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Anthony Roll/First roll

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Anthony Roll
by Anthony Anthony
First roll
549527Anthony Roll — First rollAnthony Anthony

Anno Domini 1546

Here After insuyth a declaration of the Kynges Majesties owne nave of sundere kyndes of shyppes belongyng unto hys grace, that ys to say shyppes, galliasses, pynnasses and roo baergys, with every shyppe and shyppys naem, with evere galliasse and galliasse naem, with evere pynnasse and pynnasse naem, and with evere roo baerges naem; as also the ordenaunce, artillary, munitions and habillmentes for the warre for the armyng of evry of them and for theyr deffence agaynst theyr ennymys apon the see: anno regni regis Henrici octavi xxxviij

In thys the fyrst rolle declaryng the nombre of the Kynges Majesties owne shyppes, with evre shyppe and shyppes naem with theyr tunage and nombre of men; as also the ordenaunce, artillary, munitions and habillimentes for warre for the armyng and deffence of every of the sayd shippes agynst theyr ennemys uppon the see

That ys to saye

The Harry Grace a Dieu[1]

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunage - m

Souldiours - cccxlix
Marryna[r]s - cccj
Gonnars - l
[total:] vijc

For the Harry Grace a Dieu
Ordenaunce, artillary munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse
Cannons - iiij
Demy cannons - iij
Culveryns - iiij
Demy culveryns - ij
Sakers - iiij
Cannon perers - ij
Fawcons - ij

Gonnes of yron
Porte pecys - xiiij
Slynges - iiij
Demy slynges - ij
Fowlers - viij
Baessys - lx
Toppe pece - ij
Hayle shotte pecys - xl
Handgonnes complete - c

Serpentyn powder in barrelles - ij lastes
Corne powder in barrelles - vj

Shotte of yron
For cannons - c
For demy cannons - lx
For culveryns - cxx
For demy culveryns - lxx
For sakers - cxx
For fawcons - c
For slynges - c
For demy slynges - l
Crosse barre shotte - c
Dyce of yron for hayle shotte - iiijml

Shotte of stoen and leade
For cannon perer - lx
For porte pecys - ccc
For fowlers - c
For toppe peces - xl
For baessys, shotte of leade - ijml
For handgonnes, shotte of leade - ijml

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pyckes, byllys, daertes for toppys
Bowes of yough - vc
Bowestrynges - x groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - vijcl
Morrys pykes - cc
Byllys - cc
Daertes for toppis in doussens - c

Pyckhamers - xxtti
Sledgys of yron - xij
Crowes of yron - xij
Comaunders - xij
Tampions - vml
Canvas for cartowches - xxtti ellys
Paper ryall for cartowche - j qwayer
Founnes for cartowches - vj

Habillimentes for warre
Ropis of hempe for wolyng and brechyng - x coylles
Naylis of sundere sortes - jml
Bagges of ledder - xij
Fyrkyns with pursys - vj
Lyme pottes - xx doussen
Spaer whelys - iiij paier
Spaer truckelles - iiij paier
Spaier extrys - xij
Shepe skynnys - xxiiij
Tymber for forlockes and koynnys - c foete

The Mary Rose[2]

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunage - vijc


souldiours - clxxxv
marrynars - cc
gonnars - xxxti

For the Mary Rose
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Cannons - ij
Demy cannons - ij
Culveryns - ij
Demy culveryns - vj
Sakers - ij
Fawcons - j
Somma - xv

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - xij
Slynges - ij
Demy slynges - iij
Quarter slyng - j
Fowlers - vj
Baessys - xxx
Toppe pecys - ij
Hayle shotte pecys - xxti
Handgonnes complete - l


Serpentyn powder in barrelles - ij last
Corne powder in barrelles - iij

Shotte of yron

For cannon - l
For demy cannon - lx
For culveryn - lx
For demy culveryn - cxl
For sakers - lxxx
For fawcon - lx
For slyng - xl
For demy slyng - xl
For qwarter slyng - l
Dyce of yron for hayle shotte - [no entry]

