Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/896

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844 COMANCHES AND OTHER. TRIBES. MAY 15, 1846. TREATY WITH THE COMANCHES AND OTHER TRIBES. May 15, 1846. Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at Council Springs, in the

 County of Robinson, Texas, near the Brazos River, this 15th Day

March 8, 1847. of May, A. D. 1846,bctwem P. M Butler and M G. Lewis, Cammissioners on the Part of the United States, of the cme Part, and the undersigned Chiefs, Counsellors, and Warriors of the Comanche, Lan-vi, Ana-da·ca, Cadae, Lepan, Long-wha, Keechy, Talo·wa-carrc, Wi-chita, and Wacae Tribes of Indians, and their associate Bands, in Behalf of their said Tribes, on the other Part. Anwrcm: I. Said tribes or Tun undersigned chiefs, warriors, and counsellors, for themselves Egg? th? S3; and their said tribe or nations, do hereby acknowledge themselves to pgtgctign of the be under the protection of the United States, and of no other power, {7***** $*3**- state, or sovereignty whatever. Awmcnn H. The United It is stipulated and agreed by the said tribes or nations, and their 3:2:16*; dh:: associate bands, that the United States shall have the sole and excluclugivg I-ight to sive right of regulating trade and intercourse with them, and they do ¤>%¤l%*° mde hereby respectively engage to aH`0rd protection to such persons, with iam S1£ff{$§;§° their property, as shall be duly licensed to reside among them for the purpose of trade and intercourse, and to their agents and servants, No person to but no person shall be permitted to reside among them as a trader, igzffu amzg who is not furnished with a license for that purpose, under the hand wh., g, ,,0; gu,. and seal of the superintendent to be appointed by the President of filslwd tyitlzh ¤ the United States or such other person as the President shall author·

§g`§§9_ °' " ize to grant such licenses, to the end that said Indians may not be

imposed on in their trade; and if any licensed trader shall abuse his Unfair dealing-- privilege by unfair dealing, upon complaint by the chiefs to their I""' P“’““h° agents and proof thereof; his license shall be taken from him, and he shall be further punished according to the laws of the United States; and if any person shall intrude himself as a trader without such license, upon complaint he shall be dealt with according to law. Amrcns III. TW grids The United States reserves to itself the right of working such §;':;;j’“° yégg mines as may be found within the Indian territory, and the said tribes p¤s:,p.848. pledge themselves to protect such persons as the President of the United States may send among them for that purpose. In order tc guard against the perpetration of frauds upon the Indians, under pretext of hunting and working mines, no person shall be permitted to go among them for that purpqse, except by express license from the President of the United States. Anricnm IV. £l&hg The said tribes and their associate bands agree to deliver, by the new si-irurisn iirst day of November next, to the superintendent of Indian affairs Qmbemdggxs to be aplpcinted by the President, at such place as he may direct, due up, notice o which shall be given to the said tribes, all white persons and