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Index:Lenin - The Proletarian Revolution and Kautsky the Renegade (1920).pdf

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Title The Proletarian Revolution and Kautsky the Renegade
Author Nicholai Lenin
Translator Anonymous
Year 1920
Publisher Contemporary Publishing Association
Source pdf
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in May 2023
OCLC 12408672


Preface 7
Chapter I.— How Kautsky Turned Marx into a Hackneyed Liberal 10
Chapter II.— Bourgeois and Proletarian Democracy 23
Chapter III.— Can there be Equality between the Exploiters and the Exploited? 33
Chapter IV.— The Soviets must not become State Organizations 41
Chapter V.— The Constituent Assembly and the Soviet Republic 48
Chapter VI.— The Soviet Constitution 58
Chapter VII.— What Is Internationalism 69
Chapter VIII.— Subserviency to the Bourgeoisie in the Guise of Economic Analysis 85
Appendix I.— Theses in respect of the Constituent Assembly 115
Appendix II.— Vandervelde's New Book on the State 121