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - cc
For fowlers - clxx
For toppe pecys - xx
For baessys, shotte of leade - iiijc
For handgonnes, shotte of leade - jml

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pyckes, byllys, daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - ccl
Bowestrynges - vj groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis - cccc
Morrys pykes - cl
Byllys - cl
Daertes for toppys in doussens - xl


Pyckehamers - xij
Sledgys of yron - viij
Crowes of yron - xij
Comaunders - xij
Tampions - iiijml
Canvas for cartowches - xxti ellys
Paper ryall for cartowches - j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowches - vj

Habillimentes for warre

Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng - x coylles
Naylis of sundere sortes - jml Bagges of ledder - viij
Fyrkyns with pursys - vj
Lyme pottes - x doussen
Spaer whelys - iiij payer
Spaer truckelles - iiij payer
Spaer extrys - vj
Shepe skynnys for spongys - xij
Tymber for forlockes and koynnys - c foete

The Peter[3]

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunes - vjc


souldiours - clxxxv
marrynars - clxxlcv
gonnars - xxxti}:
[total:] iiijc

For the Peter
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons - ij
Culveryns - ij
Demy culveryns - iiij
Sakers - iiij
Fawcons - ij
Somma - xiiij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - xvj
Demy slynges - ij
Quarter slynges - ij
Fowlers - iiij
Baessys - lxvj
Toppe pece - ij
Hayle shotte pecys - xxti
Handgonnes complete - xl


Serpentyn powder - ij lastes
Corne powder in barrelles - ij

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons - l
For culveryns - l
For demy culveryns - lxxx
For sakers - jc
For fawcons - lx
For demy slynges - xx
For qwarter slynges - xl
Dyce of yron for hayle shotte - ml

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - iijc
For fowlers - lx
For toppe pece - xl
For baessys, shotte of leade - vijc
For handgonnes, shot of leade - jml

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pyckes, byllys, daertes for toppys

Bowes of yough - cc
Bowestrynges - vj groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis - ccc
Morrys pykes - cc
Byllys - cc
Daertes for toppis - xxx doussen


Pyckehamers - xij
Sledgys of yron - x
Crowes of yron - x
Comaunders - xij
Tampions - iijml
Canvas for cartowches - xxti ellys
Paper ryall for cartowches - ij qwayers
Fourmes for cartowches - v

Habillimentes for warre

Ropis of hempe for woling brechyng - viij coyles
Naylis - vijc
Bagges of ledder - viij
Fyrkyn with pursys - vj
Lyme pottes - vj doussen
Spaer whelis - iiij payer
Spaer truckelles - iiij payer
Spaer extrys - vj
Shepe skynnys - xij
Tymber for forlockes - lxxx foet

The Matthew

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - vjc


souldiours - cxxxviij
marrynars - cxxxviij
gonnars – xxiiij
[total:] iijc

For the Matthew
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons - ij
Demy culveryns - v
Sakers - iij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - xvj
Slynges - ij
Quarter slynges - ij
Baessys - xlviij
Top pecys - ij
Hayle shott pecys - ij
Handgonnes - xx


Serpentyn powder - j last di
Grosse corne powder in barrelles - ij
Fyne corne powder - xlb

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons - lx
For demy culveryns - cl
For sakers - c
For slynges - xl
For quarter slynges - xl
Crosse barre shott - xx
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - jml

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - ccc
For tope pece - xl
For baessys, shott of leade - vjc
For handgonnes, shott of leade - vc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morryse pykes, byllys and daertes for toppys

Bowes of yough - cc
Bowestrynges - iiij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - ccc
Morrys pyckes - cl
Byllys - cl
Daertes for toppys - ccc


Pyckhamers - x
Sleggys - vj
Crowes of yron - vj
Comaunders - viij
Tampions - jml
Canvas for cartowchys - viij elles
Paper ryall for cartowche - j quayer
Fourmes for cartowchys - vj

