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Index:Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera.djvu

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Title Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera
Author Victor Appleton
Year 1912
Publisher Grosset & Dunlap
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Advertising not transcluded


I A Strange Offer 1
II A Man in the Snow Bank 12
III Tom Makes up His Mind 21
IV Held Fast 31
V Tom Gets A Warning 43
VI Trying the Camera 51
VII What the Camera Caught 59
VIII Photos From the Airship 67
IX Off For India 78
X Unexpected Excitement 87
XI An Elephant Stampede 94
XIII The Lion Fight 103
XIIII A Shot in Time 116
XIV In A Great Gale 123
XV Snapping an Avalanche 130
XVI Telegraph Orders 139
XVII Suspicious Strangers 145
XVIII The Native Battle 158
XIX A Heavy Loss 162
XX After the Englishmen 169
XXI The Jungle Fire 175
XXII A Dangerous Commission 183
XXIII At the Volcano 189
XXIV The Molten River 196
XXV The Earthquake—Conclusion 202