Oregon Exchanges/Volume 5/Number 3
Oregon Exchanges
For the Newspaper Men of the State of Oregon
Associate Editor and Editorial Writer, Portland Telegram
[Mr. Levinson visited the University of Oregon a few weeks ago and delivered an address at the regular weekly assembly of students and faculty, as well as making impromptu talks to several of the groups in the School of Journalism. The contact with Mr. Levinson, who drew on more than forty years of experience in the newspaper profession, was much enjoyed by the various groups. The following is the address delivered at the assembly, somewhat abridged to eliminate those parts designed exclusively for the students.]
MANY years ago ideas entered the minds of men, and they communicated the ideas by words and signs to their fellow men. Thousands of years later letters were invented, and men who had new ideas of their relations with one another recorded them on papyrus and thin, bleached leather. These writings were passed around among men who were able to think. Then, after many centuries, a man—for whom God be praised—invented movable type, and some skilled mechanic conceived and built the printing press. This mechanism has been steadily improved, and today with the aid of steam and electricity you can print a million copies of any idea in far less time than a rapid penman could write the first page.
About two hundred years ago a few men in the American colonies conceived and put forth new ideas of popular government. They printed these ideas on sheets of paper which were passed around among their neighbors. This plan filled a long felt want. Other ideas developed. Controversies arose. Opposing ideas were printed in pamphlet form and circulated. Demand for these ideas increased rapidly, and printers began publishing them at stated periods. Thus the weekly paper was established. Its contents for the most part were the opinions of men who had the capacity to think. When legislative bodies were in session these papers carried brief reports of the proceedings.
Some Big Developments
Men in business soon learned that the papers furnished an effective and expeditious means of reaching the public. Ship owners, for instance, employed the papers to announce the arrival and departure of vessels, and farmers used them to recover lost, strayed or stolen cattle. But these advertisements brought only a small revenue to the paper. As cities grew larger, the weekly paper added an edition printed daily.
In 1844 Samuel Morse annihilated time and distance by inventing the telegraph. Within twenty years we had the ocean cable, and the daily paper became the purveyor of the world's news, and at the same time the principal disseminator of public opinion.
Contemporaneous with the first general use of the telegraph came great editors and great newspapers. Most conspicuous of all were Horace Greeley and his New York Tribune. It was said of Greeley that in the fifteen years preceding the Civil War he did the political thinking for the North. His readers would refer quite as often to what Greeley said as to what the Tribune said. Greeley and the Tribune were synonyms. Greeley died fifty years ago.
"Personal" Editors Gone
At least ten editors with intellectual equipment almost equal to Greeley's established papers which became great. The youngest of them, Henry Watterson, founder and editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, died last December. Watterson did the thinking for the South, beginning with the reconstruction period following the Civil War. With him the breed of editors who controlled great newspapers—the personal force that moulded public opinion—died out.
About thirty years ago three entirely unrelated things combined to develop the modern daily. The first was the expiration of the patent on wood-pulp paper. The cost of newsprint, which is a tremendously large item in the expense of producing a daily paper, was reduced about 75 per cent. The second was the invention of the linotype, which reduced the still large expense of composition about 80 per cent. The third was the development of the department store which required large advertising space. The quantity of reading matter was increased in proportion to the volume of advertising. Publishers felt the need of giving one column of reading matter for every column of paid matter. Thus the four-page daily of the middle 80's was enlarged to the normal 20 and 24-page paper of today, and with it the Sunday paper of 75 to 150 pages.
The city newspaper plant today is a great factory. What does it produce? H. G. Wells gives a witty answer in his wonderfully fascinating dream-book, "The Salvaging of Civilization." He speaks of the British newspaper as pages of advertising with news and opinion printed on the back. May not this definition be applied justly to the American daily? Even so, does it follow that a newspaper be cause it has a gross yearly income of a million dollars from advertisements, or more than ten millions a year which comes, for instance, to the New York Times, is any the less an organ of sound opinion? True, the great newspaper to day lacks a Greeley or a Watterson to dictate its policies with respect to all things that concern the public. But this lack does not imply that the profitable newspaper is not in sympathy with the needs and the hopes and the aspirations of the plain people. Salaried editors-in chief are as honest and conscientious and as well informed as the great editors of the past generation, but they have not the old autocratic power. If in espousing a cause which would inflict deep injury to the business of the paper, they would be checked, and even where the editor-in chief is also the owner, he would be an extraordinary man if he wrecked his property for an ideal.
Watterson's Costly Slogan
But Henry Watterson made such a sacrifice. Within one month after Germany invaded Belgium and when our country was neutral, he sounded a slogan and kept it at the head of the editorial page until it became the slogan of the American people. This was the slogan: "To Hell with the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs." He all but bankrupted the Louisville Courier-Journal, but he refused to remove the slogan which he had nailed to the paper's masthead.
We need not leave home to note sacrifices by newspapers in the public interest. The fight made by the Oregonian in 1896 against free silver cost that paper one third of its subscribers, and involved a financial loss of more than $150,000. The war upon the open saloon, five years before national prohibition, entailed a still heavier loss to the Portland Telegram.
Power of Head-Writer
On what do you young women and young men form your individual opinion—the editorial page, or the news dispatches, or the headlines? It would be interesting to question the student body and learn how you are influenced in the forming of opinion upon political, moral and social questions that bulk large in the public mind. About 35 years ago Judge Matthew P. Deady, who for many years was the honored president of the board of regents of the University of Oregon, called one afternoon at the Oregonian office. In those days the entire telegraphic report was contained within three columns published under single-line heads.
I introduced a new telegraph editor to Judge Deady. He asked, "Are you the man who puts the headings on the telegraph news?" The inquiry being answered in the affirmative, Judge Deady remarked, "Then you are the man who moulds public opinion." I wonder what estimate Judge Deady would have placed on the influence of a heading in big black type that ran clear across the front page and about one-sixth of the way down.
Partisanship in Papers
I am sure that the students of this university will not form opinions from the headlines covering news of vitally important matters before the American people at this time. Within the hour of this assembly you would scarcely have time to listen to a reading of the list accompanied by the briefest explanation. Take only two out of forty or fifty—the two on which America must soon make a decision. Shall the United States Senate ratify the Four-Power Pacific treaty? Should the United States government recognize the Soviet government of Russia?
If you were sufficiently interested in the Pacific treaty to follow the news, you must have learned yesterday that the Senate is already in a bitter partisan fight—the same kind of partisan fight that prevented our entrance into the League of Nations. It is so bitter that some party leaders appear to be oblivious to the needs of the world. We are going to see this partisanship in every congressional district from now until the November election. One party "points with pride" and the other party "views with alarm" the very same things. It has been so ever since we established government by party 120 years ago, and until a radical change comes, if ever it comes, we shall have partisanship. The newspaper will be partisan just as it has always been, but with more of independence than the politician has. You may have observed that one "regular" Republican paper in Portland has repeatedly denounced the Republican Senate for seating Newberry.
American Government Best
You need not lose sleep over the recrudescence of extreme partisanship this year. We have these fights every two years, with a particularly hard fight every fourth year. The people follow the leaders of the two major parties. We battle until the polls close, sit up to get the election news, then we instantly abide by the will of the majority, and all of us go back to our task next day as good friends as ever, but prepared in our mind for the next fight; and because we have had these clashes of opinion in every political campaign, with the partisan newspapers always in the thick of things, and because the final test of strength is made at the ballot box, we have perpetuated the best government on earth.
Since more or less biased newspaper opinion on purely political matters is almost inescapable, must you look elsewhere for a basis for your own opinions? I think not. We of America have now a group of a relatively new kind of opinion-makers. They are the star reporters whom the World War developed, or rather who found in the political side of the war and of peace negotiations, the opportunity to show their superior talent. All of them were at the Arms Conference. They wrote the news with exceeding skill, and at the same time interpreted the news with perfect clarity. Most admirably they co-ordinated. these two functions. Several of them are now touring the country to get the trend of political thought in various sections. Others are keeping close to Congress. Some of them are attached to newspapers who syndicate the letters, and others are free lances, but not one of them, so far as I know, is under instructions. Their independence, their open-mindedness, their habit of reporting and interpreting are strongly to be commended, and best and most important of all, their integrity.
I venture to give Frank H. Simonds first place, and close to him Mark Sullivan, Arthur Sears Henning and David F. Lawrence. If you are looking for facts which come within their field, it is safe to trust them all.
Don't get into the habit of taking ready-made opinions. Study them, and make your own opinions. Apart from the building of character, the best thing that you get from this university is the training to read and to think for yourself. Apply your faculties to doing your full share toward solving the vast complex new problems that have been set before us. Never since the dawn of civilization has there been so great need for men and women who are imbued with ideals and have the power to think. Do your utmost to play your part well...and God bless you!
With its issue of March 30, the Weekly Oregonian was discontinued, after 72 years and four months of existence. In the course of a short, first-page message of farewell, the Weekly, which is a victim of the great growth of the Daily, said:
"There are men and women in the Oregon country—more especially in the Willamette valley—of middle life and past to whom it was a welcome visitor in the early years of both. It supplemented the limited range of school books; it was reader, spelling book, history, even grammar, and they were its friends then as they are this day. Many take it to their homes, though the weekly paper almost has ceased to function in an age that demands daily news by wire and wireless. It is comforting to the Weekly Oregonian to have these people in mind as it passes, with regret that it will not be in existence when their time shall come to join their fathers and it will not be able to record their passing and tell of the good in their lives.
"To them, farewell."
W. J. Cuddy, veteran Oregonian newspaperman, goes into history as the last editor of the Weekly and the man who served as its editor for a longer period, in all probability, than any other. He took hold in 1904 and kept hold until the last "30" was printed in 48-point Cheltenham Bold at the bottom of the last column of the last issue of the paper. C. A. Morden, now manager of the Oregonian, was the first editor to give serious attention to the editing of the Weekly. This was about 1884. Before then, in the words of Bill Cuddy, a man "came back after supper and made up the Weekly." Mr. Cuddy took hold of the publication when Wilkie Duniway left to become foreman of the Telegram after nine years at the helm. He retains his position on the staff of the Daily.
Publisher Eastern Clackamas News of Estacada, Oregon
[Mr. Gibbs, for a quarter of a century an Episcopal clergyman, gives the reaction of a man comparatively new to journalism but vastly interested in it and keenly alive to the opportunities and responsibilities of the small-town field. The paper here given was read by Mr. Gibbs at the Fourth Annual Oregon Newspaper Conference.]
A BETTER title would have been "A Neophyte and a Small Weekly." But the kind invitation to prepare a paper for this occasion was accompanied by a very urgent request to reply by return mail, so I had hardly time to clarify my thoughts concerning what I should write.
It is with extreme trepidation that I address this distinguished asesmblage. I feel like a freshman who is called upon to discuss some educational topic before the faculty. But the thought occurred to me that even a freshman might be able to interest the faculty and hold its attention if he confined himself to his past school experience, what he had acquired therein, the teachers who had influenced him most, the courses from which he had derived the most benefit, and the reasons why. I concluded then I had better give an account of my experience with a small country weekly.