Habillimentes for the warre

Hempen robys [sic] for woling and brechyng - viij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - ijml
Bagges of ledder - vj
Fyrkyn with pursys - iiij
Lyme pootes [sic] - vj doussen
Spaer whelys - ij payer
Spaer truckelles - iij payer
Spaer extrys - vj
Shepe skynnys for spongys - xij
Tymber for forlockes - l foet

The Greate Barcke

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - vc


souldiours - cxxxvj
marrynars - cxxxviij
gonnars - xxvj
[total:] iijc

For the Greate Barke
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons - v
Culveryns - ij
Demy culveryns - iij
Sakers - ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - x
Slynges - ij
Demy slynges - ij
Fowlers - vj
Baessys - xxx
Tope pece - j
Hayle shott peces - xx
Handgonnes complet - xx


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles - xxx
Grosse corne powder - ij barrelles
Fyne corne powder, demy barrelles - ij

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons - c
For culveryns - l
For demy culveryns - lxx
For sakers - lxx
For slynges - xl
For demy slynges - xl
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - jml

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - clx
For fowlers - cxx
For tope pece - xx
For baessys, shott of leade - vc
For handgonnes - ccc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppys

Bowes of yough - cl
Bowestrynges - iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - ccxxv
Morrys pyckes - c
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppis - ccc


Pyckhamers - viij
Sleggys - vj
Crowes of yron - vj
Comaunders - vj
Tampions - viijc
Canvas for cartowchys - xij ellys
Paper ryall for cartowchys - j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowchys - iiij

Habillimentes for the warre

Hempen ropys for woling and brechyng - vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - vc
Bagges of ledder - vj
Fyrkyn with pursys - iiij
Lyme pottes - iiij doussen
Spaer whelys - ij payer
Spaer truckelles - iij payer
Spaer extrys - viij
Shepe skynnys - viij
Tymber for forlockes and koynnys - l foete

The Jhesus of Lubeke

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - vijc


souldiours - cxviij
marrynars - clviij
gonnars - xxiiij
[total:] iijc

For the Jhesus of Lubeke
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Cannons - ij
Culveryns - ij
Sakers - ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - iiij
Slynges - x
Fowlers - iiij
Baessys - xij
Tope pecys - ij
Hayle shott pecys - xx
Handgonnes complet - xx


Serpentyn powder - j last
Grosse corne powder - j barel
Fyne corne powder - xlb

Shotte of yron

For cannons - l
For culveryns - lx
For sakers - lx
For slynges - cc
Dice of yron for hayle shott - vjc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - c
For fowlers -
For tope pecys - xl
For baessys, shott of leade - ccxl
For handgonnes - iiijc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - c
Bowestrynges - iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - cl
Morrys pykes - c
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppys - ccc


Pyckhamers - iiij
Sledgys - iiij
Crowes of yron - iiij
Comaunders - iiij
Tampions - vjc
Canvas for cartowchys - x ellys
Paper ryall - j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowchys - iij

Habillimentes for the warre

Hempen ropys for woling and brechyng - viij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - iiijc
Bagges of ledder - iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys - iij
Lyme pottes - iiij doussen
Spaer whelys - ij payer
Spaer truckelles - iiij
Spaer extrys - iiij
Shepe skynnys - vj
Tymber for forlockes - xl foet

The Pawncey

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - iiijcl


souldiours - cxxxvj
marrynars - cxl
gonnars - xxiiij
[total:] iijc

For the Pawncey
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons - iiij
Culveryns - ij
Demy culveryns - iij
Sakers - iiij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - xij
Demy slynges - iiij
Fowlers - ix
Baessys - xxiiij
Tope pece - j
Hayle shott peces - xx
Handgonnes complet - xx


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles - xxx
Grosse corne powder, demy barrelles - ij
Fyne corne powder - xllb

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons - c
For culveryns - l
For demy culveryns - lx
For sakers - c
For demy slynges - cxx
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - vjc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - cc
For fowlers - c
For top pece - xx
For baessys, shott of leade - vjc
For handgonnes – ccl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - cc
Bowestrynges - iiij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - ccc
Morrys pykes - c
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppys - ccc


