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Pref. in nouū Teſta. Gal. 1567.

Ioſias Simlerus in vita Bullingeri.

2 Cor. 2. 17.

See S. Auguſt. li. 3. confeſ. c. 5.

uing no religious reſpect to keepe either the maieſtie or ſincere ſimplicity of that venerable ſtyle of Chriſtes ſpirit, as S. Auguſtine ſpeaketh, vvhich kind the holy Ghoſt did chooſe of infinite vviſedom to haue the diuine myſteries rather vttered in, then any other more delicate, much leſſe in that meretricious maner of vvriting that ſundrie of theſe new tranſlators doe vſe: of vvhich ſort Caluin him ſelfe and his pue-fellovves ſo much complaine, that they profeſſe, Satan to haue gained more by theſe nevv interpreters (their number, leuitie of ſpirit, and audacitie encreaſing daily) then he did before by keeping the word from the people. And for a paterne of this miſcheefe, they giue Caſtalion, adiuring all their churches and ſcholars to bevvare of his tranſlation, as one that hath made a very ſport and mockery of Gods holy vvord. ſo they charge him: them ſelues (and the Zuinglians of Zuricke, vvhoſe tranſlations Luther therfore abhorred) handling the matter vvith no more fidelitie, grauitie, or ſinceritie, then the other: but rather vvith much more falſification, or (to vſe the Apoſtles vvordes) cauponation and adulteration of Gods vvord, then they. beſides many vvicked gloſes, prayers, confeſsion of faith, conteining both blaſphemous errors * and plaine contradictions to them ſelues and among them ſelues, all priuileged and authoriſed to be ioyned to the Bible, and to be ſaid and ſung of the poore people, and to be beleeued as articles of faith and vvholy conſonant to Gods vvord.

Vve therfore hauing compaſsion to ſee our beloued countrie men, vvith extreme danger of their ſoules, to vſe onely ſuch prophane tranſlations, and erroneous mens mere phantaſies, for the pure and bleſſed vvord of truth, much alſo moued therevnto by the deſires of many deuout perſons: haue ſet forth, for you (benigne readers) the nevv Teſtament to begin vvithal, truſting that it may giue occaſion to you, after diligent peruſing thereof, to lay avvay at leſt ſuch their impure verſions as hitherto you haue ben forced to occupie. Hovv vvell vve haue done it, vve muſt not be iudges, but referre all to Gods Church and our ſuperiors in the ſame. to them vve ſubmit our ſelues, and this, and all other our labours, to be in part or in the vvhole, reformed, corrected, altered, or quite aboliſhed: moſt humbly deſiring pardon if through our ignorance, temeritie, or other humane infirmitie, vve haue any vvhere miſtaken the ſenſe of the holy Ghoſt. further promiſing, that if hereafter we eſpie any of our ovvne errors, or if any other, either frende of good vvil, or aduerſarie for deſire of reprehenſion, ſhal open vnto vs the ſame: vve vvil not (as Proteſtants doe) for defenſe of our eſtimation, or of pride and contention, by vvrangling vvordes vvilfully perſiſt in them, but be moſt glad to heare of them, and in the next edition or othervviſe to correct them: for it is truth that vve ſeeke for, and Gods honour: which being had either by good intention, or by occaſion, al is vvel. This vve profeſſe onely, that vve haue done our endeuour vvith praier, much feare and trembling, leſt vve ſhould dangerouſly erre in ſo ſacred, high, and diuine a vvorke: that vve haue done it vvith all faith, diligence, and ſinceritie: that vve haue vſed no partialitie for the diſaduantage of our aduerſaries, nor no more licence then is ſufferable in tranſlating of holy Scriptures: continually keeping our ſelues as neere as is poſſible, to our text & to the very vvordes and phraſes vvhich by long vſe are made venerable, though to ſome propſiane or delicate cares they may ſeeme more hard to barbarous, * as the whole ſtyle of Scripture doth lightly to ſuch at the begining: acknowledging with S. Hierom, that in other writings it is ynough to giue in trāſlation, ſenſe for ſenſe, but that in Scriptures, leſt vve miſſe the ſenſe, vve muſt keepe the very

b ij vvordes.

Caluin cōplaineth of the new delicat trāſlators, namely Caſtalion: him ſelf & Beza being as bad or vvorſe.

  • See the 4 article of their Creede in meter, vvhere they profeſſe that Chriſt deſcēded to deliuer the fathers, & afterward in their cōfeſſiō of their faith, they deny Limbus patrum.

The purpoſe & commoditie of ſetting forth this Catholike edition.

The religious care & ſinceritie obſerued in this tranſlatiō.