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Page:สัญญากรุงเทพฯ กับกรุงอังกฤษเป็นทางไมตรีค้าขายกัน (๒๓๓๙).pdf/17

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All fines and penalties inflicted for infraction of the provisions and regulations of this Treaty shall be paid to the Siamese Government.

Until the British Consul shall arrive at Bangkok, and enter upon his functions, the consignees of British vessels shall be at liberty to settle with the Siamese authorities all questions relating to their trade.

Article X.

The British Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation in any privileges, that may have been, or may hereafter be, granted by the Siamese Government, to the Government or subjects of any other nation.

Article XI.

After the lapse of ten years from the date of the ratification of this Treaty, upon the desire of either the British or Siamese Governments, and on twelve months' notice given by either party, the present and such portions of the Treaty of 1826 as remain unrevoked by this Treaty, together with the Tariff and Regulations hereunto annexed, or those that may hereafter be introduced, shall be subject to revision by Commissioners appointed on both sides for this purpose, who will be empowered to decide on, and insert therein, such amendments as experience shall prove to be desirable.

Article XII.

This Treaty, executed in English and Siamese, both versions having the same meaning and intention, and the ratifications thereof having been previously exchanged, shall take effect from the sixth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six of the Christian era, corresponding to the first day of the fifth month of the one thousand two hundred and eighteenth year of the Siamese Civil era.

In witness whereof, the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the present Treaty in quadruplicate at Bangkok, on the eighteenth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five of the Christian era, corresponding to the second day of the sixth