Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/923

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 ,1


"(2) establishing learning goals and objectives for each school; "(3) the development of comprehensive programs to address the needs through the use of resources available under this part and other resources from local, State, and Federal programs; "(4) the demonstration of technic[ues for coordinating the efforts of local agencies, organizations, and institutions, to improve achievement in basic skills; "(5) preservice training programs for teaching personnel including teacher aides and other ancillary educational personnel, and in-service training and development programs, designed to enable such personnel to improve their ability to teach basic skills; and "(6) active involvement of teachers, teacher aides, administrators, and other educational personnel to improve their ability to utilize available resources to carry out the purposes of this part.

92 STAT. 2203




"SEC. 206. The Secretary, in accordance with section 204, shall sup- 20 USC 2886. port activities designed to enlist the assistance of parents and volunteers working with schools to improve the skills of children in reading, mathematics, and oral and written communication. The activities which may be supported under this section include— "(1) the development and dissemination of materials that, with appropriate training, parents may use in the home to improve their children's performance in those skills; and "(2) yoluntary training activities for parents to encourage them to assist their children in developing basic skills. ((USE


"SEC. 207. The Secretary, in accordance with section 204, shall sup- 20 USC 2887. port development and demonstration activities related to the improved use of television and other technology to contribute to the instruction of children in reading, mathematics, and written and oral communication. The activities authorized under this section shall be designed to expand the variety and improve the quality of instructional efforts involving the use of technology. The activities which may be supported under this section include— "(1) the development and acquisition of educational programing, including audio and video materials distributed through r oi broadcast, cable, tape, film, cassettes, or other means that provide " instruction in basic skills in an effective manner; "(2) the development and acquisition of instructional materials that supplement educational programing described in clause (1) of this section in order to improve its effectiveness in the school, the home, and other learning environments; "(3) the development and acquisition of materials to assist teachers in relating such programing, or similar public or commercial programs of educational value, to instruction in the classroom; " (4) the training of teachers, administrators, and other instrucfe tional personnel in the use of educational technology; -^^'"^ *^ *^' "(5) assistance to teachers, administrators, and other instructional personnel for experimentation with new technological approaches to instruction; and