Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hamey, Baldwin (1568-1640)

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1259810Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 24 — Hamey, Baldwin (1568-1640)1890Norman Moore

HAMEY, BALDWIN, the elder, M.D. (1568–1640), physician, descended from Odo de Hame, who served under the Count of Flanders at the siege of Acre, was born at Bruges in 1568. His parents, though much impoverished by the exactions of Alva, sent him to the university of Leyden, where he graduated M.D. Soon after, in 1592, he was nominated by the university physician to the czar of Muscovy, Theodore Ivanovitz, in accordance with a request for a distinguished physician sent to the rector by that emperor. In 1598 he obtained leave, with difficulty, to resign his post in Russia and returned to Holland, where he married, at Amsterdam, Sara Oeils, and in the same year settled in London, where he was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians on 12 Jan. 1610, and practised with success till his death, of a pestilential fever, 10 Nov. 1640. He was buried on the north side of the church of All Hallows Barking, near the Tower of London, 12 Nov. 1640, and his three children erected a monument in the church to his memory. His eldest son, Baldwin [q. v.], became a physician, his second son a merchant in London, and his daughter married Mr. Palmer, whose descendants possessed Hamey's portrait by Cornelius Jansen. He bequeathed 20l. to the College of Physicians.

[Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 153; Hamey's Bustorum Aliquot Reliquiæ, in manuscript at the College of Physicians (copy), pp. 15–36; Palmer's Life of the most eminent Dr. Baldwin Hamey, in manuscript at the College of Physicians.]