In order to make my situation clear, it is necessary first to relate a little per sonal history. My former profession was that of a clergyman; I had served twenty-three years in the ministry after ordination. Owing to an increasing physical infirmity, the conviction was forced on me that I should before long be obliged 'to give up regular parish work. The question naturally arose, In what occupation should I engage?
Farm or Newspaper
After much thought, it simmered down to two alternatives, to buy either a small ranch or else a newspaper. Before studying for the ministry, I had worked for three years on a country newspaper in Minnesota, where I acquired a slight insight into its management. The editor for whom I worked was a lawyer and knew nothing of the mechanical work. The paper was a side issue with him, for he had bought it evidently for the purpose of lambasting his special enemy, who was then mayor of the town, and roasting him and a few other pet aversions to a brown finish. He was noted for the pithiness and pungency of his editorials and strictures. These, while galling to those at whom they were directed, afforded a good deal of amusement to others.
Whereas during my ministry I had done a good deal of writing not only on sermons but articles and stories, I thought this training would prove effective for editorial work; that there was not much difference between getting up an editorial and a sermon. The style may differ, but both are didactic in aim and purpose. One of the best sermons I have ever read was by Harvey Ingham, the brilliant editor of the Des Moines Register and Tribune, on "Human Forces that Are Dominating." This, while prepared as a paper and read at the meeting of the National Editorial Association in Portland two years ago, might have been delivered in any pulpit in the land. All that would have been necessary to make it conform to usual sermonic requirements would have been to select a suitable text from the Scriptures.
Classified Ad Attracts
It is not surprising that my choice settled on the paper in preference to the ranch. Then I began to study the classified ads of business opportunities in the papers, and one day I chanced upon one which struck me favorably. I investigated and finally closed the deal.
This was three years ago, in war time. As I look back now, my action seems rather hazardous, as paper, material, and equipment were all going up in price, and competent help was scarce. But I was favored in this last respect, and have been ever since.
I confess that after the die was cast I felt like one who, knowing only a few swimming strokes, has been pitched head foremost into deep water, to sink or swim. For a number of weeks, if not months, I continued in this condition, just keeping my head above water.
However, I had conceived some ideas of what I should attempt to do. I submitted a copy of the paper to a newspaper man and asked him for some suggestions in the way of change or improvement. This he did, and although I could not follow all his suggestions, yet they proved of great assistance.
Paper's Field Studied
About the first thing I did was to ascertain the field and scope of the paper. The former comprised the eastern part of Clackamas county, a territory of over 2000 square miles, containing the city of Estacada, the towns of Eagle Creek, Barton, Boring and Sandy, and several other farming communities. Its scope, to quote the glowing terms of my esteemed predecessor, was "Devoted to the interests of eastern Clackamas county, State of Oregon; the stimulation of an honest civic and community pride; the advancement of a healthy agricultural and industrial development; the betterment of the social, school, religious and home conditions of the prosperous residents of this ideal home spot of the Northwest."
The next question to decide was the limits of the paper. In the western part of the county there were five or more papers, which more than covered that field, and nearly all of my subscribers took or read one or another of the Portland dailies.
I determined then that the paper should deal, as its name implies, with eastern Clackamas news. This would be first, and other news secondary. Although under the circumstances it would necessarily be one of the simplest dimensions, I proposed to make it the best paper I could in matter and typographical appearance.
Political Bias Abandoned
The News had been listed as a Republican paper, but inasmuch as it was the only paper in its field, and supported by those of all political faiths, I thought it was hardly fair to run it as a partisan sheet. Besides it would be unnecessary, as the Portland papers covered this ground quite sufficiently. But while being independent and not partisan, I touch upon political measures and questions of vital interest. I favored and supported the League of Nations, until it became a party measure. And then I gave my reasons why I supported Senator Harding and not Governor Cox. The same in state and county politics. I give all candidates equal treatment, and take their advertising at 25 cents an inch, payable strictly in advance.
But if necessary or advisable I shall speak out my mind when occasion arises, either in condemnation or approval irrespective of parties.
I am utterly opposed to the propaganda of the followers of Mr. Townley, miscalled non-partisan, yet if they should initiate any sane measure likely to benefit the farming interests, without doing damage at the same time to some other legitimate interests, I should advocate its adoption.
Microcosm of Society
The small country weekly is by no means to be despised on account of its limited size, influence and field. It is to the larger journals what the hamlet or village is to the towns. One is a microcosm and the other a macrocosm of the same classes of human beings.
I suppose all of us when children amused ourselves with blowing soap bub bles. You will recall that at first the bubble was very small as it issued from the bowl of the pipe, but as we expanded our lungs into it, it gradually enlarged until it floated off in the air, a perfect sphere, scintillating in the sunlight with prismatic colors. But the bubble at the start was in miniature all which it afterwards became. So the small country weekly contains in itself the nucleus of the large metropolitan daily. It is then decidedly worth a man's best efforts, and will repay the time and care bestowed upon it. It serves as an advance agent for its community, as copies of it travel far and wide. My own paper goes east as far as New York City, south to Alabama, north to Alaska. It takes in Chicago and points in Michigan, Minnesota, Montana and southern California.
Careful of Typography
Now in all these places it will be scanned not only by those who take it but by others. Thus Estacada and vicinity become known by name to strangers, who will form impressions of the place from the appearance and style of the paper.' This is one reason why I have been particular about its typographical appearance and arrangement, and thanks to my efficient helpers, the result has been gratifying.
Only a few days ago I gave a copy to a friend who had been for two years librarian in the university of a neighboring state. She remarked that it was in such contrast to so many forlorn looking weeklies they received at the library. It is neither difficult nor expensive to pay attention to the detail of the paper's neat appearance and it pays well so to do.
When I first sat down in the editorial chair I had visions of striking and trenchant editorials flowing from my pen, which would impress my readers and at tract the attention of my editorial brethren to a new luminary on the journalistic horizon. But it was not long before I discovered that what my readers wanted was not editorial writing but news items of local doings and persons, especially of themselves or their "sisters, their cousins and their aunts."
But in spite of this, a country weekly should try to maintain a strong editorial column, as I consider this the heart of the paper, and there will always be a few who will read it appreciatively. But the more personal and local news and country correspondence the paper contains, the more acceptable it will be. At first I was greatly bored by what seemed to me trivial gossip of the personal items. What did it matter whether Mrs. Jones went to Portland Saturday or not, and other such items? But after three years I find my self becoming interested in them, as they no longer relate to the comings and goings of strangers, but of those whom I know more or less well. In other words they are now charged with a human interest for me. A country editor when he writes the name of Mrs. Jones visualizes her. Besides, later he discovers that her trip to the city will be impressed upon him when his better half mentions that the aforesaid Mrs. Jones, on her trip to the city, purchased a new dress and hat at the store which advertises every article reduced in price, with double trading stamps thrown in.
"Small Town Stuff" Interests
To sum up, the small country weekly is a human document, replete with human interests, the record of the throbs and pulsations of human hearts. It affords an unrivalled opportunity to study human nature at close range, and for the furtherance of human welfare by the promotion of concord and good-will, and the advocacy of clean human living. I have not regretted my choice, for I find it has much in common with my former profession. Both deal with the same human subjects and conditions, and both clergyman and editor should take to heart Terence's well known classic line and adopt it as a motto: "Homo sum. Humani nihil a me alienum puto," which may be freely rendered: "I am a man. I deem nothing human alien to me, even though it be small town stuff."
IN response to a number of requests Oregon Exchanges herewith reproduces a rate card for country weeklies which conforms to the standard card of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. The two sides of the card are here given:
[Since the publication of the recently adopted Oregon Code of Ethics for Journalism, renewed attention has been given to the whole question of the attitude of the newspaper toward its readers and its advertisers. Three timely comments are here given. One is an expression by I. V. McAdoo, editor of the Scio Tribune, of his opinion that newspapers are onerplaying the dark side of humanity with the result that the sincerity of their ethics may be doubted. The other side of that question is given at considerable length by the Baker Herald, which says, in greater local detail, what was once said by the great Charles A. Dana, “What God Almighty allows to happen I am not too proud to print in my paper.” The third article, which is here printed first, is a firm and courageous statement by the Astoria Budget that advertisers are not allowed to dictate what shall or shall not be printed in the Budget. The stand of the Herald and the Budget alike is characterized by fearlessness in the face of loss of patronage, threatened or actual. As newspapers they are determined to print the news.]
(Astoria Budget)
WHAT is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
What is a newspaper profited, if it shall gain a great patronage at the sacrifice of its principles and its conscience?
The answer to the first question may be found in the Bible, from whence the question is drawn. The answer to the last question we shall leave to our readers except to venture the assertion that a patronage gained at such a price will have in it none of the elements of permanency and sooner or later will shrink and shrivel.
The above is written because of an experience of the week, an experience not at all uncommon in the life of a newspaper. Complaints were filed by state officials in a local court against 15 or more Clatsop county business men charging them with violation—the violation in most cases being technical—of the state food laws. In pursuance of an inflexible policy of this paper, the Budget published in its news columns the fact that the com plaints were filed, confining the item to a brief statement of the matter without any attempt to sensationalize or scandalize. It did, however, mention the names of the defendants.
The next day four of the business men cancelled their subscriptions to the Budget and one served notice that no further advertising would be given to this paper. The others—be it said to their credit—did not challenge a policy that makes no exceptions for reasons of friendship or business expediency.
The Budget was the only Astoria news paper that did publish the news of these court cases, a fact of which we were reminded but for which we have no apology to make, either for ourselves or for the papers which suppressed the news. We are answering only for our own acts, just as we have fixed our own standards and our own policies without regard to whether or not they conform to the practices of our contemporaries.
We are not mentioning this incident because it has any unusual degree of interest. We do not want to magnify its importance, only to use it as a reason for restating a fixed and practiced policy of this newspaper-to the end that the pub he may know Just what to expect of it and what not to expect.
There are many cases filed in the justice and circuit courts. Many of them are just causes and many undoubtedly are unjust. All of them are, however, of public interest to a greater or less degree. The courts are a legitimate source of news and the records are open to reporters as to all other persons. No newspaper can act as judge and jury and determine before trial the justice or injustice of a complaint. There are only two fair courses open to a newspaper. Either all cases should be ignored or all should be reported. Should a newspaper refuse or neglect to publish legitimate news, it would soon lose its reader interest. The only course left is to report all cases for whatever news value they have without discriminating for or against anyone. This course the Budget religiously follows and its publishers in the more than 15 years they have followed their profession have not deviated from it.
The position of the Budget is supported by the Oregon Code of Ethics for Journalism recently adopted at a conference of publishers at the University of Oregon. A part of Section III of that code reads: "We will deal by all persons alike so far as is humanly possible, not varying from the procedure of any part of this code because of the wealth, influence or personal situation of the persons concerned."
Because complainants give but one side of a case and because the allegations made by lawyers are too often exaggerated or without much foundation, the Budget makes a practice of not "playing up" or publishing in detail the story told in the complaint unless it has supporting knowledge of the facts gained from other sources. Moreover, the Budget is always willing to print the other side of the case when it is available, and this consideration will always be given as a matter of fairness.
Threats of libel suits, withdrawal of patronage or other reprisals are entirely unnecessary and sometimes defeat their own ends. Inaccuracies, errors and misstatement of facts will be as readily corrected, and all papers will make them in spite of every ef fort and precaution to avoid them.
