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Page:สัญญากรุงเทพฯ กับกรุงอังกฤษเป็นทางไมตรีค้าขายกัน (๒๓๓๙).pdf/31

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The Commercial Agreement annexed to the Old Treaty is abrogated by the new Treaty, with the Exception of the undermentioned clauses of Articles 1 and 4:—

Of Article 1, the Siamese desire to retain the following clause:— "British merchants importing fire-arms, shot, or gunpowder are prohibited from selling them to any party but the Government; should the Government not require such fire-arms, shot, or gunpowder, the Merchants must re-export the whole of them."

Article 4 stipulates that no Charge or Duty shall be levied on boats carrying cargo to British ships at the Bar. The Siamese desire to cancel this clause for the reason that the old measurement duty of 1,700 Ticals per fathom included the fees of the various Officers. But as this measurement Duty has now been abolished, the Siamese wish to levy on each native boat taking cargo out to sea a fee of 8 ticals, 2 salungs, this being the charge paid by Siamese Traders, and Mr Parkes undertakes to submit this point to the consideration of Her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Siam.

Article 2.

On the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Consul over

British Subjects.

The 2nd Article of the Treaty stipulates that,—"Any disputes arising between British and Siamese subjects shall be heard and determined by the Consul in conjunction with the proper Siamese Officer; and Criminal offenders will be punished in the case of English offenders by the Consul according to English laws and in the case of Siamese offenders by their own laws through the Siamese Authorities. But the Consul shall not interfere in any matters referring solely to Siamese, neither will the Siamese Authorities interfere in questions which only concern the subjects of her Britannic Majesty."

On the non-interference of the Consul with the Siamese, or of Siamese with British subjects, the said Royal Commissioners desire in the first place to state that, while for natural reasons they fully approve