A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Adelina (2)

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St. Adelina (2), Oct. 20. c. 1152. V. Abbess. Granddaughter of William the Conqueror. Sister of St. Vitalis, abbot and founder of the famous Cistercian monastery of Savigny, in Anjou. He built a house near his own, for Adelina and a community of nuns; but after a few years he transferred them to Mortain, in La Manche, in Normandy, founded by their brother William, count of Mortain. Adelina's nunnery was popularly called Les Blanches, the White Ladies of Mortain. She died about the middle of the 12th century, and was buried at Mortain; and about 100 years afterwards, was translated to Savigny, and laid beside her brother Vitalis and another brother, Godfrey, also abbot of Savigny. The church of Little Sodbury, in Gloucestershire, is dedicated in her name, Boll., AA.SS. Migne, Dic. des abbayes. Miss Arnold Forster, Dedications.