Personal journalism, wherein the views, the prejudices and the passions of the editor color the news accounts and control the news policies, is long out of date. The Budget at least is not being published to protect its friends or persecute its enemies, and it is not employing its power of publicity to coerce any person into patronizing its commercial departments. Neither does it permit those who do pay money into its cash drawers for subscriptions. advertisements or job printing to dictate in any way what shall be put in its news and editorial columns and what shall be kept out.
Such a policy is the right policy, and none can honestly deny it, and, moreover, it is the policy that will win success for a newspaper. The publishers of the Budget have demonstrated it to their satisfaction over a period of years. It may occasion some temporary losses of business, but such losses are greatly outweighed by the respect and confidence such a policy develops in the reading public. and this respect and confidence must always be the basic asset of a newspaper.
So the Budget will adhere to its established policy, regardless of the unpleasant tasks such a policy sometimes demands, regardless of penalties it sometimes draws and regardless of conflicting policies which any of its contemporaries might have. It has an unshaken confidence in such a policy as one that is not only morally right but one that is commercially right, for the rule of the "square deal" applies just as much to a newspaper as to any other line of business or profession. The converse policy is what breeds radicals and revolutionaries. A paper that will deliberately deny a poor man the same consideration that the wealthy man receives, that will make fish of one and flesh of another, is false to its duties and obligations and is lending color to the inflammatory indictment made by radical writers against the American press, charging that the newspapers are creatures of "the interests" and are branded with the dollar mark.
(Baker Herald)
You can edit a class organ to suit yourself. But a newspaper holds a trust to give the news as it occurs, not as you want it to be.
While the Baker Herald believes that Dr. Bulgin is doing a great deal of good, we cannot agree with him in some of his statements. Many of our readers hold this same opinion. The Herald is publishing reports of the Bulgin meetings because, it being a newspaper, believes in reporting events as they occur. The fact that four local church organizations have erected a tabernacle and nearly a thousand people are attending these meetings every night, constitutes an event that from an unbiased news standpoint demands recognition.
On the other hand, because the Herald reports the Bulgin meetings it is in no way sponsor for them. The Herald had nothing to do with Dr. Bulgin's coming to Baker. He has come and his meetings are considered a source of news. When a newspaper reports the story of a fire, it is not responsible for the fire. When a newspaper reports a murder trial, it is not the cause of the murder. When a newspaper reports a Sunday baseball game there are no grounds to charge that the newspaper is in favor of Sunday baseball any more than when a newspaper relates a story of a moonshine raid, that it is in favor of the bootleggers.
When any so-called newspaper censors its news, printing only the things it wants the people to read and withholds facts it wants them to be ignorant of, it is not a newspaper. * * *
This pledge, and this one only, do we make. That in as far as our judgment will enable us to analyze various circumstances, we pledge to every resident of eastern Oregon that we will be independent, fair and above board in reporting the news of each day as it occurs. * * *
So when you read something in the news columns of the Baker Herald that you do not like, remember that the articles which please you most may give offense to someone else. We are not publishing a counterfeit newspaper. * * *
Now if you don't like Bulgin, and if you don't like to read the Herald's reports of the Bulgin meetings, don't read them. There are many other things every night in the Baker Herald that you will like. Perhaps some of them Bulgin and his supporters don't like. Let us get out of the habit of thought that we can have everything our own way in this world. The Editor long since became discouraged in trying to please everybody. We try to publish the Herald according to the best principles we know, according to the American principle of free, unhampered expression of opinion, and unbiased fair treatment of news. In a business way we try to operate on a basis of merit and service. We hope you think more of us than if we were made up of jelly fish stuff and printed the Herald in invisible ink on transparent paper.
By I. V. McADOO,
Editor The Scio Tribune
Oregon Exchanges
Published by the School of Journalism, University of Oregon.
Issued monthly. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon.
Contributions of articles and items of interest to editors, publishers and printers of the state are welcomed.
Free to Oregon Newspaper-men: to all others, $1.00 a year.
George S. Turnbull, Editor.
Oregon Exchanges hopes that every one of its readers is a member of the Oregon State Editorial Association. If you are not a member, better consider joining. Make it 100 per cent before the July convention. Every editor and publisher should belong both to the association and to the Oregon Newspaper Conference. Bede and Hoss are putting a good bit of energy into the administration of the association's affairs this year. Their team work is making it more and more worth your while to belong. Their Foreign Advertising Bureau service is worth much more than the cost of membership. An article in the association's recent bulletin indicates the service that is available to the members:
"A cordial invitation is extended," the bulletin said, "to any publisher in the state to make full use of the services of the secretary of the State Editorial Association. We are here to help you. Lately we have had correspondence with newspapermen in regard to advertising rates, makeup of paper, prices for job printing, the Franklin List and other topics of mutual interest. Drop us a line on any problem you have. We'll try to help."
Keep the Corvallis convention, July 21-23, in mind. Every editor and publisher should belong to the association. and every association member should attend the summer convention.
A glance at some of the Oregon papers gives the idea that some of the publishers have not sufficiently developed their sense of typography. Some of the papers that rank among the best so far as the readability of their material is concerned, are handicapped by their failure to select attractive type and to build neat-looking heads. Others among the Oregon papers are as neat and attractive as can be found anywhere in the United States. Just a suggestion: Look through your exchanges for typographical ideas as well as for news and editorial suggestions. Some other paper is working out something different from you in the line of heads and makeup. Is there not an idea there some where that can be adapted to your conditions? The advisability of neat typography, and of clear, well-set heads that carry a punch, can not be overestimated. The old idea that a country paper needs nothing more than label heads is one that has been discarded by many progressive weeklies. True, the country reader reads his paper through "from kiver to kiver" anyhow; but why not make him like it?
Last month's Oregon Exchanges omitted something that should by all means have been included—an appreciation of the value of the visit of Professor Fred W. Kennedy of the University of Washington School of Journalism to the annual Oregon Newspaper Conference. Mr. Kennedy's advice to the publishers present was of great value, and there is much sentiment in favor of establishing in Oregon the same sort of a service as "doctor of sick newspapers" that he has been conducting in the state of Washington. Mr. Kennedy's success in pepping up the boys to charge living rates for their advertising and printing can easily be understood from the dynamic personality of the man. Kennedy makes them do it, and after they've done it they find it pays and they like it.
Oregonian Landscape Note
That women are gaining more and more of a strangle hold upon mere man, is evidenced by a sensational incident recorded in the Oregonian office recently.
"Joe" MacQueen, veteran music and book editor of that paper, slunk into the office one day and slid into his desk chair, without looking to the left or right. For a long time he did not even look up, but fastened his gaze upon a book, which he feigned to read. But eventually he had to face his fellows. It was then that eagle-eyed observers detected that his moustache, which for 35 years had nestled on his upper lip, was missing.
"Why did you do it, Joe?" was the query put to him by a Doughnut-Wogglebug reporter.
"It's this way," Joe replied. "My wife is the cook. She said, 'Joe, you're always splashing your shirt-fronts with soup and coffee. Cut off your moustache or starve.' I capitulated, for her strategy was too subtle."
Chinese On Linotype
Jacob Jacobson, Oregon graduate in journalism, now editor of the Advocate at Dinuba, Cal., sends Oregon Exchanges a copy of the New Korea, a newspaper printed in Chinese at San Francisco. Just why he should have sent the paper was not clear—in view of Oregon Exchanges' unfamiliarity with the Chinese language—until the familiar impression of blank slugs that had worked up at the ends of several long "quad-lines" suggested that this must be linotype composition. Finally, in another part of the paper, was found, printed in English, the line "composed on a typesetting machine." The recent reduction of the Chinese language into an alphabet, eliminating the many thousands of ideograph characters, has made possible the printing of Chinese newspapers on the linotype. A rapid advance in Chinese education may be expected from this development, which must save years in the mastering of the language and make possible newspaper and book composition at ten times the speed of the Chinese hand compositor, who walks miles around and around his office in the composition of two or three galleys of type.
Robert W. Sawyer, editor of The Bend Bulletin, is about to leave for a few weeks visit in the east. On his trip Mr. Sawyer will call on advertising agencies in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia in the interest of The Bulletin.
Installation of wireless telephone is under consideration by a number of the Oregon newspapers, several of whose proprietors were set to thinking along that line by a talk made on the subject at the last Newspaper Conference by Frank Jenkins, president of the Eugene Register company. One of these, the Grants Pass Courier, has already begun installing a plant with a range of wave length of from 175 to 3100 meters. Towers are to be erected to a height of 100 feet to carry the antennae. A two-stage amplifier and magnavox will complete the equipment, according to Publisher Voorhies' announcement. The Register is expecting to install apparatus very soon.
Oregon Exchanges has the name of a young newspaperman who wishes to obtain an interest in an established and reputable newspaper and printing business in exchange for his equity in a Willamette valley acreage. The acreage is described as being favorably located and equipped for raising berries and small fruits and chickens. An interest worth from $1500 to $2500 is wanted. Good country weekly or small city daily field is favored, and place where services in either front office or back shop would go with interest is required. Anyone interested may write to the editor for further information.
Publisher of Vancouver Evening Columbian
[Mr. Campbell, who followed Professor Fred W. Kennedy of the University of Washington on the program of the recent Oregon Newspaper Conference, described the Washington plan of state organization and told of Mr. Kennedy's work in carrying the gospel of efficient publishing to those whom lack of system was pushing toward the edge of failure.]
AFTER having heard Mr. Kennedy I know you will agree with me when I tell you that over in Washington publishers are very fortunate in being able to call on Mr. Kennedy at any time for help. Mr. Kennedy is the field man for the Washington State Press Association. I want to tell you that I believe that we should have an Oregon organization based somewhat on the Washington plan. Chiefly, this revolves around having a field secretary, a man who can go out to the country publisher and sell him his own business, teach him how to run his business, and show him where he is falling down. Not only that, we have over there the entire state press working together. The executive committee, of twelve men, travelled 3,000 miles this year, and every one of them was there to attend the executive committee meeting. They come from all parts of the state.
Group Meetings Held
Now, the state under the plan that they have there is divided into twelve groups, and as nearly as possible one of these directors is in each group. Each has its group chairman, and these men hold monthly meetings. To every one of these meetings one of these directors goes at his own expense. However, I believe there is a provision that his expenses should be paid by the association, if he wants to present a bill. But those men are working for the other fellow, and a large percentage of the publishers are paying for this themselves by vluntary assessments of from $1.00 to $25.00 a month paid to the Washington State Press Association, and it is giving them some funds so that they can go ahead. I do not know whether that plan is going to be continued, or an assessment made of a flat rate. It is one of the things we are always bringing up.
