Agreement entered into between the undermentioned
Royal Commissioners, on the part of Their Majesties the First and
Second Kings of Siam, and Harry Smith Parkes, Esquire, on the part of
Her Britannic Majesty's Government.
Mr Parkes having stated, on his arrival at Bangkok, as Bearer of Her Britannic Majesty's Ratification of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce concluded on the 18th day of April 1855, between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Their Majesties Phra Bard Somdetch Phra Paramendr Maha Mongkut Phra Chom klau chau Yu Hua, The First King of Siam, and Phra Bard Somdetch Phra Pawarendr Ramesr Mahiswaresr Phra Pin Klau Chau Yu Hua, The Second King of Siam, that he was instructed by the Earl of Clarendon, Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to request the Siamese Government to consent to an enumeration of those Articles of the former Treaty concluded in 1826, between the Honorable East India Company and Their late Majesties the First and Second Kings of Siam, which are abrogated by the Treaty first named, and also to agree to certain explanations which appear necessary to mark the precise force and application of certain portions of the new Treaty:— Their aforesaid Majesties the First and Second Kings of Siam have appointed and empowered certain Royal Commissioners, namely, His Royal Highness Krom Hluang Wongsa Dhiraj Snidh, and their Excellencies the four Senaputhies or Principal Ministers of Siam, to confer and arrange with Mr Parkes the matters above named, and the said Royal Commissioners having accordingly met Mr Parkes for this purpose, on repeated occasions, and maturely considered all the subjects brought by him to their notice, have resolved:
That it is proper, in order to prevent future controversy, that those clauses of the old Treaty which are abrogated by the new Treaty should be distinctly specified, and that any clause of the new Treaty which is