Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/795

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A902lt7a (con.) Hainnriqht, qeneral partDCts) d. b.a. Folkwear; 18Nov76: A902470.

19021171. Note inforiation. 1 p. ippl. au: Sichard S. Selzer 6 lilson VaD Dusen. O Selzer Bealty; 80ct77; i902it71.

»902't72. Basic troop caap course; leader's quide. i»0 p. Girl Scouts of Genesee Valley, Inc.: 120ct77: 1902472.

A902U73. CoBposition workshop, level qreen. By Herbert H. Eothstein, Peter Beyer 6 frank Hapolitaoo. 123 p. Oxford Book COBpanv, Inc.; 18Bar77; 19021.73.

1902U7U. Selected answers for Hatheaatics for today, level blue. 16 p. Ippl. au: lleiander Tobio. C oiford Book Coapany. Inc.; 9aar77: A902U7U.

1902475. You the coDSuaec: workbook. By Bertraa L. Linder 6 Edwin Selzer. 112 p. SB: revisions 6 additions. »illiaa H. Sadlier. Inc.; 6Dec7b (in notice: 1977); 1902475.

A902476. Construction aanaqeaent analysis and procedures. By Bichard B. Lariaer. 142 p. Portions prev. pub. 1976. HH: revisions. C Bichard H. Lariaer: 70ct77; 1902475.

1902477. LUG contribution to if ro-Aaer ican ethnohistorv in Latin laerica and the Caribbean. Coapiled by Horaan E. Uhitten, Jr. 66 p. (Contributions of the Latin laerican inthropoloqy Group, vol. 1) Ippl. au: Latin Imerican inthropoloqy Group. Latin laerican Inthropoloqy Group; 15NOV76; 1902477.

1902478. The Kitchen table and other poeas. By Dorothy E. loder, illustrator: Lee Detrick. 30 p. Dorothy E. Yoder; 1011OV75; 1902478.

1902479. Chrxstaas ornaaents: 15 patterns. 1 v. Ippl. au: Harlea E. Podolak — Aurora Bublications. O iurora Publications; 10ct77: 1902479.

1902480. Final report on the development of a behaviorally based proficiency appraisal systea for the Ohio State Biqhway Patrol. By T. Bosinqer, t. B. ayers, S. i. Hohraan, G. 8. Levy £ J. B. Stock. 85 p. ippl. au: Ohio State Hiqhway Patrol. Ohio State Hiqhway Patrol; 110ct77: 1902480.

1902481. Mire and rods, carbon steel: steel products manual. 128 p. MS: revisions, updatinq £ additions. C laerican Iron and Steel Institute: 28Sep77: 1902481.

1902482. Transcontinental freiqht bureau traffic course. Produced by «. i. Miner. 1 v. Ippl. au: aestern Bailroad Issociation. a. i. Hiner; 110ct77; 1902482.

1902483. IPS workbook and tests; teacher's ed. By Jeff Hay. 63 p. Idd. ti: Horkbook and tests for use in IPS science. NM: answers E additions. Jeff May; 10iuq77; 1902483.

module tester 13A9070. Issued by Bendix Corporation Test systeas Division. 135 p. Idd. ti: Proqraaainq quide for aodel 1319070. ippl. au: The Bendii Corpo- ration. The Bendii corporation; 22Jul77; 1902484.

1902485. The laerican people; teacher's quide. By Hichael L. Berqer. 56 p. (The iaecican experience) BB: teacher's quide consists of student book fi additional Batter. O Oiford Book Coapany, Inc. (a division of Billiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.) ; 16luq77; 1902485.

1902486. Speliinq skill. Level 2. luthors: Bernard Fletcher, Hary 1. Endres, Georqianne I. Orban £ Hary K. Hilbert, artists: Boecher Studio £ others, created by Arrowhead Publishers, Inc. 160 p. Oiford Book Coapany, Inc. (a division of Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.) ; 26iuq77 (in notice: 1978); 1902486.

1902487. Speliinq skill. Level 1. luthors: Bernard Fletcher, Hary i. Endres, Georqianne i. Orban £ Hary K. Hilbert, artists: Boecher Studio £ others, created by irrowhead Publishers, Inc. for sadlier/oxford, a division of Nilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc. 127 p. idd. ti: Speliinq series. Oiford Book Company, Inc. (a division of Uilliam H. Sadlier, Inc.) ; 26iuq77 (in notice: 1978) ; 1902487.

