Page:กม ร ๘ - ๒๔๗๘ fixed.pdf/1312

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Section1589.As regards an action for rescission of adoption, when―

(1)one party commits serious misconduct or seriously defames the other party or an ascendant of the other party, such other party may institute the action;

(2)one party fails to maintain the other party, such other party may institute the action;

(3)one party has wilfully abandoned the other party for more than one year, such other party may institute the action;

(4)one party has been sentenced to imprisonment of more than three years, the other party may institute the action;

(5)the adopter gravely breaches the duty of a father or mother according to section 1536, 1543, 1545, 1546, or[1] 1547, the adopted child may institute the action.

Section1590.No action for recission of adoption of a child shall be instituted upon the passage of one year from the day the alleging party knows or should know of the fact which grounds the recission or upon the passage of ten years from the occurrence of that fact.


  1. Originally, “and”. (Wikisource contributor note)