Talk:Epitaph on Don Francisco

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Information about this edition
Edition: 1732
Source: A Miscellany of the Wits 1920
Contributor(s): User:Geogre
Level of progress: progress description and icon
Notes: The poem is by John Arbuthnot and concerns the death of Francis Charteris, rapist and rake, who was a target both for Arbuthnot (here), William Hogarth (both in A Rake's Progress and plate 1. of A Harlot's Progress (the headnote is original and refers to Philip James Warton, 1st Duke of Warton, and is incorrect: Charteris is likely figured in A Rake's Progress, but he is in plate one of A Harlot's Progress)), and Jonathan Swift (Lines on the Death of Dr. Swift (1731), l. 190, as well as Ballad on the True English Dean to be Tried for a Rape), as well as Alexander Pope. Charteris's exoneration of rape charges was a popular outrage in the 1730's, as it was assumed that he bribed his way out of the conviction.
Proofreaders: yyy, zzz