Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/377

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i885ll66 - 4885510
JUL-DEC. 1977

»8851165 (con. I Aberdeen School of Britlnq and Belated Arts; 1iuq77; 4885165.

A88SI466. Handbook on lov-cost automatic typlnq. 107 p. Hord Processinq Ezchanqe* Inc.; 16Auq77: 48851)66.

4885167. Instant math. Haqic stamp. naqic circle. 3 folders. (Foldecs of naqic) 4ppl. au: John J. Fabiance. G John J. Fabiance & 4fflericao Printers and Lithoqraphers (in notice: J. J. Fabjance & 4P and L Coapany) : 154uq77; 4885167.

4885168. In BV oun dark way. Poens by Uillian J. Harris. 38 p. Some poems prev. pub. in The 4i]ierican scholar & others. NH: additions £ compilation. O Ithaca House; 154uq77; 4885168.

4885169. Teachinq on television. By Hary Lynn Cron. 150 p. O Bary Lynn Croii 6 The University of Texas at 4rlinqtan; 1Jul77; 4885169.

4885170. 41coholism: development* consequences and interventions. By Nada June Estes S Marqo Edith Beinemann. 332 p. C The C. V. aosby company; 29Jul77; 4885170.

4885171. H. 4.P. : dotivation analysis profile. 2 V. £ 1 p. SS5 Consultinq, Inc. ; 11Jun77; 4885171.

4885172. The Hetric system user quide. Hay 1977. 56 p. Baytheon Company; 264pr77; 4885172.

4885173. What's back of it all? Occult science S. S. 159. By Georqe Hinslov Plummer. 6 p. e G. E. S. Plummer; 15JU177: 4885173.

4885171. Beapinq: sparinqly or bountifully? Occult science S. N. 160. By Georqe Uinslov Plummer. 6 p. G, E. S. Plummer; 154uq77; 4885171.

4885175. Pay and save. 3 p. 4ppl. au; Emin J. Kossart (E. Joseph Trassok) Ervin J. Kossart a.k.a. E. Joseph Trassok: 9Jul77; 4885175.

4885176. Diamond certificate. 2 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. HH: revisions. O 4.G.L. North American Gemoloqical Laboratory* Inc.; I24uq77; 4885176.

4885177. Techniques of analysis. By N. Kemp Babry. 108 p. HB: additions £ revisions. O N. Kemp Babry; 23Sep76: 4885177.

4885178. iorktext in career quidance and non-test techniques. By N. Kemp Babry. 152 p. NB; additions e revisions. Q B. Kemp Babry; 23Sep76; 4885178.

4885179. Standard directory of advertisers* 1977/78 qeoqraphical. Editor; Bob Ueicherdinq. 1 v. 4ppl. au: National fieqister Publishinq Company, Inc. O National Eeqister Publishinq Company, Inc.; 94uq77: 4885179.

4335130. NaOH: caustic soda. 76 p. NB: revision. O PPG Industries, Inc.* Chemical Division (in notice; PPG Industries* Inc.); 17Aug77: 4885180.

4885181. The Practice of rights. By fiichard £. Plathman. 250 p. O Cambridge University Press; 28Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4885181.

4885182. Buslim brotherhoods in nineteenth- century 4frica. By Bradford G. flartin. 267 p. O Cambridge University Press; 28Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4885182.

4885183. The Execution of Isaac Hayne. By David K. Boaden. 102 p. The Sandlapper Store, Inc.; 10Jun77; 4885183.

4885181. Commodity year book, 1977. Editor: Harry Jiler 6 other editors. 385 p. Appi. states U.S. copyriqht not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. Commodity fiesearch Bureau, Inc.; l5Auq77; 4885181.

4885185. The fieal runabouts. By Aobert G. Speltz. 122 p. Robert G. Speltz; 14uq77; A885185.

A885186. Teleflex Tacht Specialties company. Inc. cataloq number 5. 51 p. NB: additions. Teleflex Yacht Specialties Company* Inc.; 8JU177; 4885186.

A885187. Today I sau a prophet. By Kathleen H. Barnes 6 Virginia H. Pearce. 30 p. Deseret Book Company; 30Jul77; A885187.

