Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 26 - AUS-CHI.pdf/804

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CHERIBON — CHESHIRE unobtrusive humour, which fully account for their wide 1894, erected into an urban district. Besides the ancient popularity in many countries besides his own. His genius church of St Mary, Christchurch (1864), and a church was the reverse of dramatic, and attempts to present two built in 1887, there is a Congregational chapel (rebuilt in of his stories on the stage have not succeeded. His essays 1886), a Baptist chapel (rebuilt in 1898), a Wesleyan chapel have all the merits due to liberal observation and thorough- (erected in 1897), and a Calvinistic chapel. Other buildness of treatment; their style, like that of the novels, is ings are the town hall and a mechanics’ institute. There are numerous charities. All sorts of small dairy utensils, admirably lucid and correct. (c.) chairs, malt-shovels, &c., are made of beech, the growth of Cheribon (Dutch, Tjeribon), the most easterly resi- which forms a feature of the surrounding country. Shoedency of West Java, with an area of 262,064 square miles. making is also carried on. In Waterside hamlet, adjoinIt is separated from Tegal in the E. by the small river ing the town, are flour mills, duck farms, and watercress Losari, which also marks the boundary between the beds. Chesham publishes two weekly newspapers. In Sundaeseof West and the Javanese of Middle and East Java. consequence of the constitution in 1898 of three new The northern part of the residency, with the exception of parishes the area of Chesham has been reduced to the volcano Tjeri Mai (10,000 feet), consists of an alluvial 10,360 acres. Its population on the old area of 12,746 coast plain, drained by the Manuk, which rises in the high acres was in 1881, 6502 ; on the new area (1891), 6075; mountains of Preanger. The Tandui, which also rises in (1901), 7245. Preanger, forms the southern boundary. Rice is cultivated Cheshire or Chester, a north-western county on the low marshy grounds, and in addition to other proof England, bounded on the N. by the Mersey, which ducts, tea is a special culture. The total population in 1897 was 1,577,521, comprising 867 Europeans, 21,108 separates it from Lancashire, on the N.E. by York and Chinese, 1896 Arabs, other Oriental foreigners 120, Derby, on the S.E. by Stafford, on the S. by Shropshire, natives, 1,553,530. Cheribon, the chief town, has a on the W. by Denbigh, Flint, and the estuary of the Dee, roadstead, safe during the west monsoon, from which it is and on the N.W. by the Irish Sea. Area and Population.—The area of the ancient county is 657,068 protected by the north and south trend of the coast. Im- acres or 1027 square miles. The population in 1881 was 644,037, perfect drainage and the silting up of the little river and in 1891 was 730,058, of whom 352,936 were males and 377,122 Tjeribon long rendered the town unhealthy and the port females, the number of persons per square mile being 711, and of almost inaccessible. Improvements have, however, been acres to a person 0‘91. In 1901 the population was 814,555. area of the administrative county, as given in the census rerecently effected—a channel 900 feet long has been con- The turns of 1891, was 655,036 acres, with a population of 743,869 ; but structed, and the large number of Chinese and Arab since then several alterations have been made in the administraresidents indicate the commercial activity. Sugar and tive area. In 1895 the parish of Tittenley in Cheshire was transcoffee are exported in considerable quantity, and the total ferred to Shropshire ; in 1896 part of the parish of Threapwood Flint was transferred to Cheshire ; in the same year part of port traffic amounts to about 200,000 tons annually. in the townships of Appleton-with-Hull, Latchford Without, and Railways and tramways afford land communication with Walton Inferior was transferred from Cheshire to Lancashire ; Batavia, Samarang, and the neighbouring residencies, and and in 1898 part of the township of Ashton-imder-Lyne was transferred from Lancashire to Cheshire, and part of the townsteamers with the other islands of the archipelago. ship of Dukinfield from Cheshire to Lancashire. The area of Chernomorskayay formerly a province of the registration county is 643,791 acres, with a population in Russia, North Caucasia, now a separate military district of 1891 of 707,978, of whom 508,498 were urban and 199,480 rural. Within this area the increase of population between 1881 and 1891 Kuban. It includes the narrow strip of land along the east was 13‘76 per cent. The excess of births over deaths between coast of the Black Sea, from Novorossiysk, its capital, to 1881 and 1891 was 84,417, and the increase in resident population nearly as far as Pitsunda, between the sea-coast and the was 85,655. The following table gives the numbers of marriages, water-parting of the main Caucasus range, which sends births, and deaths, with the number of illegitimate births, for

many spurs to the coast, leaving a narrow and extremely 1880, 1890, and 1898 Illegitimate Births. malarial belt between the mountains and the sea. A rich Marriages. Births. Deaths. vegetation of a southern character, favoured by copious Male. Female. rains, grows along the coast; but the country, since the 509 526 1880 4269 20,823 12,303 forced exodus of the Tcherkesses, is very thinly populated. 509 536 1890 5171 21,161 13,684 It is divided into three districts: Novorossiysk, capital of 473 457 1898 5671 22,064 13,467 the province (20,511), Yeliaminovsk, and Soch (chief town Dakhovskiy Posad, 1040). Novorossiysk is connected by The number of marriages in 1899 was 5957, of births 22,004,. rail with the main line of North Caucasia, and a mountain and of deaths 13,893. following table gives the marriage, birth, and death rates road is being made from Yeliaminovskaya (Tuapse) to perThe 1000 of the population, with the percentage of illegitimate Maikop in Kuban. A road runs all along the coast, upon births, for a series of years :— which small Russian and pretty Czech villages are growing 1870-79. 1880. 18S0-89. 1890. 1887-98. 1898. up. Population (1896), 49,745, chiefly Russians, also Greeks, Czechs, Armenians, and about 1300 Tcherkesses. 15-5 13-8 13-6 14-7 14-1 14-7 Marriages . 35-4 33-8 32-1 30-2 30-0 287 Births Cherso (Serbo-Croatian, Gres), an island belonging 21-4 19-9 19-0 19-5 18-4 17-5 Deaths 4-6 4-2 5-0 5-1 4-9 to the Austrian province of Istria, in the Gulf of Quarnero. Percentage of ille- 5'4 gitimacy Population, 10,180 — two-thirds Serbo - Croatians and one-third Italians. The chief town, which bears the In 1891 there were in the county 8651 natives of Scotland, 20,006 same name, has 4725 inhabitants. It is a harbour, and natives of Ireland, and 2254 foreigners. is provided with a shipwright’s wharf. The principal Constitution and Government. —The ancient county is divided resources of the population are the cultivation of the vine into eight parliamentary divisions ; and it also includes the parliamentary borough of Birkenhead, returning one member, part of and olive, fishing and seafaring. Stockport, returning two members, and parts of Ashton-underChesham, a parish, urban district (1894), and Lyne, Chester, Stalybridge, and Warrington, returning one memeach. The administrative county contains nine municipal market town of England, on the Chess, an affluent of the ber boroughs: Birkenhead (110,926), Chester (36,281), Congleton Colne, 13 miles S.E. of Aylesbury by rail, in the Aylesbury (10,706), Crewe (42,075), Dukinfield (18,929), Hyde (32,768), parliamentary division of Buckinghamshire. Under a Macclesfield (34,635), Stalybridge (27,674), and Stockport local board from 1885, it was by the Local Government Act, (78,875). Birkenhead, Chester, and Stockport are county