Pyckhamers - viij
Sledgys - vj[4]
Crowes of yron - iiij
Comaunders - vj
Tampions - ml
Canvas for cartowchys - xij ellys
Paper ryall - j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowchys - iiij


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng - vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - vc
Bagges of ledder - xij
Fyrkyns with pursys - vj
Lyme pottes - iiij doussen
Spaer whelys - iij payer
Spaier truckelles - iiij payer
Spaer extrys - vj
Shepe skynnys - xij
Tymber for forlockes - l foet

The Murrian

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - vc


souldiours - cxxxviij
marrynars - cxlij
gonnars - xx
[total:] iijc

For the Murrian
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Culveryns - ij
Sakers - ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - iiij
Demy slynges - iiij
Baessys - xij
Tope pece - j
Hayle shott pecys - vj
Handgonnes complet - xij


Serpentyn powder in barrelles - viij
Grosse corne powder - j di bar[rel]
Fyne corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For culveryn - lx
For sakers - lx
For demy slynges - cxx
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - iiijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - lxxx
For toppe pece - xx
For baessys, shott of leade - cc
For handgonnes - cc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - cl
Bowestrynges - iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys - ijcxxv
Morrys pykes - cl
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppys - iiij doussen


Pyckhamers - vj
Sledgys - iiij
Crowes of yron - iiij
Comaunders - vj
Tampions - ml Canvas for cartowchys - vj ellys
Paper ryall for cartowches - j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowche - ij


Hempen ropis for woling and brechyng - vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - iiijc
Bagges of ledder - vj
Fyrkyns with pursys - iiij
Lyme pottes - iij doussen
Spaer whelys - j payer
Spaer truckelles - ij payer
Spaer extryes - iiij
Shepe skynnys - iiij
Tymber for forlockes - xl foet

The Struse

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - iiijcl


souldiours - cxl
marrynars - lxxxxvj
gonnars - xiiij
[total:] ijcl

For the Struse
Ordenaunce, artillary munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Culveryns - ij
Sakers - ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - vj
Demy slynges - iiij
Fowlers - ij
Baessys - xij
Hayle shot pecys - xij
Handgonnes complet - xij
Topp pece - j


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles - xij
Grosse corne powder - j di barrell
Fyne corne powder - xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For culveryns - lx
For sakers -

For demy slynges - c
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - iiijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - cxx
For fowlers - xl
For toppe pece - xx
For baessys, shott of leade - ccl
For handgonnes - ccc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - c
Bowestrynges - ij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis - cl
Morrys pykes - c
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppis - iiij doussen


Pyckhamers - vj
Sledgys - iiij
Crowes of yron - ij
Comaunders - iiij
Tampions - vc
Canvas for cartowchys - iiij ellys
Fourmes for cartowches - ij


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng - iiij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - iiijc
Bagges of ledder - iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys - ij
Lyme pottes - iij doussen
Spaer whelis - j payer
Spaer truckelles - ij payer
Spaer extrys - iiij
Shepe skynnys - vj
Tymber for forlockes - xl foet

The Mary Hambrough

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes - iiijc


souldiours - cxix
marrynars - cxj
gonnars - xvj
[total:] ijcxlvj

For the Mary Hambrow
Ordenaunce, artillary munitions, habillymentes for warre, for the armyng and in defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy culveryns - ij
Sakers - ij
Fawcon - j

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys - vj
Demy slynges - ij
Fowlers - ij
Baessys - xij
Tope pece - j
Hayle shott pecys - xij
Handgonnes complet – xij


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles - xxvij
Grosse corne powder demy barell - j
Fyne corne powder - xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy culveryns - lx
For sakers -
For fawcon - xl
For demy slynges - l
Dyce of yron for hayle shott - iijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys - cxx
For fowlers - xl
For tope pece - xx
For baessys, shott of leade - ccl
For handgonnes - iijc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough - cxx
Bowestrynges - iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis - clx
Morrys pykes - c
Byllys - c
Daertes for toppis - iiij doussen


