Littell's Living Age/Volume 126/Issue 1624/Chocorua

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The pioneer of a great company
That wait behind him gazing toward the east, —
Mighty ones all, down to the nameless least.
Though after him none dares to press, where he
With bent head listens to the minstrelsy
Of far waves chanting to the moon, their priest.
What phantom rises up from winds deceased?
What whiteness of the unapproachable sea?
Hoary Chocorua guards his mystery well:
He pushes back his fellows lest they hear
The haunting secret he apart must tell
To his lone self, in the sky-silence clear.
A shadowy, cloud-cloaked wraith, with shoulders bowed,
He steals, conspicuous, from the mountain crowd.

From "An Idyl of Work," by Lucy Larcom