There is one man over near the coast who was not sold to this plan for a number of years. He went over there and bought the paper. It was a good bit of money for him, and at the end of a year he found he could not make it go. Finally he called in "Pa" Kennedy, and Kennedy told him what to do. He went through the man's books and gave him a big jump in advertising rates. The man said, "They won't stand for it," but Kennedy said, "You've got to have it or you won't exist." That man was finally sold, body and soul, to the organization. He realized that this organization really does things for the publishers. It was not only Kennedy that went and saw him. Other directors, everybody, went and told him about it. Kennedy calls these boys his detectives. And that man made $11,000, I think it was, in one year—I think the first year after he put this in effect. He still ran a very substantial solid business, and he is able now to go out and tell the rest of the boys how he is doing it. He comes to our group meetings in Vancouver and Clarke county, and has attended several group meetings in the last few months. And we have had men come over from Sunnyside, Ellensburg, Montesano and Seattle. These men come down there and give us all the best of their experience.
We are able to benefit by this and the whole association grows. I believe that one of the things that makes this possible is the fact that the men are paying for it—the fact that they are not getting something for nothing; and I believe that down here in Oregon we should do the same thing, so that they can put a field man like Kennedy out in the field.
Just think what it means to have a man like Kennedy. If you have any trouble you send for Kennedy and he tells you what is the matter with your business. That man will come down and fix your trouble, or if he cannot come, will send someone. We could have the same sort of an organization down here, so that if we sent in to Dean Allen, he would have a man that would come and tell us what was the trouble with us.
Oregonian Gang Honors Ben Lampman
A million dollars' worth of good fellowship, $50 worth of food, and at least $10,000 worth of humorous writing were dispensed at a farewell banquet given by the editorial and news staffs of the Oregonian in honor of Ben Hur Lampman just before his departure on an assignment which will take him around the world with Julius Meier in the interest of Oregon's 1925 exposition.
The Hazelwood restaurant, in Portland, was the scene of the party. Covers were laid, as the society scribes have it, for 35 members of the Oregonian family. The dinner was enlivened by the arrival at frequent intervals of a Western Union messenger bearing telegrams filled with brilliant humor, addressed to the guest of honor, from kings, potentates and celebrities from all parts of the world. A mysterious Oriental dancer threw a mean set of veils to the tune of weird melodies by a masked flute player.
An eloquent and splendid tribute to Lampman was paid by Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Oregonian. Ben responded with a graceful speech that would have made Frank Branch Riley turn green with envy. Other speakers were Uncle Bill Cuddy, youthful editor of the Oregonian Weekly; Horace E. Thomas, city editor; R. G. Callvert, Albert Hawkins, A. B. Slauson, and Mrs. Lampman.
Bill Warren slipped away from the festivities after the soup course and with the help of God and two office boys, got out the paper.
George Bertz, sporting editor of the Oregon Journal, returned to his ofiice on March 27, after spending several weeks at Pasadena, Calif., the spring training camp of the Portland baseball team. Bertz insists vigorously that the Beavers will be strong contenders in the 1922 Coast League pennant contest.
To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart a son was born on Saturday evening, April 1, at Good Samaritan hospital. Stewart is editor of the country life department of the Oregon Journal, and Mrs. Stewart, who was Katherine Lamar, was formerly cashier in the Journal business office.
Speaking of matrimonial affairs in the Oregon Journal office, it would be amiss not to herald again the impending marriage of Lynn Davis and Miss Jeanette Wiggins, which is booked by the connubial clerk for April 8. Miss Wiggins retired from her work as assistant in the country life department of the Journal early in March, but Davis continued to Remington the news of railroad and commercial beats without fear or favor. The Journal family presented Mr. and Mrs. Davis as a wedding present a pretty silver chafing dish and silver service set. A week's honeymoon will be spent with friends in British Columbia.
By Alfred Powers,
University of Oregon School of Journalism
[Mr. Powers' article synchronizes with the second annual convention of the Oregon High School Press Association, to be held at the University of Oregon School of Journalism April 14 and 15. Under the head of "Principles" the constitution of the association contains a statement of ethical principles which may be of interest in view of the recent adoption of the Code of Ethics by the grown-up journalists of Oregon.]
HIGH school publications in Oregon take four rather distinct forms—annuals, magazines, newspapers, and regularly established notes columns in the local papers.
Annuals have a seductive interest for students, but they have been the subject of considerable pedagogical criticism on the part of teachers and principals. They have too often been over-ambitious and have resulted in financial deficits. Some school administrators have pointed out that the same amount of money spent on a school newspaper would bring better results in many other ways—it would afford a continuous project in English work rather than an annual piece of editing with marked limitations of content; it would be more cooperative and socialized, using the product of a larger number of students; it would be printed at home. The expensive annual, edited by a small staff and printing de luxe editions out of all proportion to the size of the school, has undoubtedly provoked deserved indictments, but much can be said in favor of a year book of the right sort. Particularly, it is a convenient record in picture and article of the school and as such has great and permanent value. It gives editorial and writing experience of a very exact kind. But undoubtedly the annual will have to change its ways or it will steadily decrease in popularity. Even now in Oregon it is not much more than holding its own as a school publication. The first experience of a school with a year book is often too bitter for early repetition.
School literary magazines are the least numerous of all student publications in Oregon. One is not even published at the present time in any college or university of the state. The expense is probably a deterring consideration. The lack of general appeal in the literary content also helps to explain their scarcity.
The high school newspaper is already numerous in Oregon and is rapidly growing in popularity. Oregon high school students now edit three weekly papers and 30 papers appearing at longer intervals. These, in almost every instance, show the active cooperation of local newspaper publishers, and such cooperation should always be sought by schools planning the publication of papers. "The Nugget," of Baker, for instance, is an eight-page, four-column supplement of the Baker Herald, appearing every Monday. Circulation is thus taken care of and the Herald also attends to the business management. This is such an excellent idea for both the high schools and newspapers that it is specifically mentioned here for the suggestive value it might have. There are several excellent mimeographed papers, carrying both advertisements and illustrations. One school even mimeographed its annual.
School notes in the local papers are far and away the most dynamic and popular of all the forms of "interpreting the school to the community." Frequently supplement papers and annuals. They indicate a high type of cooperation between the school and the local publisher. Where the notes are inadequate or lacking altogether, it is generally due to the school rather than to the newspaper. Replies to a questionnaire sent to every high school in Oregon show that school notes columns are regularly established in 67 state news papers. These are generally prepared by the various English classes, assuming complete group responsibility in recurrent sequence, thus furnishing an excellent English project to a large number of students and giving to the papers well-written and interesting news. Sometimes the items appear under the simple head of “School Notes” and sometimes take the form of a definitely named section, as “The Owl Critic” in the Gold Beach Reporter, the “Utellem” in the Boardman Mirror, and the “H. S. Mirror” in the Hermiston Herald.
Press Association Formed
The student editors and managers of the state of Oregon, at a conference at the School of Journalism in May last year, formed the Oregon High School Press Association, with a general program for the improvement of publications. Through this association the advisory service of the School of Journalism is available to any high school in the state in regard to the questions touching the establishing of a paper or the improvement of an existing paper. Many schools made use of this service during the past year.
The second annual conference of the Oregon High School Press Association will be held at the School of Journalism April 14 and 15. A district organization of the State Association, embracing nine schools and including Yamhill, Washington and northern Marion counties, was formed at Newberg March 21, 1922. This is probably the beginning of several district organizations, all definite parts of the State Association.
The constitution of the High School Press Association, adopted in conference May 20, 1921, at the School of Journalism, is as follows:
Art. I. Name. The name of this organization shall be the Oregon High School Press Association.
Art. II. Purpose. The purpose of this association shall be the improvement of high school journalism in Oregon; the promotion of mutual acquaintance and cooperation among high school editors and managers; the extension of advantages made available by the University School of Journalism to all high school papers, and the advocacy of the highest standards of journalistic effort among high school students.
Art. III. Membership.
Sec. 1. There shall be three types of membership in this association.
Sec. 2. The controlling membership shall be membership by publications, each publication that has existed more than one year being entitled to one vote if represented in the convention by a bona fide member of its staff. (Note: Four types of high school publications shall receive full recognition: the high school newspaper. the high school magazine, the high school annual, and the high school notes column regularly appearing in a local paper with high school pupils as its regular editors and reporters.)
Sec. 4. Honorary memberships shall include the faculty of the School of Journalism, such faculty advisers in the high schools as the staffs of the various publications shall nominate in writing, addressing the nomination to the Executive Committee, and such newspaper publishers. nominated in the same way, as have been particularly helpful to high school journalism, and such members of the staffs of University publications as have formerly been editors or managers of high school papers.
Art. IV. Conventions. The convention of the Oregon High School Press Association shall be held annually at the School of Journalism of the University at the same time as the annual convention of the High School Debate League, or such other time as the executive committee shall appoint.
Art. V. Officers.
Sec. 1. Officers shall be elected at each convention and shall hold office through the succeeding convention.
Sec. 2. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.
Sec. 3. The President shall preside over all conventions, and, with the advice of the Executive Committee, shall appoint all committees and fill all further appointive offices as may from time to time be created.
Sec. 4. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or disability.
Sec. 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes of all conventions (leaving a copy with the School of Journalism for safe keeping), and shall collect all fees and dues that may from time to time be levied, and shall keep a record of all financial transactions which shall be audited before each convention by the Executive Committee.
Art. VI. Committees.
Sec. 1. The President of the Association shall make up appointive committees from the individual and honorary members of the association, provided, however, that no single high school shall be represented by more than one member on any one committee.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall be composed ex-officio of the President of the Oregon High School Press Association, the Dean of the School of Journal ism, and one other person, who shall be appointed by the President of the University, for the purpose of arranging the details of the succeeding convention. These three shall constitute the committee.
Sec. 3. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the affairs of the Association between conventions, except insofar as these have been delegated by the constitution to the President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer, and shall be charged with the duty of getting out invitations to the succeeding convention, arranging the program, providing a meeting place and performing all other necessary duties in anticipation of the convention. In case of the absence or disability of both President and Vice-President, the Executive Committee shall appoint temporary officers to act until the convention shall fill the vacancies.
Sec. 4. The President shall appoint Organization, Nominating, Membership, Registration and Emblem committees, or such others as the convention may from time to time direct.
Art. VII. Insignia. The Association may, if instructed by the convention, adopt insignia in two forms, one for con trolling members (publications) and one for individual members. The insignia for controlling members (publications) shall take the form of a cut to run at the top of the editorial column; and.the insignia for the individual members shall take a form similar to that of a fraternity pin. Insignia for the controlling members shall be furnished by the School of Journalism, but insignia for the individual members shall be paid for by the individual member. Regularly designated honorary members shall be entitled to wear the insignia of an individual member.
Art. VIII. Principles. Every person or publication, by accepting membership in this Association, subscribes to the following principles of journalistic ethics:
- I believe in clean journalism.
- I will put nothing into print as a writer or editor that I would not say as a gentleman.
- I will publish nothing anonymously to which I would be ashamed to sign my name.
- Realizing that journalism is powerful, I will devote extreme care to my writing and editing. Realizing that the printed word cannot be recalled or unsaid, I will watch carefully to prevent the printing of anything unclean, anything untrue, or anything harmful to the good name of any person, or the reputation of my school.
Art. IX. Amendments. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of any convention, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted to the Executive Committee in writing before the date of the meeting of the convention, and shall receive the approval of the committee. An amendment not so submitted shall be passed by a three-fourths vote at two successive conventions.
A careful statewide census of the high school publications of all kinds in Oregon shows the following list for the spring of 1922.