Pyckhamers - iiij
Sledgys - ij
Crowes of yron - ij
Comaunders - ij
Tampions - vc
Canvas for cartowches - iiij ellys
Paper ryall - j di qwayer
Fourmes for cartowches - iij


Hempen ropis for woling and brechyng - iiij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes - iiijc
Bagges of ledder - iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys - ij
Lyme pottes - iij doussen
Spaer whelis - j payer
Spaer truckelles - ij payer
Spaer extrys - iiij
Shepe skynnys for spongys - vj
Tymber for forlockes - xxx foet

The Christoffer of Breame

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

[no tonnage figure]


souldiours – cxix
marrynars – cxj
gonnars – xvj
[total:] ijcxlvj

For the Christoffer of Breame
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Culveryns – ij
Saker – j
Fawcon – j

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – ij
Saker – j
Demy slynges – ij
Baessys – xij
Hayle shott pecys – xij
Handgonnes complet – xij


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles – xiiij
Fyne corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For culveryns – l
For sakers – lx
For fawcon – l
For demy slynges – l
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – iiijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – l
For toppe pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – iijc
For handgonnes – ijcl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – cc
Bowestrynges – iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys – iijc Morrys pykes – c
Byllys – c
Daertes for toppys – vj doussen


Pyckhamers – iiij
Sledgys – ij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – iiijc
Canvas for cartowches – iiij elles
Paper ryall – j di qwayer


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng – iiij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iij doussen
Spaer whelis – j payer
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – iiij
Shepe skynnys – vj
Tymber for forlockes – xl foet

The Tryinte Harry

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – ccl


souldiours – c
marrynars – c
gonnars – xx
[total:] ijcxx

For the Trinite Harry
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for armyng and in deffence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy culveryn – j
Sakers – iiij

Gonnes of yron

Demy culveryn – j
Porte pecys – x
Demy slynges – v
Fowlers – iiij
Baessys – xij
Hayle shott pece – xij
Handgonnes complet – xij
Toppe pece – j


Serpentyn powder – j last
Grosse corne powder – j barrel
Fyne corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy culveryns –
For sakers – cxx
For demy slynges – cxx
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – iiijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – cc
For fowlers –
For baessys, shot of leade – cc
For handgonnes – ccl
For toppe pece, shot of stoen – xx

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – c
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – cl
Morrys pykes – c
Byllys – c
Daertes for toppys – vj doussen


Pyckhamers – vj
Sledgys – vj
Crowes of yron – iiij
Comaunders – iiij
Tampions – vc
Canvas for cartowchys – viij ellys
Paper ryall for cartowche – j di qwayer
Fourme for cartowche – ij


Hempen ropis for woling and brechyn – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iiij doussen
Spaer whelis – j payer
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – iiij
Shepe skynnys – vj
Tymber for forlockes – xl foet

The Smaell Barck

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – iiijc


souldiours – cv
marrynars – cxxij
gonnars – xxiij
[total:] ccl

For the Smaell Barke
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in deffence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons – ij
Cannon perers – ij
Culveryn – j
Demy culveryn – j
Sakers – v

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – xij
Demy slynges – v
Baessys – xlvj
Hayle shott pecys – xij
Handgonnes complet – xij
Tope pece – j


Serpentyn powder – j last
Grosse corne powder – j di barrel
Fyne corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons – l
For culveryn – xxx
For demy culveryn – xxx
For sakers – cxx
For demy slynges – cxx
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – vc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – ccxl
For cannons perers – l
For toppe pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – viijc
For handgonnes – ccl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – cl
Bowestrynges – ij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys – ccxxv
Morrys pykes – c
Byllys – c
Daertes for toppis – viij doussen


Pyckhamers – vj
Sledgys – vj
Crowes of yron – iiij
Comaunders – iiij
Tampions – vjc
Canvas for cartowches – xij ellys
Paper ryall – j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowches – iiij


