Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/208

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1486

PUBLIC LAW 96-374—OCT. 3, 1980

recipients in each field in each year shall not exceed the number of fellows allocated to that field for that year by the Fellowship Board. "(c) Each recipient shall be entitled to use the fellowsnip in a doctoral program at any accredited institution of higher education in which the recipient may decide to enroll. "STIPENDS

20 USC 1134J.

"SEC. 933. (a) The Secretary shall pay to individuals awarded fellowships under this part such stipends (including such allowances for subsistence and other expenses for such individuals and their dependents) as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate, adjusting such stipends as necessary so as not to exceed the fellow's demonstrated level of need according to measurements of need approved by the Secretary. (b) The Secretary snail (in addition to the stipends paid to individuals under subsection (a)) pay to the institution of higher education at which such person is pursuing his course of study such amount as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate, except that such amount charged to a fellowship recipient and collected from such recipient by the institution for tuition and other expenses required by the institution as part of the recipient's instructional program shall be deducted from the payments to the institution under this subsection. "FELLOWSHIP CONDITIONS

20 USC 1134k.


"SEC. 934. (a) An individual awarded a fellowship under the provisions of this part shall continue to receive payments provided in section 933 only during such periods as the Secretary finds that he is maintaining satisfactory proficiency in, and devoting essentially full time to, study or research in the field in which such fellowship was awarded, in an institution of higher education, and is not engaging in gainful employment other than part-time employment by such institution in teaching, research, or similar activities, approved by the Secretary. "(b) The Secretary is authorized to require reports containing such information in such form and to file at such times as the Secretary determines necessary from any person awarded a fellowship under the provisions of this part. The reports shall be accompanied by a certificate from an appropriate official at the institution of higher education, library, archive, or other research center approved by the Secretary, stating that such individual is making satisfactory progress in, and is devoting essentially full time to the program for which the fellowship was awarded." TRAINING AND LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROFESSION PROGRAM AUTHORIZED

SEC. 904. Title IX of the Act is amended by adding after part C (as added by section 904 of this Act) the following new part: "PART D—ASSISTANCE FOR TRAINING IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION PROGRAM AUTHORIZED Grants. 20 USC 1134Z.

"SEC. 941. (a) The Secretary is authorized prior to October 1, 1985, to make grants to, or enter into contracts with, public and private agencies and organizations other than institutions of higher education for the purpose of assisting individuals from disadvantaged