AIRLIE—Mirror (newspaper); Lillie Calkins, Editor; Dorothy Gross, Manager. School notes in county paper written by English classes.
ALBANY—Whirlwind (annual and news paper); Olga Johnson, Editor; Marie Bohrbough, Manager.
AMITY—Octopus (notes in county paper); Don Woodman, Editor.
ASHLAND—The Rogue News (semi monthly newspaper); Marjorie McElvaney, Editor.
ASTORIA—Zephyrus (annual); Maurine Buchanan, Editor; Paul Sexton, Mgr.
ATHENA—Lyre (newspaper); Maebelle Duncan, Editor; Dorvan Phillips, Mgr.
BAKER—The Nugget (newspaper);Marcus Swan, Editor; Carston Hansen, Manager.
BANDON—School Notes in Bandon World. New editor each month.
BANKS UNION HIGH SCHOOL—School notes in Banks Herald.
BAY CITY—Notes in county paper writ ten by English classes.
BURNS—Notes in Burns Times-Herald and Harney County News; Gladys Byrd, Editor.
BOARDMAN—Boardman Utellem (school notes in Boardman Mirror); Frances Blayden, Editor.
BROWNSVILLE—Notes in Brownsville Times—Armelita Woodworth, reporter.
BUTTE FALLS—Butte Falls Sentinel (mimeographed magazine); Viola Hughes, Editor; Orbra Abbott, Mgr.
CANYON CITY—Joaquin (annual); Ed Hicks, editor. Notes in Blue Mountain Eagle; Francis Schroeder, editor.
CANYONVILLE—School notes in Riddle Enterprise, written by English classes.
CARLTON—School notes in Carlton Sentinel; Maurine Band, Editor.
CENTRAL POINT—Central Pointer (mimeographed magazine); Edith Boss, Editor; Verl Walker, Manager.
CONDON—School notes in Condon Globe Times; Alice Howland, Grace Schott, Editors. Harvester (annual); James Hardie, Editor.
COOS RIVER HIGH SCHOOL—N. B. G. (magazine); Jeanette Nowlin, Editor.
COQUILLE—School notes in Coquille Valley Sentinel.
CORVALLIS—Chintimini (annual); Les ter Lemon, Manager; Dorothy Clark, Editor. High-O-Scope (newspaper).
COTTAGE GROVE—Cee Gee (annual); Ethel Mackey, Editor; Brighton Leon ard, Manager.
COVE—Sehool notes in county and state papers.
DALLAS—Periscope (newspaper); Iva Nelson, Editor; Wendell Sanders, Mgr.
DAYTON—Junior Review (newspaper); Tomisena Fulham, Editor; Margaret Simler, Manager.
DUFUR—Annual. School notes in Dufur Dispatch.
ECHO—Tortoise (bi-monthly space in Echo News); Bruce Spalding, Editor.
ELMIRA—Notes (Eugene). in Morning Register
ENTERPRISE—Hi-Booster (multigraphed magazine); Goldie Murray, Editor. Hi Life (multigraphed annual); Goldie Murray, Editor.
ESTACADA—-Hycada (edited alternately by two literary societies). Annual; Irene Saling, Business Manager.
EUGENE—E. H. S, News (newspaper); Floyd Milne, Editor; Blondel Carleton, Manager. Eugenean (annual). School notes in Morning Register and Eugene Daily Guard.
FALLS CITY—Promoter (annual). Notes in county paper.
FOREST GROVE—-Notes in Washington County News-Times (Forest Grove); Beatha Parcell, Editor. The Optimist (annual), Virgil Lilly, Editor; Don Schoolcraft, Mgr. Mourning Man (weekly bulletin—typewritten); Charles Burlingham, Editor; Delbert Hangs, Asso ciate Editor.
FOSSIL—W. C. H. S. news notes in Fossil Journal, edited by principal.
GLADSTONE—Notes in county paper.
GLIDE—Notes in Roseburg News-Review, written by English classes.
GOLD BEACH—The Owl Critic, (notes in Gold Beach Reporter).
GOLD HILL—Annual; Harris Porter, Editor; Clarence Shaver, Manager. Notes in Gold Hill News.
GRANTS PASS—The Toka (annual); Don Barnes, Business Manager. The Scroll (newspaper); Josephine A. Smith, Editor; Merle Rimer, Manager.
GBESHAM—-Argus (miueographed magazine). Munhinotu (annual). School notes in Gresham Outlook.
HALSEY—Notes in Halsey Enterprise; Janet Boggs, Editor.
HARDMAN—Notes in Heppner Gazette Times.
HARRISBURG~—-Notes in Harrisburg Bulletin, Senior Class.
HEPPNER—Annual, Keith Logan, Manager. Hi-Life—News notes in Heppner Gazette-Times and Herald.
HOOD RIVER—Notes in Hood River Glacier—Louise Jenkins and Dorothy Frey, Editors. The Mascot (annual); Frances Fuller, Editor.
IONE—Notes in Ione Independent written by English classes.
JOSEPH—Jo-Hi Banner (newspaper); Douglas Wilson, Editor; Irene Gaulke, Manager.
HERMISTON—-H. S. Mirror (notes in Hermiston Herald); Fred Hesser, Editor. Purple and Gold—(annual); Phyllis Dyer, Editor; Irwin Shotwell, Man ager.
HILLSBORO—Hilhi (annual); Evelyn Wall, Editor; John Becken, Manager. News notes in Hillsboro Argus and Independent—Harry Deck, Editor.
JUNCTION CITY—News notes in Junction City Tirnes—Marie Christensen, Editor.
KLAMATH FALLS—Annual—Ruth DeLap, Editor; Frank Peyton, Manager. News notes in Klamath Herald.
LA GRANDE-—Mirror (annual); Lots Pierson, Editor; Lanier Pearson, Man ager.
LAKESIDE—Buzz Saw; Reginald Mensgat, Editor.
LA PINE—News notes in county paper.
LEXINGTON—Lexonian (annual).
MADRAS—The Golden M (newspaper); Earl L. Tucker, Editor.
MARCOLA—Notes in Eugene Guard and Morning Register.
MARSHFIELD — Mahiscan (annua1); School Notes in Coos Bay Times, Irene Holm, Editor.
MEDFORD—Medford Hi Times (news paper); Arlene Butler, Editor. The Crater (annual); George Mansfield, Editor.
MILL CITY—Annua1-George M. Stretf, Manager.
MILWAUKIE—The Maroon (annual); William Adams, Manager. The Originator (newspaper); Inez Oatfield, Editor.
MOLALLA—-Annual—Earl Castor, Editor; Earl Berdine, Manager. News notes in Molalla Pioneer—Max Hume, Editor.
MONMOUTH—News notes in Monmouth Herald—Senior English students.
MORO—Optimist (magazine); Ruth Bry ant, George Belknap, Editors.
McLAUGHLIN UNION HIGH SCHOOL —(Freewater) —Oregon Trail, (annual); Mildred Bateman, Editor; Harold Everett, Manager.
McMINNVILLE — McMinnvillan (newspaper); Alice Cameron, Editor; Verl Miller, Editor.
NEHALEM—News notes in county paper.
NEWPORT—Annual. School notes in Yaquina Bay News (Newport),
NEWBERG—N. H. S. Echoes (newspaper); Robert Brown, Editor; Chester Newlin, Manager. The Chehalem, (annual).
NORTH POWDER—Notes in North Powder News——Zella Wallace. Editor. NORTH BEND — Hesperia (annual); Helen Bennett, Editor; Hobard Mc Daniel, Manager.
OAKLAND—Notes in Oakland Tribune.
ODELL—Notes in Hood River Glacier and News.
ONTARIO—Notes in Ontario Argus. Q. B. M. (newspaper edited by Radio Club).
OREGON CITY-Hesperian (annual)—Bud Baxter, Editor; Pete Laura, Manager.
PARKROSE (Portland)—The Bud (newspaper); Thelma Brooks, Editor; Zelma Hoyt, Manager.
PENDLETON—The Lantern (newspaper); Roger Keane, Editor; Harold Hauser, Manager. Wakeipa (annual); Irva Dale, Editor; Agnes Little, Manager. School Notes in Pendleton East Oregonian and Tribune written by English classes.
PHILOMATH—School Notes in Benton County Review (Philomath); written by English classes.
PHOENIX—-Blue and White (mineo graphed magazine); Sylvester Stevens,
PILOT ROCK—The Cannon (mimeographed magazine); Eleanor Hascall, Editor. School notes for Pilot Rock Record.
PLEASANT HILL—News notes in Eugene Daily Guard and Morning Register—Thelma Wheeler, Editor.
- BENSON POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL—Poly Tech (semi-annual). Tech Pep (newspaper). News notes in Portland papers.
- FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL—Post (magazine); Paul Walker, Editor; Burr Fletcher, Manager. News-notes in Portland Papers.
- LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL—Cardinal (annual); News notes in Portland papers.
- GIRLS POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL—Polytechnic Maid—Leah Hall, Editor; Margaret Telzerow, Advertising Manager.
- HIGH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE—Ledger (magazine); Helen Kelsey, Editor; Charles Lundy, Manager. News Notes in Portland Sunday papers.
- JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL—Spectrum (magazine); Harry G. Johnson, Editor; Chester McCarty, Manager. Jeffersonian (newspaper). Blue Print (technical magazine). News notes in Sunday Oregonian, Journal, Telegram.
- WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL-The Lens—George Knorr, Manager; J. Rodney Keating, Editor.
PRINEVILLE—Newa notes in Central Oregonian—James Newson, Editor.
REDMOND—Union High School Bulletin; edited by Principal. Juniper (annual); Ernest Hauser, Editor; Paul Marsh, Manager.
ROCK CREEK—News Notes in Haines Record.
ROGUE RIVER—"The Rogue"—Mimeographed monthly); Alice Dennis, Editor; Victor Birdseye, Manager.
ROSEBURG—The Umpqua (annual); Iris Rice, Editor; James Pickens, Manager. News notes in Roseburg News-Review—Glen Radabaugh, Editor.
ST. HELENS—S. H. H. S. Critic—Lillian Wyss, Editor; Odell Bennett, Manager.
SALEM—Clarion (newspaper); Lucile Moore, Editor; Arthur Montgomery, Manager.
SCAPPOOSE—S. H. S. Annual—Laura Uhlman, Editor; Irving Erickson, Manager.
SCIO—Sphinx (newspaper); Kenneth Sims, Editor; John Densmore, Manager. Sphinx (annual); Kenneth Sims, Editor; John Densmore, Mgr. Notes in Scio Tribune.
SEASIDE—Seabreeze—(annual). Notes in Seaside Signal—Helen Parker, Editor.
SHERIDAN—S. H. Runabout (mimeographed magazine); Carol Chapman, Editor; Albert Chapman, Manager.
SILVERTON—Informant (semi-monthly paper); Seward Hoblitt, Editor; Maurice Warnock, Manager. Silvertonia annual); Seward Hoblitt, Editor; Maurice Warnock, Manager.
SPRINGFIELD—School notes in Springfield News. Maple Leaf (annual).
STANFIELD—School notes in Stanfield Standard—Dell Cooper, Editor.
