The New York Times/1901/08/01/To Tax the Sugar Trust

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Chicago Is Trying to Collect on $500,000 Assessment.

Special to The New York Times.

CHICAGO, July, 31.—From nothing to $500,000 is the advance the Sugar Trust has secured on the books of the Board of Review. The American Sugar Refining Company, which is the official name of the trust, escaped taxation altogether last year. W. A. Havemeyer and his attorney, F. F. Reed, appeared before the reviewers. Mr. Havemeyer began by saying the Sugar Trust did not have any stock here on April 1. It had all been sold before that time.

"You must have the money for the sugar you sold, then," insisted Reviewer Upham, suggestively.

Mr. Havemeyer finally admitted that the Sugar Trust ordinarily carried 2,000 to 3,000 barrels of sugar in warehouse here, and that the filled barrels were worth about $18 each. Then it was that Attorney Reed spoke up.

"I have not had time to look this fully, but I am inclined to believe that you cannot tax this stock of sugar for the reason that such a taxation would be in violation of the Inter-State commerce law," said Mr. Reed. " The company is Incorporated in New Jersey, and whatever stock it sends here is usually sold before it gets here, and therefore does not belong to it, even while in warehouse."

Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock was named as the time at which the Board of Review will listen to Attorney Reed's argument.

Arbuckle Brothers of New York were represented by their local agent. The firm had not scheduled any property, and it was assessed by the Assessors at $125,000. Reviewer Upham made quick work of this case by telling the agent that if he wanted to be heard he should file a schedule.