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – vj
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iiij doussen
Spaer whelis – ij payer
Spaer truckelles – iij payer
Spaer extrys – vj
Shepe skynnys – xij
Tymber for forlockes – xl foet

The Swypstake

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – iijc


souldiours – c
marrynars – cix
gonnars – xxj
[total:] ijcxxx

For the Swypstake
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in deffence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy cannons – ij
Culveryn – j
Demy culveryns – iij
Sakers – ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – [no entry]
Demy slynges – iiij
Fowlers – iiij
Tope pece – j
Baessys – xxix
Hayle shot pecys – xij
Handgonnes complet – xij


Serpentyn powder – j last
Fyne corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy cannons – l
For culveryn – xxx
For demy culveryns – c
For sakers –
For demy slynges – cl
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – iiijc
Crosse barre shot – xij

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – [no entry]
For fowlers –
For tope pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – vjc
For handgonnes – ccl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppys

Bowes of yough – cl
Bowestrynges – iij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – ccxxv
Morrys pykes – cxl
Byllys – cxl
Daertes for toppis – vj doussen


Pyckhamers – xij
Sledgys – vj
Crowes of yron – iiij
Comaunders – iiij
Tampions – ml
Canvas for cartowchys – xij ellys
Paper ryall – j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowches – iiij

Habillimentes Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – vj
Fyrkyn with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iiij doussen
Spaer whelis – ij payer
Spaer truckelles – iij payer
Spaer extrys – vj
Shepe skynnys – xij
Tymber for forlockes – xl foet

The Mynnyon

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – iijc


souldiours – c
marrynars – c
gonnars – xx
[total:] ijcxx

For the Mynnyon
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy culveryn – j
Sakers – vj
Fawcons – ij

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – xij
Slynges – iiij
Fowlers – iij
Tope pece – j
Baessys – xxxiij
Hayle shott pecys – xij
Handgonnes complet– xij


Serpentyn powder – j last
Corne powder – xxiiijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy culveryn – xxx
For sakers – cl
For fawcons – c
For slynges –
Dice of yron for hayle shott – iijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – cclx
For fowlers – lx
For tope pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – vc
For handgonnes – ccl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – cl
Bowestrynges – iiij groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – ccl
Morrys pykes – c
Byllys – c
Daertes for toppis – vij doussen


Pyckhamers – x
Sledgys – vj
Crowes of yron – iiij
Comaunders – iiij
Tampions – jml
Canvas for cartowchys – viij ellys
Paper ryall – j qwayer
Fourmes for cartowches – iij


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyng – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – vj
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iiij doussen
Spaer whelis – ij payer
Spaer truckelles – iij payer
Spaer extrys – vj
Shepe skynnys for sponges – xij
Tymber for forlockes – xxx foet

The Lartyque

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunes – c


souldiours – lxxx
marrynars – lij
gonnars – viij
[total:] cxl

For the Lartyque
Ordenaunce, artillary munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Mynnyon – j

Gonnes of yron

Saker – j
Demy slynges – iij
Baessys – viij
Hayle shott pecys – iiij
Handgonnes complet – vj
Quarter slynges – iiij
Toppe pece – j


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles – x
Corne powder – xvjlb

Shott of yron

For the mynnyon – xl
For saker – xl
For demy slynges – lx
For qwarter slynges –
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – ccc

Shott of stoen

For toppe pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – cc
For handgonnes, shott of leade – cl

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – l
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – lxxv
Morrys pykes – l
Byllys – l
Daertes for toppys – iiij doussen


Sledgys – iiij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – iiijc
Canvas for cartowches – iiij ellys
Fourmes for cartowches – ij


Hempen ropis for woling and brechyng – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iij doussen
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – iij
Shepe skynnes for sponges – iij
Tymber for forlockes – xx foet

The Mary Thomas

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text



souldiours – xxv
marrynars – xlvij
gonnars – viij

For the Mary Thomas
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shippe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Mynnyon – j