STAYTON—Santiam (annual); Roy Hiatt, Editor; George Mielke, Manager. Stayton High Life (newspaper); Alma Nendel, Editor; Cecil Shafer, Manager.
SUTHERLIN—Notes in county paper—Lois Reed, Editor.
TALENT—Talent Hi Life (mimeographed magazine); Glasgow Stratton, Editor.
THE DALLES—Steelhead (magazine); Gertrude Freddler, Editor; Dudley Palmer, Manager. School notes in The Dalles Chronicle.
TOLEDO—Blue and Gold (annual); Ruth Cozine, Editor; Carrie Wade, Manager.
TUALATIN—Journal—Florence Viane, Editor; Ruby Nyberg, Manager. Annual—Florence Viane, Editor; Ruby Nyberg, Manager. TURNER—Notes in Turner Tribune—Thelma Delzell, Editor,
UMATILLA—Notes in Umatilla Spokesman written by English classes.
UNION—U-Hi (newspaper); Chester Emmons, Editor; Eugelle Gray, Manager.
UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL—(Eugene)—Newspaper issued at intervals by classes.
VALE—News notes in Malheur Enterprise (Vale) written by English classes.
VINCENT HIGH SCHOOL—(Umapine, Oregon); Vincent Zip—Viola Leraux, Editor; Ralph Jones, Manager.
WALKER—The Spyglass—Mabel Wright, Editor.
WALLOWA—The Tiger (News notes in Wallowa Sun); Mario Murphy, Editor.
WASCO—Purple and Gold (mimeographed magazine); Dorothy Johnson, Editor; Chester Medler, Manager.
WESTON—Notes in Weston Leader—Maynard Jones, Editor.
WEST LINN—Green and Gold (annual); Jack Hempstead, Editor; Marvin Hickman, Manager. The Outlook (Bi-monthly magazine); Jack Hempstead, Editor; Walter Duff, Manager. School Notes in Oregon City Enterprise and Banner-Courier—Written by English department. U. H. S. Bulletin—Edited by Principal.
WILBUR—Notes in county papers.
WILLAMINA—The Comet (newspaper); Alvin Snedeger, Manager. News notes in Willamina Times.
WOODBUBN—The Wireless (newspaper); Adelaide Jones, Editor; Donald Orr, Manager.
YAMHILL—Hinews—Notes in Yambill Record written by English classes.
The Siam Observer, published at Bangkok, carried, February 1, under a cut of a Siamese coat of arms and the heading "Court Circular," a half column article on the reception of Edward E. Brodie, the new United States minister to the kingdom, by the monarch of Siam. Friends of the Oregon man, who is president of the National Editorial Association, may be interested in the following account and the list of the notables with whom E. E. is now mingling:
Nagor Pathoin, Tuesday, 31 Jan. 2464.
His Majesty the King was pleased to receive in audience to-day the Honourable Edward E. Brodie, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, who presented his letter of credence, after which the King entertained the Minister to luncheon to which the following also had the honour of being invited by royal command:—
His Royal Highness Prince Devawongs, Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Their Serene Highnesses Prince Vayavadhana, of His Majesty 's Private Secretary's Department; Prince Triados, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Prince Chuladis, A.D.C., of the Royal Palace Guards Regiment; Prince Dhani Nivat, His Majesty's Private Secretary for Foreign Correspondence.
Their Excellencies Chao-Phya Dharmadhikarane, Minister of the Royal Household; Chao Phya Rama Raghob, His Majesty's Lord Chamberlain and Chief Aidehamitra, Captain General of the Royal Bodyguard of Gentlemen-at-Arms.
Second Grand Charnberlains Phys Aniruddha Deva, His Majesty's Lord Steward; Phya Sucharit Dhamrong, Major-Domo of the Palace; Phya Asvapati, Master of the Horse; Second Grand Court Officer Phya Sri Kridakor, Marshal of the Court.
Third Grand Chamberlains Phy Rajasasana, His Majesty's Personal Secretary, and Phys. Abhiraksh Raja Udyan, Director of the Royal Pleasaunce Department. Major-General Phya Surawongs, His Majesty's Assistant Chief Aide-de-Campe-General, Mr. Curtis Williams, secretary of the Legation of the United States.
Deputy Grand Chamberlains Phya Narenda Raja, and Phya Sri Suribaha of the Lord Chamberlain's Department.
Second Counsellor Phya Sirijaya Burindra, Governor of Nagor Pathom.
Edward J. Eivers, one of the organizers of the American Legion in Oregon, and state adjutant since its inception in 1919, has severed his official connection with the Legion in Oregon and has taken charge of the advertising and circulation department of the Pacific Legion. He is known nationally as the Chef de Chemin de Fer, or National Commander of the La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, the American Legion playground and honor society. The Pacific Legion is regarded as one of the best state publications of the American Legion in existence. It has been adopted by the departments of Oregon and Washington under contract by the terms of which 75 per cent of the net profits from the publication go direct to the state organizations. Jerry Owen is editor.
Lair H. Gregory, the Oreganian's sporting editor, has been in Pasadena, at the training camp of Bill Klepper's Beavers for the past month. Daily his stories regarding the training of the Portland team have appeared on the sporting page. From what he has had to say it is prob able that the Klepper Beavers will be an improvement over Walter McCredie's cellar champions of last season.
Roscoe Cole, who has been make-up man for the Portland News for some time past, was appointed foreman of the composing room about the middle of February succeeding C. B. McCombs, who now holds the position of superintendent of the mechanical department.
W. E. Bates, of the Oregonian copy desk, has recovered from a severe illness with smallpox. He returned to work recently after being in quarantine for a month. His eldest son also was ill with the same disease.
The Oakland Tribune springs a good idea in its request to its readers to furnish material for a series of articles on the early history of the community. Subscribers are asked to write in the material, with the understanding that names of writers will be withheld if desired. "Now scratch your heads and get busy," says the Tribune, "Here are some questions for a starter:"
- What was the name of the first person or family who settled within the limits of this community? Where was their home located? When was this?
- Who was the first person born in this community? When and where? Who were the parents? Later life?
- How was the name of the town decided upon? When was it incorporated? Who were the first officers?
- Who was the first postmaster? When appointed? Where was the post office? What mail service was there?
- Who owned the first automobile in town? When? What make was it?
- When was the worst snow storm of early days? How had was it?
No longer can "Uncle Bill" Cuddy have the distinction of being the only grand father in the Oregonian local room. W. H. Warren is a grandfather too, now, although he doesn't seem to have acquired any added dignity or even one gray hair. He's one of the youngest grandfathers on record, but none the less proud of little John Warren Beck,
Mrs. Mary L. Piatt is the new society editor of the Eugene Guard, succeeding Mrs. Mary Ellen Moore, who left the desk last month to take a needed rest. Mrs. Piatt was society editor of the Medford Mail Tribune a few years ago and prior to that time held a similar post on a newspaper in Minnesota. There are few veterans of the world war who saw service on "the other side," who do not desire to make a visit once again to the scenes of their great experiences. Don Skene, popular young reporter of the Oregonian, served for six months in the French ambulance service, before America entered the war. His feet have been "itching" for the past two years, and he has been looking forward to the time when he could go back to France. That time has arrived, and Skene is scheduled to be in Paris May 1. He is to sail on the S. S. Saxonia out of New York. While in France Skene will write special stories and do free lance work. He has taken a six months leave of absence from the Oregonian. Before Ben Hur Lampman left with Julius L. Meier on the globe-encircling tour he and Skene planned to meet in Paris on May 1.
Billy Stepp, well known sports editor of the Portland News, went to Pasadena, California, with the Portland baseball team. While in the sunny south Billy visited all of the coast league training camps and sent the News a daily report on how the teams looked in spring training.
Ralph Morrison, who joined the staff of the Oregonian last September to cover the railroad and financial beats. recently resigned to enter the investment department of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company.
Paul Moeckli, veteran office boy of the Portland News, was confined to his bed for about a week during February with the flu. Believe it or not, Paul was the most welcomed of any of the News staff back to work.
Carl S. Miller, who covers the federal beat for the Portland News, spent two days at McNeils Island visiting the institution. Miller said that he will never do anything so that he will have to stay there any longer.
O. C. Leiter, widely known newspaper man, is the new managing editor of the Portland Telegram. Mr. Leiter was formerly city editor of the Oregonian, later conducted the La Grande Observer, going from there to New York to be an associate editor of the Tribune. Returning to Portland, he soon re-entered active news paper work as Northwest news editor of the Telegram, and has been managing editor for several weeks. Mr. Leiter succeeds Capt. W. T. Stott, who has gone to the San Francisco Examiner.
The Enterprise Record Chieftain has sold its second linotype, a model ten, and has ordered a model eight to take its place. The shop has added a stereotyping outfit to its plant. W. L. Flower has been shifted to outside work and is now advertising solicitor and reporter. G. E. Odle, foreman of the shop, was installed the first of the year as master of the Enterprise Masonic lodge. Miss Snow V. Heaton, assistant editor, is secretary of the Eastern Star chapter.
E. H. Hendryx. editor of the Baker Herald, is away with a party in the mountains of Grant county hunting deer with a movie camera. During the past year Hendryx has visited nearly every community in the Herald's field in order to keep up to date with the wishes of the outside people.
The Baker Democrat is running an interesting series under the heading "This May Remind You," articles on the history of the Baker country. Some good stuff is being developed on early days.
Herman F. Edwards has returned to his home in Cottage Grove from Marshfield, where he was for two months telegraph editor of the Marshfleld News.
The Joseph Herald expects to put in a linotype machine shortly. Editor O. G. Crawford looks to have the company erect it almost any day.
If you noticed an improvement in the local news of the Oregonian, beginning March 17, it may have been because Clark Williams resumed his place on the local staff the day before, after having been absent on various publicity jobs for several months. Clark assisted in the city publicity campaign for the 1925 exposition committee last winter and later directed the newspaper publicity for the Portland community chest, which he completed the day prior to taking up his duties as a general assignment man.
E. D. Alexander, who more than twenty years ago came to Stayton from Iowa, and bought the Stayton Mail, is again connected with that paper. His daughter. Mrs. Frances Parry, has been conducting it since October 1, 1921. Mr. Alexander has been postmaster in Stayton the past five and a half years, but being a democrat, was deposed by the present administration. The Mail has recently added a Model L linotype. The new firm name is Alexander & Parry.
Fred M. White, who has been marine editor of the Oregonian since his return from France, where he went as a member of Base Hospital No. 46, resigned from the local staff March 7 and became editor of Commerce,"house organ of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. He also has the title of assistant membership secretary. He has already improved the style and contents of Commerce.
Melvin Hall, of Portland, is the new telegraph editor of the Pendleton East Oregonian. Mr. Hall studied journalism at Oregon Agricultural College and is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity. He was accompanied to Pendleton by Mrs. Hall.
The Pendleton East Oregonian has added to its departments a weekly automobile section, made necessary by the opening of the annual spring drive conducted by auto dealers.
B. F. Irvine, editor of the Oregon Journal, recently said no to a large number of requests, including a petition bearing several thousand names, asking that he enter the race for governor. In declining, Mr. Irvine pointed out that he regarded his opportunity for service to his state as greater in his present position than it would be as governor. In part Mr. Irvine said: “Many good causes to which the institution with which I am associated is dedicated, are yet far from accomplishment. In that view, I am fully convinced; after mature reflection, that I can serve my state and my fellow citizens better as editor of the Oregon Journal than I could as governor of Oregon.”
