Index talk:Eclogues and Georgics (Mackail 1910).djvu

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Potentially hyphenated line-breaking words[edit]

This book uses a lot of compound words and hyphenated words, and many of them break lines/pages. This table is to list each instance of a line-breaking word that appears in the book, and to list the decision of whether or not it will appear as a hyphenated or unhyphenated word in the final text.

Line-breaking words
Page(s) Word Decision Reasoning
4, 6 Meli-boeus no hyphen Name; word appears unhyphenated on page 4
5, 111 corn-fields no hyphen Word appears unhyphenated on page 20
8 grace-less no hyphen best guess - word does not appear on other pages but it's unlikely to be hyphenated
12 good-bye no hyphen appears unhyphenated on same page
13 straw-berries no hyphen best guess - word does not appear on other pages but it's unlikely to be hyphenated (especially as it appears as a part of another hyphenated word; the full word is "ground-strawberries")
14 sweet-ness no hyphen best guess - word does not appear on other pages but it's unlikely to be hyphenated
14 pro-phesy no hyphen best guess - word does not appear on other pages but it's unlikely to be hyphenated
15 acan-thus no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on page 11
17, 106 there-after no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on page 15
19 moun-tains no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on same page
19 harv-est no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on page 30
19 de-lights no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on [5]; hyphenating would substantially change meaning
20 yester-day no hyphen best guess - word does not appear on other pages but it's unlikely to be hyphenated
22 foot-prints no hyphen word appears unhyphenated on page 75
22 perad-venture no hyphen best guess
27 she-goats hyphen appears on other pages
32 blos-soming no hyphen best guess
32 he-goat hyphen appears on other pages
32 Man-tua no hyphen appears on same page
3435 elder-berries no hyphen best guess
35 Arca-dians no hyphen appears on same page
36, 106 them-selves no hyphen best guess
36 full-fed hyphen best guess
4142 flax-harvest hyphen "wheat-harvest" appears immediately afterward.
42 slumber-steeped hyphen best guess
42 search-ing no hyphen best guess
43 suc-cory no hyphen best guess
43 bound-ary no hyphen best guess
44 sus-tenance no hyphen best guess
46 toil-somely no hyphen best guess
46 gleam-ing no hyphen best guess
4647 mid-winter no hyphen ??
48, 116 day-spring ?? ??
4849 briar-rods hyphen best guess
49 Eumeni-des no hyphen Name
49 thunder-bolt ?? ??
51 Cer-aunian no hyphen proper noun
51 offer-ings no hyphen best guess
51 honey-comb no hyphen best guess
52 Straight-way no hyphen best guess
53 king-fishers no hyphen best guess
53 sun-set no hyphen best guess
55 mis-trust no hyphen best guess
55 storm-clouds ? ?
56 like-wise no hyphen best guess
56 More-over no hyphen best guess
56 night-long ? ?
57 suc-cour no hyphen best guess
58 wind-ing no hyphen best guess
58 cross-cleft hyphen best guess
60 hard-wood no hyphen best guess
60 apple-boughs hyphen best guess
60 pear-blossom hyphen best guess
61 Me-thymna no hyphen best guess
62 sea-shore ? ?
62 wide-wafted hyphen best guess
64 un-warlike hyphen best guess
64 cliff-tops ? ?
65 Taren-tum no hyphen best guess
65 plough-man no hyphen best guess
66 so-called hyphen best guess
6667 dis-pleasure no hyphen best guess
67 vine-setting hyphen best guess
68 winter-oak hyphen best guess
69 re-cover no hyphen best guess
69 scat-tered no hyphen best guess
72 mea-dows no hyphen best guess
72 vine-dressing hyphen best guess
72 light-ened no hyphen best guess
72 husband-man no hyphen best guess
73 entangle-ment no hyphen best guess
74 Cauca-sian no hyphen best guess
74 drum-heads no hyphen best guess
74 box-wood no hyphen best guess
75 olive-oil hyphen best guess
76 thresh-olds no hyphen best guess
77 olive-presses hyphen best guess
77 con-tests no hyphen best guess
78 horse-man no hyphen best guess
7980 ugly-shapen hyphen best guess
80, 83(x2) breed-ing no hyphen best guess
84 willow-leaves hyphen best guess
86 wood-land no hyphen best guess
86 allure-ments no hyphen best guess
86 stretch-ing no hyphen best guess
86 con-queror's no hyphen best guess
86 gath-ered no hyphen best guess
87 mad-ness no hyphen best guess
87 in-spired no hyphen best guess
87 chariot-team hyphen best guess
88 moun-tain no hyphen best guess
88 re-turns no hyphen best guess
88 won-derful no hyphen best guess
88 re-covery no hyphen best guess
88 doubt-ful no hyphen best guess
89 arbute-sprays hyphen best guess
89 wind-sheltered hyphen best guess
89 sail-cloth hyphen best guess
90 tree-crickets hyphen best guess
91 broad-backed hyphen best guess
92 pas-turage no hyphen best guess
92 last-deferred hyphen best guess
93 scaly-backed hyphen best guess
94 mid-winter ? ?
95 mid-pasture hyphen best guess
96 fila-ments no hyphen best guess
96 sooth-sayer hyphen best guess
96 heed-less no hyphen best guess
96 in-deed no hyphen best guess
97 health-ful no hyphen best guess
97 ship-wrecked ? ?
98 there-after no hyphen best guess
99 over-shadow no hyphen best guess
99 un-prisoned no hyphen best guess
102 in-ferior no hyphen best guess
102 light-minded hyphen best guess
103 late-flowering hyphen best guess
103 Galae-sus no hyphen best guess
103 ver-vain no hyphen best guess
104 late-lingering hyphen best guess
104 de-barred no hyphen best guess
104 com-munity no hyphen best guess
104 founda-tions no hyphen best guess
105 fra-grance no hyphen best guess
108 long-drawn hyphen best guess
109 hus-bandmen no hyphen best guess
109 fra-grant no hyphen best guess
110 breath-ing no hyphen best guess
110 limb-less no hyphen best guess
110 miracu-lous no hyphen best guess
111 up-root no hyphen best guess
113 there-withal no hyphen best guess
113 hun-dred no hyphen best guess
114115 hill-fold hyphen best guess
115 punish-ment no hyphen best guess
117 day-light no hyphen best guess
117 de-stroyed no hyphen best guess
118 Hyper-borean no hyphen best guess
119 light-nings no hyphen best guess

To be continued at a later date - Mathmitch7 (talk) 14:40, 21 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Did a good bit more Mathmitch7 (talk) 16:34, 24 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
All of the line-breaking words have been added. Anything with "best guess" needs to be given a better reason for that decision, and each word in the table needs to be checked that the text matches justified decisions in the table. - Mathmitch7 (talk) 21:43, 24 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
went through a few Mathmitch7 (talk) 05:00, 27 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]