Gonnes of yron

Saker – j
Porte pecys – ij
Demy slynges – v
Baessys – x
Toppe pece – j
Hayle shott pecys – iiij
Handgonnes complet – x


Serpentyn [powder] in demy barrelles – x
Fyne corne powder – xxlb

Shotte of yron

For mynnyon – l
For saker – lx
For demy slynges – c
Dice of yron for hayle shott – ccc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For toppe pece – xx
For baessys, shott of leade – ccc
For handgonnes, shott of leade – ccc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – xl
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – lx
Morrys pykes – xxx
Byllys – xxx
Daertes for toppys – iiij doussen


Pyckhamers – iiij
Sledgys – iij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – cccc
Canvas for cartowches – iij ellys
Fourmes for cartowches – ij


Hempen ropis for woling and brechyng – vj coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – iiijc
Bagges of ledder – iiij
Fyrkyns with pursys – ij
Lyme pottes – iij doussen
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – iiij
Shepe skynnys for spongys – iij
Tymber for forlockes – xx foet

The Hoye Barcke

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text



souldiours – xxviij
marrynars – xxviij
gonnars – iiij
[total:] lx

For the Hoye Barcke
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Fawcon – j

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – ij
Fowlers – ij
Quarter slynges – ij
Baessys – vj
Hayle shott pecys – vj
Handgonnes complet – vj


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles – viij
Fyne corne powder – xvjlb

Shotte of yron

For fawcon – xl
For qwarter slynges – l
Dice of yron for hayle shott – cc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – xl
For fowlers – xl
For baessys, shott of leade – c
For handgonnes, shott of leade – cxx

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – lx
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevys – x
Morrys pykes – lx
Byllys – lx
Daertes for toppys – iij doussen


Pyckhamers – iiij
Sledgys – ij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – cc
Canvas for cartowches – ij ellys
Fourmes for cartowche – j


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyn – iij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – ccc
Bagges of ledder – iij
Fyrkyn with purse – j
Lyme pottes – ij doussen
Spaer truckelles – j payer
Spaer extry – ij
Shepe skynnys – ij
Tymber for forlockes and koynnys – x foet

The George

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – lx


souldiours – xviij
marrynars – xviij
gonnars – iiij
[total:] xl

For the George
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for warre, for the armyng and in the defence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Demy culveryn – j
Saker – j

Gonnes of yron

Porte pecys – ij
Demy slyng – j
Baessys – viij
Hayle shott pecys – iiij
Handgonnes complet – iiij


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles – v
Fyne corne powder – viijlb

Shotte of yron

For demy culveryn – xl
For saker – xl
Dyce of yron for hayle shott – cc
For demy slyng – xxx

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – xl
For baessys, shott of leade – clx
For handgonnes, shott of leade – clx

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – xxx
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – xlv
Morrys pykes – xxx
Byllys – xxx
Daertes for toppys – iij doussen


Pyckhamers – iiij
Sledgys – ij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – cc
Canvas for cartowches – iij ellys
Fourmes for cartowches – ij


Ropis of hempe for woling and brechyn – iiij coyles
Naylis of sundere sortes – ccc
Bagges of ledder – iij
Fyrkyn with purse – j
Lyme pottes – iij doussen
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – iij
Shepe skynnys for spongys – ij
Tymber for forlockes and koynnys – xx foet

The Mary James

Illustration located near the text
Illustration located near the text

Tunnes – lx


souldiours – xviij
marrynars – xviij
gonnars – iiij
[total:] xl

For the Mary Jamys
Ordenaunce, artillary, munitions, habillimentes for the warre, for the armyng and in the deffence of the sayd shyppe to the see

Gonnes of brasse

Mynnyon – j

Gonnes of yron

Saker – j
Porte pecys – ij
Demy slynges – v
Baessys – x
Hayle shotte pecys – iiij
Handgonnes complete – x


Serpentyn powder in demy barrelles – ix
Fynne corne powder – xxlb

Shotte of yron

For mynnyon – l
For saker – lx
For demy slynges – c
Dyce of yron for hayle shotte – iijc

