Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/951

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TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dae. 12, 1846. 899 rupted or embarrassed in any consigniente garantizan de la misfuture time while this treaty ex- ma manera los derechos de sobersts; and in consequence, the rania i propiedad que la Nueva United States also guaranty, in Granada tienei posee sobre dicho the same manner, the rights of territorio. sovereignty and property which New Granada has and possesses over the said territory. 2d. The present treaty shall re- 2°. El presente tratado perma- This treaty to main in full force and vigor for necera en plena fuerza i vigor por ;f,““"‘;a;‘ the term of twenty years from the el termino de veinte anos, contados nate fir exchange day of the exchange of the rutifica- desde el dia del canje de las ratifii- °*` '§1?.ll‘;°‘l‘:,“’» tions; and from the same day the caciones; idesde el mismo dia ce- 3;,,,; ,i,i,h treaty that was concluded between sara de tener efecto el tratado con- ivmbia w cease. the United States and Colombia, cluido entre Colombiai los Esta- Ogg2i vc, VH on the 13th of October, 1824, dos Unidos el 3 de Octubre de p.306.’ I I shall cease to have effect, notwith- 1824, no obstante lo, dispuesto en standing what was disposed in the el primer punto de su articulo 31. first point of its 31st article. 3d. Notwithstanding the fore- 3°. Sin embargo de lo antedi- tg- ,,0 ,,0ti00 going, if neither party notifies to cho, si doce meses antes de espirar ShP¤ld be sim, the other its intention of reform- el termino de veinte anos estipula- 3?,;r°;;yJ§,§;°:é ing any of, or all, the articles of dos arriba, ninguna de las partcs beyond the 20 this treaty twelve months before contratantes notificare a la otra u xsfés nff the expiration of the twenty years intencion de reformar alguno 6 tics Sinn be stipulated above, the said treaty todos los articulos de este tratado, gil/¤¤· shall continue binding on both continuara siendo obligatorio diparties beyond the said twenty cho tratado para ambas partes mas years, until twelve months from alla de loscitados veinte anos, hasta the time that one of the parties doce meses despues de que una do notifies its intention of proceeding las partes notifique su intencion de to a reform. proceder a. la reforma. 4th. If any one or more of the 4°. Si alguno u algunos de los Citizens percitizens of either party shall in- ciudadanos de una u otra parte ;?¤?l>’_*?SP<>QSifringe any of the articles of this infrinjieren alguno de los articulos mg. °;,,:ilQ122gl3§ treaty, such citizens shall be held contenidos en el presente tratado, this treaty. personally responsible for the dichos ciiudadanos seran por ello same, and the harmony and good personalmente responsables, i no correspondence between the na- se interrumpira en su consecuentions shall not be interrupted cia la armonia i buena corresponthereby; each party engaging in dencia entre las dos naciones, comno way to protect the offender, or prornetiendose cada una ft no prosanction such violation. tejer de modo alguno al ofensor, ni a sancionar semejante violacion. 5th. If unfortunately any of the 5°. Si desgraciadamente algu— Reprisalsnotto articles contained in this treaty nos de los articulos contenidos en I’v°“““'°'l'°d“°' . . . . ar declared nn. should be violated or infringed in el presente tratado fuesen en algu- qi 5,,,,,00 has any way whatever, it is expressly na otra manera violados 6 infrinji- been demanded stipulated that neither of the two dos, se estipula espresamente que °"d '°f"S°d' contracting parties shall ordain or ninguna de las dos partes contraauthorize any acts of reprisal, nor tantes ordenara 6 autorizara actos shalldeclare war against the other on algunos de represaria, ni declararé. complaints of injuries or damages, la guerra contra la otra por queja until the said party considering de injurias 6 perjuicios hasta itself offended shall havelaid before que la parte que se considere the other a statement of such in- ofendida haya previamente presenjuries or damages, verified by com- tado 6. la otra una esposicion de petent proofs, demanding justice dichos perjuicios 6 injurias, apoyaand satisfaction, and the same da con pruebas competentes, exi-