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Issue 7, Volume 65
Royal Gazette

3 February 2491

"Section87.Subject to section 56, section 74, and section 95septies, any legal provisions, royal rescripts, and royal commands which relate to the public services of the State must be countersigned by a Minister."

Section5.The following stipulations shall be inserted after section 95 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era as section 95bis, 95ter, section 95quater, section 59quinquies, section 95 sexies, section 95septies, and section 95octies, respectively:

"Section95bis.There shall be an Assembly called the "Constitution Drafting Assembly", which is composed of Members elected by the National Assembly, of whom ten are from amongst the Members of the Senate, ten are from amongst the Members of the Chamber of Deputies, and [the others] are from the four types of the candidates in the election of Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly as designated in section 95ter, five per each type.