Talk:Cæsar Cascabel

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Information about this edition
Edition: Cassell Publishing Company, New York, 1890.
Source: Internet archive
Contributor(s): Zaqrfv
Level of progress: Text Complete.
Notes: Translated by A. Estoclet.


Original is marked "Copyright, 1890, by Cassell Publishing Company."

Translation Quality[edit]

Above average for 19th century translations of Verne, although there's some small omissions.

There's some problems with conversion of Verne's lieues/leagues into miles. Like several translators, Estoclet uses a conversion factor based on a league of three miles, common in the English-speaking world. This makes several distances rather too long; for example, in Part 1, Chapter 4, "treize cents lieues" from California to New York becomes "four thousand miles". As in all his novels, Verne uses a French league, of which all the possible definitions are rather shorter.