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The Tempeſt.

Scena Tertia.

Enter Alonſo, Sebaſtian, Anthonio, Gonzallo,
Adrian, Franciſco,&c

Gon. By'r lakin,I can goe no further,Sir,
My old bones akes: here's a maze trod indeede
Through fourth rights, & Meanders: by your patience,
I needes muſt reſt me.

Al. Old Lord, I cannot blame thee,
Who, am my ſelfe attach'd with wearineſſe
To th'dulling of my ſpirits: Sit downe, and reſt:
Euen here I will put off my hope, and keepe it
No longer for my Flatterer: he is droun'd
Whom thus we ſtray to finde, and the Sea mocks
Our fruſtrate ſearch on land: well, let him goe.

Ant. I am right glad, that he's ſo out of hope:
Doe not for one repulſe forgoe the purpoſe
That you refolu'd t'effect.

Seb. The next aduantage will we take throughly.

Ant. Let it be to night,
For now they are oppreſs'd with trauaile, they
Will not, nor cannot vſe ſuch vigilance
As when they are freſh.

Solemne and ſtrange Muſicke: and Proſper on the top (inui-
ſible:) Enter ſeuerall ſtrange ſhapes, bringing in a Banket;
and dance about it with gentle actions of ſalutations, and
inuiting the King,& eate, they depart.

Seb. I ſay to night: no more.

Al. What harmony is this? my good friends, harke.

Gon. Maruellous ſweet Muſicke .

Alo. Giue vs kind keepers, heavēs: what were theſe?

Seb. A liuing Drolerie: now I will beleeue
That there are Vnicornes: that in Arabia
There is one Tree, the Phœnix throne, one Phœnix
At this houre reigning there.

Ant. Ile beleeue both:
And what do's elſe want credit, come to me
And Ile beſworne 'tis true: Trauellers nere did lye,
Though fooles at home condemne'em.

Gon. If in Naples
I ſhould report this now, would they beleeue me?
If I thould ſay I ſaw ſuch Iſlands ;
(For certes, theſe are people of the Iſland)
Who though they are of monſtrous ſhape, yet note
Their manners are more gentle, kinde,then of
Our humaine generation you ſhall finde
Many, nay almoſt any.

Pro. Honeſt Lord,
Thou haſt ſaid well: for ſome of you there preſent;
Are worſe then diuels.

Al. I cannot too much muſe
Such ſhapes, ſuch geſture, and ſuch ſound expreſſing
(Although they want the vſe of tongue) a kinde
Of excellent dumbe diſcourſe.

Pro. Praiſe in departing.

Fr. They vaniſh'd ſtrangely.

Seb. No matter, ſince(macks.
They haue left their Viands behinde; for wee haue fto-
Wilt pleaſe you taſte of what is here?

Alo. Not I.(Boyes

Gon. Faith Sir,you neede not feare: when wee were
Who would beleeue that there were Mountayneeres,
Dew-lapt,like Buls,whoſe throats had hanging at'em
Wallets of fleſh? or that there were ſuch men
Whoſe heads ſtood in their breſts? which now we finde
Each putter out of fiue for one, will bring vs
Good warrant of.

Al. I will ſtand to, and feede,
Although my laſt, no matter, ſince I feele
The beſt is paſt: brother: my Lord, the Duke,
Stand too, and doe as we.

Thunder and Lightning. Enter Ariell (like a Harpey) claps
his wings upon the Table, and with a quient deuice the
Banquet vaniſhes.

Ar. You are three men of ſinne, whom deſtiny
That hath to inſtrument this lower world,
And what is in't: the neuer ſurfeited Sea,
Hath caus'd to belch vp you; and on this Iſland,
Where man doth not inhabit, you ’mongſt men,
Being moſt vnfit to live: I haue made you mad;
And euen with ſuch like valour,men hang,and drowne
Their proper ſelues: you fooles,I and my fellowes
Are miniſters of Fate, the Elements
Of whom your ſwords are temper'd,may as well
Wound the loud windes,or with bemockt-at-Stabs
Kill the ſtill cloſing waters, as diminiſh
One dowle that's in my plumbe: My fellow miniſters
Are like-invulnerable: if you could hurt,
Your ſwords are now too maſſie for your ſtrengths,
And will not be vplifted: But remember
(For that's my buſineſſe to you) that you three
From Millaine did ſupplant good Proſpero,
Expos’d vnto the Sea (which hath requit it)
Him, and his innocent childe: for which foule deed,
The Powres,delaying (not forgetting) haue
Incens'd the Seas, and Shores; yea, all the Creatures
Againſt your peace: Thee of thy Sonne, Alonſo
They haue bereft; and doe pronounce by me
Lingring perdition (worſe then any death
Can be at once) ſhall ſtep,by ſtep attend
You,and your wayes, whoſe wraths to guard you from,
Which here, in this moft deſolate Iſle, elſe fals
Vpon your heads,is nothing but hearts-ſorrow,
And a cleere life enſuing.

He vaniſhes in Thunder: then (to ſoft Muſicke.) Enter the
shapes againe, and daunce (with mockes and mowes) and
carrying out the Table.

Pro. Brauely the figure of this Harpie, haſt thou
Perform'd (my Ariell) a grace it had deuouring:
Of my Inſtruction, haſt thou nothing bated
In what thou had'ſt to ſay: ſo with good life,
And obſeruation ſtrange, my meaner minifters
Their ſeuerall kindes haue done: my high charmes work,
And theſe (mine enemies) are all knit vp
In their diſtractions: they now are in my powre;
And in theſe fits, I leaue them, while I viſit
Yong Ferdinand (whom they ſuppoſe is droun'd)
And his, and mine lou'd darling.

Gon. I'th name of ſomething holy,Sir,why ſtand you
In this ſtrange ſtare?

Al. O, it is monſtrous: monſtrous:
Me thought the billowes ſpoke, and told me of it,
The windes did ſing it to me: and the Thunder
(That deepe and dreadfull Organ-Pipe) pronounc'd
The name of Proſper: it did baſe my Treſpaſſe,
Therefore my Sonne i'th Ooze is bedded; and
I'le ſeeke him deeper then ere plummet ſounded,
And with him there lye mudded.Exit.

Seb. But one feend at a time,
Ile fight their Legions ore.