A885188. Abraham: an example to fathers. By Spencer H. Kimball. 8 p. NB: cover design. Deseret Book Company; 10Jun77; A885188.

A885ia9. Sensual drugs: deprivation and rehabilitation of the mind. By Hardin Blair Jones £ Helen C. Jones. 373 p. O Cambridge Oniversity Press; 28Jan77; A885189.

A885190. Nebraska regional telephone directory* August 1977. Northvestern Bell Telephone Company; 15Auq77: A88S190.

4885191. Performance quide for using an arbor press for press fit of ball bearing (shaft of a fractional HP motor) Prepared by 4pprentice and Engineering Training Department, the Goodyear Tire and Bobber Company. 17 p. (Performance based training) 4ppl. au: The Goodyear Tire and fiubber Company. 6 The Goodyear Tire and Bubber company: 12Jul77; 4865191.

4885192. iaterfoKl diary. 32 p. S. C. Toof and Company; 154uq77: 4885192.

4885193. Some notes on Gestalt therapy training. By Gertrude Krause. 9 p. Gertrude Krause; 124ug77; 4885193.

4885191. Bembership promotion. 1 v. O Clip 4rt Enterprises* Inc.; 104ug77; 4885191.

4885195. Planning facilities for the provision of mental health care; Philadelphia-South Jersey metropolitan area, Apr. 1977. 1 v. O Health Services Council* Inc.; 27JU177; A885195.

A885196. The Ideals festive party cookbook. By Sally Banesberg Flanzer. 61 p. Appl. au: Alice Leedy flason £ Gerald Koser. NB: compilation, additional text £ pictorial matter. O Ideals Publishing Corporation; 11Aug77; A885196.

Aa85197. Keene* Peterborough* NH* area telephone directory* August 1977. o Nev England Telephone and Telegraph Company: 15Aug77; A885197.

A885198. Crazy Bary: a play in three acts. Written by Dennis P. Burphy. 37 p. O Dennis P. Burphy; 16Aug77: A88519B.

A885199. If you have National geographies to sell; a vholesale value list. Compiled by Bay BacOougall (Gaymond G. MacDougall) 1 V. NB: compilation, revision £ additional text. O Say BacDougall; 11Aug77: A885199.

A885500. Plastics in appliances P-011; business opportunity report. By Barilyn Bakker. 153 p. Appl. au: Business Communications Company* Inc. Business Communications Company, Inc.; 5Aug77; A885500.

A885501. Combined catalogue and price sheet* no. 777. 13 p. e Penn Construction Industries; 12Aug77; A885501.

A885502. Beeting planners notebook. 1 v. O Bobile Area Chamber of Commerce; 6Jul77; A885502.

A88550 3. Cleveland city and suburban Criss-cross addressakey directory, 1977. O Haines and Company* Inc.; 8Aug77; A885503.

A885501. Instructions on hou to play Universal's soccer game* N.A.S.L. edition. 6 p. Add. ti: N.A.S.L. soccer game. Appl. au: Bichael A. Cook £ Piero A. Capichioni. Prev. req. in World cup soccer game* A633b53. NB: revision. Universal Game company; 15Jul77; A885501.

A885505. Folk tales of Cannon county* Tennessee. By Bobert L. Bason. 60 p. (Cannon County Historical Society publication no. 1) Bobert L. Bason; 94ug77; A885505.

4885506. Protocols for primary nursing. 3 v. The Oniversity of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics; 1Jun77; 4885506.

4885507. Insanity rules. By Clifford A. Hopkins. 78 p. C Clifford A. Hopkins; 12Aug77; A885507.

A885508. Auto-Haus performance products. 99 p. 6 Bosa'vear Enterprises* Inc. d.b.a. Auto-Haus (in notice: Bosevear Enter- prise* Inc. d.b.a. Auto-Haus); 8Aug77; A885508.

A885509. The Collectors choice; candle brochure. Folder. O William Ecklund d.b.a. Ada Village Candle; 5Auq77; A885S09.

A885510. Tour new Hill and inheritance tax law report; Florida, New Hampshire and Hassachusetts. Folder. Appi. au: Joseph A. Samelsberger. NB: editorial revisions £ additions. Barshall Publications*

Inc.; 1Jul77; 4885510.


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