirmation." V0:.. IX. Paw.--21