Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/940

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888 TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dec. 12, 1846. pointed for that purpose, agreeably de conformidad con las leyes, usos to the laws, usages, and customs i costumbres de la repfiblica de of the United States. Nueva Granada. Amrcm XV. Anrrrcuto XV. _ Bod; parties at It shall belawful for the citizens Sera licito 6. los eiudadanos de {;l?g*¥’h0;° az"? of the United States of America la rephblica de la Nueva Granada, mi,). wimeeithiri and of the republic of New Gm- ide los Estados Unidos de Amenada, to sail with their ships with rica, navegar con sus buques con all manner of liberty and security, toda seguridad i libertad, de cuno distinction being made who are alquier puerto a las plazas i lugares the proprietors of the merchandise de los que son 6 fueren en adeladen thereon, from any port to lame enemigos de cualquicra de the places of those who now are las dos partes contratantes, sin or hereafter shall be at enmity with hacerse distincion de quienes son either of the contracting parties. los duenos de las mercaderias que It shall likewise be lawful for the llevan a su bordo. sera igualcitizens aforesaid to sail with the mente licito zi los referidos ciudnships and merchandise before men- danos, navegar con sus buques i tioned, and to trade with the same mercaderias mencionadas, i trafiliberty and security from the car con la misma libertad i seguplaces, ports, and havens of those ridad, de los lugares, puertos i enwho are enemies of both or either senadas de los enemigos de ambas party, without any opposition or partes 6 de alguna de ellas, sin disturbance whatsoever, not only oposicion 6 molestia de ninguna directly from the places of the especie, no solo directamente de enemy before mentioned to neutral los lugares enemigos arriba menplaces, but also from one place cionadosalos lugares neutros,sin0 belonging to an enemy to another tambien de un lugar perteneciente place belonging to an enemy, a un enemigo a otro enemigo, ya whether they be under the jurisdic- sea que esten bajo la jurisdiccion tion of one power or under sev- de una sola potencia, 6 bajo la de Free ships to eral. And it is hereby stipulated diversas. I qued aaqui estipulado, g“:;£::dg°°g;; that fi·ee ships shall also give free- que los buques libres hacen libres cept2q_ dom to goods, and that every thing tambien a. las mercaderias, i que which shall he found on board the se ha de considerar libre i exento ships belonging to the citizens of todo lo que se hallare é bordo de either of the contracting parties los buques pertenecientes a los shall be deemed to be free and ciudadanos de cualquiera de las exempt, although the whole lading partes contratantes, aunque toda or any part thereof should apper- la carga 6 parte de ella pertenezca tain to the enemies of either, (con- a enemigos de una u otra, esceptraband goods being always ex- tuados siempre los articulos de con- A11 persons on cepted.) It is also agreed, in like trabando. Se conviene tambien Zfggtb manner, that the same liberty shall del mismo modo, en que la misma mu service or be extended to persons who are on libertad sea estensiva at las perso-

  • 9*** ¢¤°¤*5'r*° be board a free ship, with this effect, nas que se encuentren a burdo de

r°°' that although they be enemies to buques libres, con el lin de que both or either party, they are not aunque dichas personas sean eneto be taken out of that free ship migos de ambas partesé de alguna unless they are officers and sol- de ellas, no deban ser estraidas de diers, and in the actual service of los dichos buques libres, 5. menos the enemies; provided, however, que sean oficiales 6 soldados en and it is hereby agreed, that the actual servicio de los enemigos: stipulations in this article con- 5. condicion no obstante, como mg?) tained, declaring that the Hag shall espresamente se conviene, que las appliedp to those cover the property, shall be under- estipulaciones, contemdas en cl p¤W¤r¤ ¤nly WM stood as applying to those powers presents articulo, por las que se