Selassie's speech on Ethiopia's World Position

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Ethiopia's World Position (unknown)
by Haile Selassie, translated by Haile Selassie I Press

undated speech

Haile Selassie143109Ethiopia's World Position?Haile Selassie I Press

Because of her unity and independence, Ethiopia had and still has jealous enemies and aggressive dissidents.

It is therefore the primary duty of every Ethiopian to safeguard the unity and freedom that has been fortified since time immemorial by the courage and bravery of our forefathers.

We have to maintain its integrity, to work and benefit from its existence.

Ethiopia is a nation fully committed to African unity and to the greater cause of world peace and subsequently shall continue to support and strengthen the O.A.U., which was established as an African instrument for peace and progress.

Ethiopia is, by her own choice, a nonaligned state. Our Policies on the vexatious international issues of the day have been declared to all, and our adherence to them is steadfast: the urgent imperative of universal disarmament, the settlement of disputes by peaceful negotiation, the supremacy of reason and logic over force and irrationality.

We insist that the way to peace among men and nations rests in the even-handed application and enforcement of the principles of the United Nations and Organization of African Unity: non-interference in the internal affairs of others, self determination for the remaining dependent peoples of the world, respect for the territorial integrity of independent states

In the conduct of the international affairs of our nation, we have placed high value upon personal contacts between peoples and leaders of nations.

Ethiopia is a peace-loving nation. Except for those times when it had to rise up in arms to fight-off aggression or to advance the cause of collective security; there is not one instance in history of Ethiopia provoking a conflict by violating territorial integrity or by interfering in the internal affairs of others, and there will never be any such instance.

However, Ethiopia will never be found wanting in its efforts to strengthen its defence force, sustained as it is by the traditional valor of its gallant people, to thwart the designs of those who are bent on violating the freedom and unity of its people and its territorial integrity.

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