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// add_interwiki() perform one request per entry in this array (-1 if the native
// wiki has its own entry here). So don't add too much entry, pywikipedia interwiki
// bots can handle the missing interwikis. No entry has been added for any wiki
// w/o an Author: dedicated namespace, biggest missing are de: and es:.
var author_ns_prefix = {
   'en' : 'Author',
   'fr' : 'Auteur',
   'it' : 'Autore',
   'pt' : 'Autor',

function get_interwiki(data)
    var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
    if (wpTextbox1 && !data.query.pages["-1"]) {
        for (var ids in data.query.pages) {
            wpTextbox1.value += '[[' + data.query.general.lang + ':' + data.query.pages[ids].title + ']]\n'

function create_script_obj(url)
    var scriptObj = document.createElement("script");
    scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    scriptObj.setAttribute("src", url);

function add_interwiki()
    for (var lang in author_ns_prefix) {
        if (lang == mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage'))

        // well, hard coded... domain name would be extracted from mw.config.get('wgServer')...
        var base_url = "http://" + lang + ""
            + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')
            + "/api.php?format=json&redirects";

        var url = base_url
            //+ '&callback=get_interwiki&action=query&prop=langlinks&lllimit=32&titles='
            + '&callback=get_interwiki&action=query&meta=siteinfo&titles='
            + encodeURIComponent(author_ns_prefix[lang] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
