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Volume 136, Issue 69A
Page 133
Royal Gazette

27 May 2562

The stipulations of paragraph 1(2) and (6) shall not apply to the recipients of any form of benefit which they are legally or morally entitled to receive."

Section15.The stipulations of section 366/1 of the Penal Code, which have been amended by the Act Amending the Penal Code (No. 22), 2558 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section366/1.Whoever satisfies his own desire by penetrating with his own sex organ the sex organ, anus, or oral cavity of a corpse, shall be punished with imprisonment not over three years, or a fine not over sixty thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and the fine."

General Prayut Chan-o-cha
Prime Minister