Everett Earle Stanard of Brownsville, who has gained a wide reputation as author and poet, is writing an extended series of biographical sketches of Linn county pioneers, which have been running for some months in the Sunday editions of the Albany Democrat. He works in some interesting early-day history with them.
Fred Lockley, assistant to the publisher and special writer for the Oregon Journal, recently received a card from Marshal Foch in remembrance of their visit in Portland. The card bears the signed message, in French: “With my thanks and my best wishes. F. Foch.”
Members of the editorial staff of the Portland News contributed enough money to purchase a goat which they gave to the Portland baseball team as a mascot. The goat died, however, soon after it was given away.
Arthur D. Sullivan. former city editor of the Portland News, is now associate editor on the Screenland, a movie weekly.
Floyd A. Fessler is the new city editor of the Portland News. Mr. Fessler was former editor of the Prineville Call. Milwaukie, Oregon, is again to have a newspaper, after ten years without a regular publication, according to recent announcement. George A. McArthur, lately of Spokane, and A. C. Sellers, until recently a member of the staff of the Mount Scott Herald, are to be the publishers of the new journal, which will be known as the North Clackamas News. This will be the fourth newspaper started in Milwaukie since 1850, when the old Western Star began publication. Successors of the Western Star, which was soon moved to Portland, were the Milwaukie Bee, started by Charles Ballard, who moved it to Sellwood, and the Appeal, conducted by Captain James Shaw. Since the Appeal plant was destroyed by fire in 1912, Milwaukie has been without a newspaper. Mr. McArthur moved his mechanical plant from Spokane.
Old-timers in the Oregon newspaper world were interested in a letter printed in Fred Lockley's column in the Oregon Journal from J. W. Redington, twenty years ago editor of the Heppner Gazette. Mr. Redington is now at a soldiers' home in California. The author of the old advertising signs which read "Subscribe for the Heppner Gazette. It's hell on horse thieves and hypocrites," seems to have preserved his sense of humor, for he asks to know, in his letter, "whether excavating rock oysters at Newport is an agricultural or a piscatorial pursuit, or is it mining?" And also, whether "digging clams is fishing or farming." Anyone wishing to get in touch with Mr. Redington can get his address from Mr. Lockley.
Curtis L. Beach, formerly a student in the School of Journalism of the University of Oregon, is associated with his father, F. W. Beach, in the publication of the Pacific Northwest Hotel News.
The marriage of Ernest Crockatt and Miss Therese Snyder took place in Portland March 7. Mr. Crockett is city editor of the Pendleton Tribune.
Charles Alexander, Sunday editor of the Albany Democrat, is winning recognition by his series of stories of wild life running in the Blue Book. Wilkie Nelson Collins, professor of rhetoric in the University of Oregon, recently sent a communication to the Oregon Daily Emerald, students' publication, calling attention to the series. "They have," he wrote, "so much unusual observation and incident and so real a style about them that it is a pity to miss the finest things any Oregonian has done yet for his state in the writing of stories."
S. C. Morton, publisher, has started constructing new quarters for his St. Helens Mist. The site is just across the street from the present quarters. The building will be 36×58 feet and will cost about $4000. It is hoped to have the structure completed this month. The shop will be 36×42, and a stock room and sales room 18×16 and Mr. Morton's office will be in the front end of the building. Later another story of office rooms or apartments will be added, in accordance with Mr. Morton's present plans.
The Banks Herald is soliciting letters from its subscribers telling of their likes and dislikes. their plans and hopes, the mistakes they have made, and other subjects of interest to readers. A special request is for a communication of about 300 words on "Who is the most useful citizen in your town?" The Herald ought to get some interesting copy out of these letters. Looks like an idea that could be adopted or adapts—just as one likes—in some other towns of the state.
March 24, the English classes of the Gilliam county high school issued the Condon Globe-Times, supplying the local news, editorial matter, feature stories and other matter that went into the paper. They have received many compliments upon the excellence of the issue. Getting out one of the March issues is an annual custom with the G. C. H. S.
Looking, if possible, healthier and more prosperous than ever, the Gresham Outlook, widely-known twice-a-week, celebrated its twelfth birthday early in March. The Outlook’s expansion in its eleven years is indicated, among other things, by the fact that the Junior linotype with which it began publication has given way to two standard-size machines, while the paper’s staff has quadrupled. In the anniversary number, the growth of the Outlook is traced since its establishment, March 3, 1911. The latest improvements include equipment which cost most than the entire original plant. Among these are a pony Miehle with Dexter feeding attachment, a Miller saw trimmer, and a foot-power stitcher. The entire ground space of 50×60 is now jammed with machinery and equipment. The present force of this hustling publication consists of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. St. Clair, Chase and Leslie St. Clair, Emma Johnson, Oliver Stromquist, Miss Evelyn Metzger, Miss Beatrice Jackson, Miss Faye Lord and Miss Florence Auclair.
The Blue Mountain Eagle, of Canyon City, has tapped Ralph Fisk, an eastern Oregon pioneer, for an interesting series of articles on the early-day mining excitement and settlement of Canyon City and the John Day valley. Fisk’s articles are graphic and lively-like in spots and doubtless are taken with avidity by a wide circle of eastern Oregon readers.
An experienced middle-aged reporter with a few thousand saved is considering buying a full or part interest in a good Oregon country newspaper. Would consider partner who knows the mechanical end and can exchange references. Have worked in U. S., Hawaii, and Manila. but desire to settle here. Am married. Address C. B. C., Oregon Exchanges.
E. B. Aldrich, editor of the Pendleton East Oregonian, has been re-elected as one of the members of the board of directors of the Pendleton Commercial Association.
“Do you remember” when “Ted” Piper blew the tuba in the Home Amusement Club band in Salem? It was early in the eighties, and the story, illustrated with a cut of the old band of 15 “pieces,” is told by Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Oregonian, in Murray Wade’s interesting old-timers’ number of the Oregon Magazine, published at Salem. Speaking of his tuba solos, Mr. Piper writes, “I have never heard that there was any particularly wild acclaim over my performances 'Annyhow,’ as Dooley might say, ’I did my durndest. Angels could do no more.'"
Vella Winner, women’s club editor of the Oregon Journal, and one of the best known members of the Journal family, will retire, at least for the present, from newspaper work when, on April 9, she leaves Portland for Pasadena, Cal. Miss Winner’s plans are the result of the illness of her father, G. A. Winner, a resident of Pasadena. Pending the parent’s recovery Miss Winner expects to let her_ many Portland activities take care of them selves. Her successor on the Journal staff had not been named as Exchanges went to press.
R. C. Salton, of Tacoma, who has been engaged in specialty advertising throughout the northwest, chiefly in Oregon and Washington, now has the title of advertising manager for the Grants Pass Daily Courier. Salton took the place of J. R. Griffith, general advertising and circulation specialist who came to the Courier last October. Before going to Grants Pass Griffith was associated with Elbert Bede at Cottage Grove. He is now engaged in another line of business, but expects to return to the newspaper field in the future.
Fred Lampkin, business manager of the Pendleton East Oregonian, has been chosen as president of the Pendleton Rod and Gun Club for the ensuing year. This will be Mr. Lampkin’s third year as president.
Michael J . Roche, whose death occurred
in Eugene since the last issue of Oregon Exchanges, was, in the words of the Portland Spectator, “one of the best known and best loved journalists and railroad men of the Northwest.” Before coming to Portland thirty years ago he had won a wide reputation as railroad editor of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. After a short time as telegraph editor of the Oregonian he became traveling passenger agent for the Denver & Rio Grande. He was for many years railroad editor of The Spectator. In the course of the years he built up an acquaintance that extended into nearly every railroad office in the United States. “In all those offices,” says The Spectator, “there is a deep feeling of regret at his passing. The members of The Spectator staff who so long and intimately knew him will miss him greatly.”
A figure familiar to all old-timers on the Oregonian staff again holds down the marine desk in the room under the big tower. He is none other than W. E. (Bill) Mahoney, deep sea expert. For years, prior to resigning to accept a position with the Portland office of the United States shipping board, Bill walked up and down the shores of the Willamette river every day except Sunday and gleaned “leads,” “follows” and “notes” which went to make up the marine page. He was working on the night desk at the Journal for a time, but when Fred White left to take a job with the chamber of commerce, was called back to the Oregonian by H. E. Thomas, city editor.
When Wilford Allen is not engaged with business connected with the chamber of commerce, of which he is vice-president, or with the Grants Pass Irrigation district, of which he is secretary, or even in his capacity as secretary of the Oregon Sportsmen’s Association, he is apt to be found at his desk in the office of the Grants Pass Daily Courier, of which he is editor.
N. W. Cowherd of Kentucky has succeeded E. R. Farley as business manager of the Baker Herald. Mr. Farley has accepted a position as district representative of the Modern Woodmen. Mr. Cowherd comes to the Herald with the intention of doubling the advertising line age in 1922 and of establishing a 3000 A. B. C. paid circulation before October 1. He has only one arm but two heads, one educated for the circulation department and one for the advertising department. He is personally in charge of foreign advertising. George L. Jett, a local business man, has recently been appointed local advertising manager of the Baker Herald and is organizing a copy and merchandising service to make profitable advertising easier and more certain for Baker merchants.
The Angora Journal, published at Portland by A. C. Gage, has sold its milk goat department to California interests and will deal only with the fleece goats in future. Mohair, the fleece of the Angora goat, is used in Palm Beach suits and is entering into manufacture of clothing in combination with wool. There are nearly four million goats on farms in the United States, Mr. Gage points out.
Elbert Bede, who has been reading clerk of the lower house of the Oregon state legislature, has consented to enter the race for representative in that body from Lane county. Perhaps it is unnecessary here to identify Mr. Bede as the editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel and the president of the Oregon State Editorial Association. His neighbors in Eugene brought considerable persuasive pressure to bear on him to announce his candidacy.
Charles F. Soule, who died in Portland March 3, was formerly editor of the Lincoln County Leader. Prior to that time he worked on the Omaha Bee for ten years. He was 59 years old, a native of Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Filmland, even horrible Hollywood, marshalled its forces for the inspection of Earl C. Brownlee, dramatic editor of the Oregon Journal, during the last two weeks of February, which Brownlee spent in and around Los Angeles. Despite the furore of interest then manifested in the William D. Taylor movie murder, Brownlee kept as nearly aloof as possible from crimes, seeking, rather, edification in the marvels of the studios and their living inhabitants. Brownlee was accompanied by A. C. Raleigh, former New York World artist and now manager of the Columbia theatre, Portland.
H. J. Saunders of Salem and Albert Lulay, formerly of the Stayton Mail, are the publishers of the Siuslaw Region, the new paper established at Florence. Lane county's seaport. The paper, which is said to have the united support of the granges in western Lane county, is the successor of the old West, which suspend ed last year after more than a quarter of a century of publication. The Region is using the West plant. Congratulations and best wishes are pouring in upon the publishers from their friends and former associates in other parts of the state.