1902488. Speliinq skill. Level 3. luthors: Bernard Fletcher. Hary 1. Endres, Georqianne i. Orban £ Hary K. Hilbert, artists: Boecher Studio £ others, created by irrowhead Publishers, Inc. for Sadlier/Oiford, a division of Billiaa H. Sadlier, Inc. 160 p. idd. ti: Speliinq series. Oiford Book Coapany, Inc. (a division of Billiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.) ; 26iuq77 (in notice: 1978); 1902488.

1902489. Church history: creatinq your part of the story: aini ed. Sheets in envelope. Ippl. au: Sister Inqela Brennan, H.B. , Georqe Pritchard £ Sister Hary Jane Siaaons, H.M. The Center for Learninq; Illuq77; 1902489.

1902490. Celebratinq the Lord's Year with youth: a liturgy handbook. By Sister Joan Curtin, C.H.D E Bobert J. Paolino. Sheets in envelope. O The Center for Learning; 28JU177; 1902490.

1902491. Church history: creatinq your part of the story; standard ed. Sheets in envelope. Ippl. au: Sister inqela Brennan, Georqe Pritchard £ Sister Hary Jane Siaaons. O The Center for Learning; 111uq77: 1902491.

1902492. Preparing a team for ministry- Sheets in envelope, ippl. au: Barry H. Katrichak, Brother Billiaa Griffin, C.P.X. £ Sister Cheryl Bose, H.B. O The Center for Learninq; 9iuq77; 1902492.

1902493. Ten planned retreats and aini-retreats. Sheets in envelope. ippl. au: Barry B. Katrichak, Brother Billiaa Griffin, C.F.i. £ Sister Cheryl Bose, H.B. O The Center for Learninq; 91uq77: 1902493.

1902494. God wants me to talk to Him. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., program resources written by Nancy Lamar, editorial director: Irlene strandberq, assistant editor: Frances BcClung. 23 p. (Space cubs) Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 1Fel)77; 1902494.

1902495. This is living! action book. Editorial director: irlene Strandberq, editor: Bike Bechtle, assistant editor: Frances Hcclung. 56 p. ippl. au: Success with Youth Publications, Inc. O Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; lsep77; 1902495.

1902496. This is living! leader's prep book. Editorial director: irlene Strandberq, editor: Bike Bechtle, assistant editor: Frances BcClung. 71 p. Appl. au: Success with Youth Publications, Inc. O Success with Youth Publications, Inc. ; lSep77; A902496.

A902497. Space cubs sponsor's manual. Authors: Buth H. Swanson 6 Betty H. Hockett. 31 p. Appl. au: success with Youth Publications. O Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 1Sep76: A902497.

A902498. God gives me friends. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., program resources written by Betty H. Hockett, editorial director: Arlene Strandberq. 2" p. (Space cubs) O Success with Youth Publications, Inc. ; lSep76; A902498.

A902499. God takes care of our world. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., program resources written by Harjorie A. Clark, editorial director: Arlene Strandberg. 23 p. (Space cubs) O Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 1Sep76; A902499.

1902500. God wants ae to say thank you. Created by the people at Success with Youth publications. Inc., program resources written by Phil Landrua, editorial director: irlene Strandberq. 20 p. (Space cubs) O Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; lSep76; 1902500.

1902501. God loves me. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., proqraa resources written by Jean Gleason, editorial director: Irlene strandberg, assistant editor: Frances BcClung. 23 p. (Space cubs) Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 30Dec76; 1902501.

1902502. God talks to ae. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., proqraa resources written by Harjorie 1. Clark, editorial director: Irlene Strandberg, assistant editor: Frances BcClung. 23 p. (Space cubs) Success with Youth Publications, Inc. ; 2Jan77; 1902502.

1902503. God sent Jesus. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., program resources written by Phil Landrua, editorial director: Irlene Strandberg. 19 p. (Space cubs) O Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 1Sep76; 1902503.

1902504. God aade the world. Created by the people at Success with Youth Publications, Inc., unit 5 prograa resources written by Betty Hockett, editorial director: Irlene Strandberq, assistant editor: Frances HcCIunq. 19 p. (Space cubs) O Success with Youth Publications, Inc. ; 15Oct76;



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