Shotte of stoen and leade

For porte pecys – lx
For baessys, shotte of leade – ijc
For handgonnes, shott of leade – ijc

Bowes, bowestrynges, arrowes, morrys pykes, byllys and daertes for toppis

Bowes of yough – xl
Bowestrynges – j groce
Lyvere arrowes in shevis – lx
Morrys pykes – xxx
Byllys – xxx
Daertes for toppis – iij doussen


Pyckhamers – ij

Sledgys of yron – ij
Crowes of yron – ij
Comaunders – ij
Tampions – iiijc
Canvas for cartowches – ij ellys
Fourmes for cartowches – ij

Habillimentes for the warre

Ropis of hempe for brechyng – iiij coyles
Naylis – cc
Bagges of ledder – ij
Fyrkyns with purses – j
Lyme pottes – iij doussen
Spaer truckelles – ij payer
Spaer extrys – ij
Shepe skynnys – ij
Tymber for forlockes – xx foet


Somma [brass guns]

Cannons – viij
Cannon perers – iiij
Demy cannons – xxij
Culveryns – xxij
Demy culveryns – xxxj
Sakers – xlvj
Mynnyons – iij
Fawcons – ix
Totalis – cxlv pecys of brasse

Somma [iron guns]

Porte peces – clx
Slynges – xx
Demy culveryns – j
Sakers – vj
Demy slynges – lvij
Quarter slynges – ix
Fowlers – liiij
Baessys – iiijcxj
Top peces – xxij
Hayle shot pecys – ijclxxij
Handgonnes – iijcxij
Totalis – jmliiijciiij

Somma [gunpowder]

Serpentyn powder – xx last jc[lb]
Corne powder – ij last di viijcxxiiijlb
Totalis – xxij last di ixcxxiiijlb

Somma [iron shot]

For cannon – ijc
For demy cannon – vcxxx
For culveryn – vjcx
For sakers – xvcl
For demy culveryns – ixc
For mynyons – cxl
For fawcons – iijcx
For slynges – vjc
For demy slynges – xjcxl
For qwarter slynges – ijclx
Crosse barre shotte – cxij
Totalis – vjmliiijclij
Dyce of yron – xjmlliiijc

Somma [stone and lead shot]

For cannon perer – lxxx
For porte pecys – iijmllxx
For fowlers – ixclxx
For toppe pecys – iiijcxx
Totalis – iiijmlvcxl yron shotte
leadon shotte – xvijmljcxxx

Somma [bows, bowstrings, arrows, pikes, bills and top darts]

Bowes – ijmlixcxl
Bowestryges – lxj groce
Arrowes in shevis – iiijmliiijcxl
Morrys pykes – ijmlx
Byllys ijmlxl
Toppe daertes in doussens – iijcxxxj

Somma [munitions]

Pyckhamers – cxxxviij
Sledgys – cj
Crowes – j
Comaunders – jc
Tampions – xxijmlliiijc
Canvas – clxvj ellys
Paper ryall in qwayers – xij
Fourmes for cartowces – lxiiij

Somma [habillimentes for the warre]

Ropis of hempe – cxxij coyles
Naylis – xmlixc
Bagges of ledder – cxjml Fyrkyns with pursys – lxml Lyme potes – xvj doussen
Spaer whelys – xxxiij payer
Spaer truckelles – lj payer
Spaer extrys – x
Shepe skynnys – jclxij
Tymber – xvij lode



souldiours – ijmliijcxlvij
marrynars – ijmliijcxxiiij
gonnars – iijclxxxvij
[total:] vmllviij

Your Majesties poure and humble servaunt

Par me Anthony Anthony


  1. See Henry Grace à Dieu for a detailed article on the ship.
  2. See Mary Rose for a detailed article on the ship.
  3. See Peter Pomegranate for a detailed article on the ship.
  4. Stated as "corrected from 'iij' or vice-versa" according to Knighton & Loades (2000), p. 47.