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CAMPHAUSEN — CAMPOAMOR Y CAMPOOSORIO Camphausen,OttO von (1812-1896), Prussian folio, with music, a perfunctory collection of Songs of statesman, was born at Hiinshoven in the Rhine Provinces Mourning for Prince Henry; and a second collection of 21st October 1812. Having studied jurisprudence and songs, Two Books of Airs, probably belongs to the same political economy at the universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, year. A Third and Fourth Book of Airs is undated, Munich, and Berlin, he entered the judicial career at but has been shown by Mr Bullen to belong to 1617, Cologne, and immediately devoted his attention to financial and Campion published about the same time a technical and commercial questions. Nominated assessor in 1837, treatise on counterpoint. In 1619 he republished what he acted for five years in this capacity at Magdeburg and we suppose to be his Poemata of 1595, but with Coblenz, became in 1845 counsellor in the ministry of very large additions. On 1st March 1620, Thomas finance, and was in 1849 elected a member of the second Campion, Doctor of Physic, was buried,” at St Dunstan’s chamber of the Prussian diet, joining the Moderate Liberal in the West, Fleet Street. He was probably in his party. In 1869 he was appointed Minister of Finance. fifty-fourth year. Campion’s genius was recognized in On taking office, he was confronted with a deficit in the his own age, and the complete oblivion into which it revenue, which he successfully cleared off by effecting a immediately sank is difficult to account for. This eclipse conversion of a greater part of the state loans. The lasted, however, until a few years ago. It was dispersed French war indemnity enabled him to redeem a consider- by Mr Bullen, who in 1887 was the first to claim for able portion of the state debt and to remit certain taxes. Campion a place among the foremost lyrical poets of the He was, however, a too warm adherent of free trade Elizabethan age. The same critic persevered in drawing principles to enjoy the confidence either of the Agrarian attention to Campion’s merits, and was encouraged, in party or of Prince Bismarck, and his antagonism to 1889, to edit a complete edition of his works. Since then, the tobacco monopoly and the general economic policy of the claim of Campion has been acknowledged by comthe latter brought about his retirement. Camphausen’s petent judges. Of all the poets who in the reigns of great services to Prussia were recognized by his sovereign Elizabeth and James I. made a practice of contributing in the bestowal of the order of the Black Eagle in 1895, words to the popular music-books, Campion was by a dignity carrying with it a patent of nobility. He died far the greatest, whether as an artist in verse or as an improvisator. He had a very wide range; he exat Berlin on 18th May 1896. celled as much in an elaborate ode or epithalamium as Cam pi Bisenzio, a town of the province of in a simple trill of unpremeditated song. As a masqueFlorence, Tuscany, Italy, 7 miles N.W. from Florence, writer, he has only one rival in English, namely Ben with a fine castle. Population, about 14,000. Jonson, and Campion’s best entertainment, that on the (< Campion, Thomas (1566?-1620), English marriage of The Lord Hayes,” is able to bear comparison with the finest of Jonson’s masques. It is a curious fact poet and musician, whose works have only received due that Campion, who rhymed with equal elegance and ease, recognition within the last few years. The resuscitation of his fame is largely due to the enthusiastic and whose best songs are remarkable for their verbal labour of Mr A. H. Bullen. No light has been thrown music, was, at all events during some part of his career, over his parentage, or the time of his birth, except averse from the employment of rhyme in English. The that he seems to have been about twenty years of experiments he wished to introduce, his iambics, anage, in 1586, when he was admitted a member of Gray’s acreontics and sapphics, are unfitted to the genius of our Inn. Without proceeding to the Bar, he adopted the language, and of Campion’s examples of these heresies profession of medicine, and studied for, his M.D. at the best that can be said is that they are more nearly Cambridge, where he was “ soundly learned ’’ and “ gentle- successful than those of his contemporaries. But ^even manlike qualified.” Campion is first mentioned as a from his remarkably adroit “Rose-cheeked Laura,” we poet in Peele’s Honour of the Garter, 1593 ; the earliest turn with eagerness to such of his rhymed pieces as that not verses of his which we possess have come down to us in in which “ "White lope ” is mentioned, or to I care (E- G>) a MS. dated 1596. But before this he had published for these ladies.” a collection of Latin epigrams (in 1595), no copy of Campoamory Campoosorio, Ramon which is now believed to exist. The text is, however, supposed to be that reprinted in the second book of the de (1817-1901), Spanish poet, was born at Navia in the Epigrammata of 1619. In 1601 appeared A Book of province of Asturias on 24th September 1817. Abandoning Airs, in which the songs are believed to be entirely his first intention of entering the Jesuit order, he studied written by Campion, the music by him and by Rossiter. medicine at Madrid, found an opening in politics as a Next year Campion appeared as a critic of prosody, with supporter of the Moderate party, and, after occupying several his Observations in the Art<£of English Poesy, a treatise in subordinate posts, became governor of Castell6n de la Plana, favour of abandoning the vulgar and unartificial custom of Alicante, and of Valencia. His Conservative tendencies of rhyming,” in favour of accentuated, unrhymed verse. grew more pronounced with time, and his Polemicas con la Samuel Daniel immediately replied with his Defence of Democracia (1862) may be taken as the definitive expres Rhyme, published in 1602, and Ben Jonson attacked sion of his political opinions. His first appearance as a both Campion and Daniel in a tract which has been lost. poet dated from 1840, when he published his Temezas y Campion was chosen to write the Masque at Court, fores, a collection of idyllic verses, remarkable for their on occasion of Sir James Hay’s marriage in 1607; technical excellence. His Ayes del Alma (1842) and is this he dedicated to the king, and published in Fdbulas morales y politicas (1842) sustained his reputaquarto • it is one of the best existing examples of this tion, but showed no perceptible increase of power or skil. class of composition. In 1613 Campion was engaged on An epic poem in sixteen cantos, Colon (1853) is no more three Court masques, all of which were printed, and it is successful than modern epics usually are. Campoamor s probable that he wrote many other such lyrical and theatrical pieces, such as El Palacio de la Verdad (187 ), musical entertainments, which served their purpose, and Dies Irce (1873), El Honor (1874), and Glorias Humams were not preserved. He worked, we know, with Inigo (1885), are interesting experiments ; but they are total y Jones, and apparently escaped those perturbations of lacking in dramatic spirit. He has always shown a keen temper which marked Ben Jonson’s dealings with the interest in metaphysical and philosophic questions, an irascible architect. In 1613, also, Campion issued in has defined his position in La Filosofia de las leyes (184b),