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Index:สัญญากรุงเทพฯ กับกรุงอังกฤษเป็นทางไมตรีค้าขายกัน (๒๓๓๙).pdf

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Title Treaty of friendship and commerce between Great Britain and Siam
Author J. H. Chandler (compiler)
Year 1856
Publisher J. H. Chandler (publisher); Washington Press (printer)
Location Bangkok
Source pdf
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in May 2021
; Table of contents
  1. Treaty signed April 18, 1855; ratified April 5, 1856 (pp. 3–19)
  2. General regulations under which British trade is to be conducted in Siam (pp. 19–23)
  3. Tariff of export and inland duties to be levied on articles of trade (pp. 23–25)
  4. Agreement entered into between the undermentioned royal commissioners, on the part of Their Majesties the First and Second Kings of Siam, and Harry Smith Parkes, Esquire, on the part of Her Britannic Majesty's Government (pp. 27–47)
  5. Schedule of taxes on garden-ground, plantations, or other lands (pp. 47–53)
  6. Custom house regulations (pp. 53–55)