The Molalla Pioneer recently celebrated its ninth anniversary. Much of Molalla's development and progress is laid to the work of the Pioneer, which has itself prospered well. One of its latest additions is a linotype. Gordon J. Taylor, the editor, is well known also for his ability as a platform speaker and did Y. M. C. A. entertainment work overseas during the war. His son, Walter J. Taylor, is business manager of the paper.
The Albany Democrat has installed a duplex perfecting press, like those in use in the offices of the Eugene dailies. John Bennett, the Register pressman, went from Eugene to set it up and the Democrat people speak in high terms of his efficiency as a machinist and his meticulous conscientiousness.
Miss Marion Morton, 16-year-old daughter of S. C. Morton, editor of the St. Helens Mist, will leave about June 1 for Honolulu to visit her aunt and will take her senior year in high school at Honolulu. Miss Morton has been helping her father on the reporting of locals for the last two years and has also written for several Portland papers. On her re turn she will develop her journalistic talent with a course in the University of Oregon. While in Honolulu she will write a series of articles for publication on the Hawaiian islands.
Fred L. Sheets has disposed of his interests in the Nyssa Journal and has formed a partnership with George Huntington Currey for the operation of the Book-Nook Printery, an exclusive job shop in Baker, Oregon. Eugene Crosby, the former proprietor, has secured an interest in the Tillamook Headlight, where he will have charge of the mechanical department. Both Sheets and Crosby are printers of exceptional ability.
The Jacksonville Post, published by S. P. and H. M. Shutt, has moved into new quarters. The Post now claims "the neat eat and most convenient office quarters as well as the best equipped plant of any small town printing office in Oregon." The publishers add the hope that "this improvement and enterprise will be appreciated by the Post's army of patrons and the public generally."
Oregon Exchanges knows of a pretty good little country newspaper that's for sale. It's over in north central Oregon and has rather a wide territory unoccupied by competing publications. If you're interested don't guess, but write Oregon Exchanges for further information.
The Portland Spectator is printing a symposium of the views of its subscribers on the question of whether prohibition is a success. Some of the letters are dry reading.
Oregon Exchanges is obliged to J. P. Kirkpatrick of the Pilot Rock Record for the following interesting little item on publicity: Insofar as the Pilot Rock Record is concerned the old adage "He who tooteth not his own horn the same shall not be tooted," has been exemplified. We have scanned the columns of Exchanges time after time in a fruitless search for some "bouquet" extolling the virtues of the modest little weekly published at Pilot Rock. Failing to find the fragrant little effusion we have decided to write one for ourselves—like the E. O. and Tribune do! We consider the Record the niftiest little paper published in Pilot Rock, full of ads, literary gems and—prunes.
Claude I. Barr, secretary of the Pendleton Commercial Association, is breaking into the editor class, writing articles and assembling material for the illustrated booklet which will be published by the commercial associations of Umatilla county. Ten thousand copies are to be printed, the booklet being the first ever published by the county. Besides Mr. Barr, those who have contributed to the booklet are Fred Bennion, county agent, who has for his theme the work of the Farm Bureau; Joseph Harvey, city editor of the Pendleton East Oregonian, who wrote the article entitled "Pendleton," and Miss Elsie Fitzmaurice, reporter, whose article is entitled "The Round-Up."
In honor of Lieut. Walter V. Brown, son of W. S. Brown of the Malheur Enterprise at Vale, who was killed when an airplane he was operating took a tail spin into the waters of the Potomac, a flying field in Virginia has recently been named. Lieutenant Brown was well known on the coast as a star football player of Washington State College and later was a member of the famous Mare Island Marines. During the war he saw service in the aviation branch and was stationed for a number of years in the West Indies.
F. A. Sikes, of Corvallis, editor of the Farmers' Union News, official organ of the Farmers' Union writes Oregon Exchanges suggesting a topic which, he says, "is not generally treated in our daily press." "All over Oregon," he writes, "farmers are broke; that is, many of them are, and more are getting that way every day. Now, if the press would speak of it as a general condition brought about by the infamous 'deflation' that followed the war, and at such a time when the farmer could not help himself, it would look much better than slurring the farmers, as anyone can observe in almost every paper."
Oregon Exchanges has not noted a general tendency to slur the farmers, and is convinced, with Mr. Sikes, that such policy, wherever it may be followed, is short-sighted, indeed, and particularly objectionable in Oregon, whose prosperity is built so directly on farming.
Mrs. A. A. Wheeler, of the firm publishing the Halsey Enterprise, has so far recovered from the stroke of paralysis which prostrated her, December 4 last, that there are hopes that within three months she will be able to walk about the house without help and in general to care for herself. The work in the printing office is being done by the other partner, W. H. Wheeler, who is a septuagenarian, and D. F. Dean, a well-known newspaper man and printer of Oregon, who is 60.
Fred R. Bangs, outside circulation representative of the Baker Herald, has been bucking the country roads this winter via Old Dobbin. He will be glad when the roads make it possible to transfer the saddle bags to the back of the Ford roadster.
In his parting word to the people of Nyssa through the Journal, Fred L. Sheets, who has purchased a printing office in Baker, expresses the hope that some day he may return to Nyssa to publish a daily paper.
Now that word of the wedding of Phillip Ludwell Jackson, associate publisher of the Oregon Journal, has been proclaimed in print, with unstinted use of space on the part of all the Portland papers, the chief item of news in that connection is the fact that Jackson and his bride (Dorothy Strowbridge) prominent in Portland social circles, are forced to spend a two-months honeymoon in such out-of-the-way places as Cuba. In spite of the terrors of Cuba, early reports indicate that the honeymooners are having gladsome days.
W. S. Brown, who, with his brother Harry Brown, published the Gate City Journal at Nyssa, has recently purchased an interest in the Malheur Enterprise at Vale, and is in charge of the mechanical room. Mr. Brown is one of the pioneer newspaper men of Oregon and the founder of several eastern Oregon weekly newspapers.
Portland, March 29—(Not by United Press).—Frank A. Clarvoe, bureau manager in Portland for the United Press, is determined that he will not live in an apartment and is seeking far and wide a suitable domicile for two. Clarvoe admits, if pressed for information, that he has the girl, but the date hasn't been set—probably pending the discovery of the elusive love nest.
Marshall N. Dana of the Oregon Journal staff saw so much of the big cities of the East on his recent trip that Portland is over large in his eyes and, as a result, a home in the woods proved an irresistible attraction. The Danas hope to move this spring to the vicinity of Oak Grove on the Willamette river.
Miss Echo June Zahl, Los Angeles newspaper writer, formerly of Portland and Seattle, was called to Portland early in March by the death of her mother, Mrs. Jennie D. Zahl.
A. E. Scott, publisher of the Washing ton County News-Times at Forest Grove for nearly twelve years past, has sold the job department of his printing plant to W. J. Clark, formerly of Independence, and will devote his energies to the newspaper exclusively. It is planned to have the newspaper printed by the job department and thus relieve Mr. Scott of the mechanical end of the business entirely. Mr. Clark has sold his residence at Independence and will move to Forest Grove as soon as school is out. Mr. Scott owns a 20-acre prune orchard that will soon be claiming much of his attention. Mr. Clark has disposed of his interest in the Mt. Scott Herald, of which he has been business manager.
David W. Hazen, of the Portland Telegram, was the only Portland newspaper man who covered the mysterious poisoning of the five Rhodes children near Klaber, Wash. Hazer is a home-loving body, so it happens he gets all of the out-of-town assignments. On Monday, March 20, he packed his grip to go to Spokane to meet the Chicago Grand Opera Company. He boarded one of the special trains at Spokane Tuesday morning, and rode with the opera stars all day Tuesday, and got up early Wednesday morning to cover their arrival in Portland.
John Connell, identified in the office of the Oregon Journal as Little Stupid, has wrapped the draperies of his couch about him and, together with Mrs. Connell and the young hopeful, has moved to the breezy shores of Oswego Lake. Thus the Connells have anticipated the warm weather.
Elmer Maxey, reporter for the Eugene Guard, was the author of a series of 49 articles, recently published in the Guard, descriptive of Lane County industries. Mr. Maxey received much commendation from followers of publicity for his excellent work in outlining Lane County's varied industrial activities.
First of Oregon newspapers to install
a radiophone broadcasting station to send concerts, weather forecasts, high lights of the news and other intelligence out from its own office, the Oregonian dedicated the other day its new apparatus, just in stalled in a room under the big clock in the tower, with a concert by Miss Edith Mason, one of the stars of the Chicago Grand Opera Company.
The station is one of the most powerful in the west, with a radius at any time of 500 miles, and with favorable conditions it will operate much farther. When the apparatus was tested in New York, its broadcasting was heard from Halifax to Georgia and as far west as Chicago. Along the Pacific coast atmospheric conditions are said to be more favorable and the Oregonian’s service is expected to be heard from Alaska to Mexico. Radio phone receiving sets throughout the northwest states will pick up the Oregonian broadcasts with ease, it is expected.

Paul Robinson, editor of the Aurora Observer, is working out a plan which will take him all over the United States by auto in the interest of the 1925 exposition and in the promotion of interest in Oregon’s farming opportunities. Mr. Robinson’s plan is, he says, “without any excessive financial profit, to travel by auto through practically every state, visiting printing offices in small and large towns, auto camps, and among the actual land seekers, advertising by a properly lettered and attractive house car and thousands of circulars, the big fair and Oregon's opportunities.”

The Astoria Times is the name of a new weekly at Astoria. Owen A. Merrick is editor. and J. B. Myers business manager. The early numbers of the publication are lively and attractive.

Lou M. Kennedy, sporting editor of the Telegram, covered the training camp news of the Portland Beavers at Pasadena.

L. R. Wheeler, vice-president of the Portland Telegram Publishing Company, recently spoke before the Commercial Club at Hood River, on topics connected with the development of the scenic assets of the Pacific Northwest, and especially of the Mt. Hood district. Mr. Wheeler attended the annual meeting of the Baker County Chamber of Commerce, and on his return trip, stopped off at Pendleton and was one of the guests at a dinner given in honor of Edgar B. Piper of the Oregonian, by Roy W. Ritner, president of the State Senate.

With the installation of a second No. 14 Mergenthaler linotype with head-letter attachment, the Salem Capital Journal claims the best equipped plant of any of the smaller newspapers of the northwest. The plant comprises two No. 14 and one No, 8 linotypes, all full magazines and all new, and an intertype, a Ludlow typo graph with two full cabinets of matrices, a 16-page perfecting press and complete stereotyping machinery. The entire plant is electrically equipped.

George Huntington Currey, president of the Baker Herald Company, has undertaken the organization of an advertising club in Baker and expects to see it give some of the older clubs a run for their money. The Herald has, through its guarantee against fraudulent advertising, its guarantee of circulation, and many “shop ads” for advertising, promoted interest among business men for result getting newspaper space.

W. S. Kilgour, former managing editor of one of the Perkins papers at Olympia, Wash., is the latest addition to the night staff of the Oregon Journal, under Harry H. Hill. night editor.

George H. Neher, formerly of the Oregonian, is now foreman of the Mt. Scott Herald composing room. Louis Breidenbach is the new apprentice in the Herald press room.