Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement/Clement of Llanthony

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1368713Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, Volume 2 — Clement of Llanthony1901Albert Frederick Pollard

CLEMENT of Llanthony (d. 1190?), known also as Clement of Gloucester, theological writer, was probably a relative and possibly a brother of Miles de Gloucester, earl of Hereford [see Gloucester], who was buried at Llanthony in Gloucestershire. He was educated at Llanthony, where he subsequently became canon, sub-prior, and prior, and witnessed a charter of David, who was bishop of St. David's from 1147 to 1176. He is said to have been negligent of the affairs 'of his monastery, and to have died, probably about 1190, of a paralytic stroke. Giraldus Cambrensis (Opera, Rolls Ser. vi. 39) speaks highly of his learning, and Osbert of Clare mentions him as one of the most illustrious men of his age (Hardy, Descr. Cat. ii. 424).

To judge from the number of manuscripts of his works which have survived, Clement was one of the most popular theological writers of the middle ages. His principal work appears to have been his 'Concordia Quatuor Evangelistarum,' manuscripts of which are extant at University College, Oxford (MS. xix. 36), Trinity College, Oxford (MS. ii. 1), Merton College (MS. ccxl. 1), Jesus College (MS. xlix.), Cambridge University Library (MS. Dd. i. 17), in Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 3 A x., and at Pembroke College, Cambridge. This work is said to have been translated by Wycliffe or one of Wycliffe's followers ; and in Royal MS. 17 C. xxxiii. is 'Clement of Lantonie's Harmony of the Gospels in 12 books, Englished by John Wiclif ; ' there is another copy of the same in Royal MS. 17 D. viii., and another English version which does not claim to be by Wycliffe is in the Bodleian (MS. F. ii.) ; in Lambeth MS. 594 f. 47 is a tract claiming to be Wycliffe's 'Preface to his Version of the Evangelical Harmony of Clemens Lanthoniensis.' Clement's work is said to have been completed by William of Nottingham [q. v.], but William's treatise was apparently a separate work. 'The 'tertia pars seriei collectæ quatuor Evangeliorum' is extant in the Bodleian (MS. E. 7; Barnard), and extracts 'ex Clemente super Evangelia' are extant in Cambr. Univ. Libr. MS. Mm. ii. 18. Distinct from the 'Concordia' was Clement's 'Commentary on the Four Gospels,' extant at St. Mary's College, Winchester, in the cathedral library at Hereford, at Trinity College, Dublin, and among Bishop's More's manuscripts at Norwich (Bernard, ii. 1340, 1610, 8245, 8246, 9260); this consists mainly of extracts from the fathers.

Of Clement's other works his 'Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum' is extant in Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 3 A. x., his 'Commentarius in VII Epistolas Canonicas' is Lambeth MS. 239; and Bodleian MS. E. 5 contains his 'Explanatio super alas cherubin et seraphin' and 'Liber Psalmorum cum glossa dementis Lantoniensis.' Other works not known to be extant are ascribed to him by Bale and Pits.

[Historia Lanthoniensis in Cotton MS. Julius D. x; Bernard's Cat. MSS. Angliæ, i. 2312, 2333, 2553, 3650, 5105, ii. 1340, 1610, 8245, 8246, 9260, iii. 327; Coxe's Cat. MSS. in Coll. Aulisque Oxon.; Cat. MSS. in Univ. Libr. Cambr.; Cat. Royal MSS. Brit. Mus.; Todd's Cat. Lambeth MSS.; Hardy's Descr. Cat. ii. 424; Wharton's Anglia Sacra, ii. 322; Dugdale's Monasticon, ii. 66; Tanner's Bibliotheca; Giraldus Cambrensis (Rolls Ser.), vi. 39; Wright's Biogr. Brit. Lit. ii. 265–8; Chevalier's Repertoire; Arnold's Select English Works of Wyclif, Introd. p. v.]