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DIS. 97 DISCRETE DEGREES exist, when one is formed from anotber, and by mcans of the other a third, which is called composite, and each degree is distinct from another. D. L. W. 190. See Degrees. DISCERITION, all, consists in separating good from evils and falses. 5828. DiscoRD, the natural man is so discordant with the spiritual, that they are the opp. of cach other. 3013.

Diseases cor. to the lusts and passions of the mind (animus); these therefore are the origins of d.; for the origins of d. in common are intemperances, luxuries of various kinds, pleasures merely corporeal, also envyings, hatreds, revenges, lasciviousnesses, and the like, which destroy the interiors of man, and when these are destroyed, the exteriors suffer, and draw man into d., and thereby into death; that man is subject to death by reason of evils, or on account of sin, is a thing known in the church, thus also he is subject to d., for these are of death. From these considerations it may be manifest, that d. also have cor. with the spiritual world, but with unclean things here, for d. in themselves are unclean, inasmuch as they originate in things unclean. 5712. All the infernals induce d., but with a difference, by reason that all the bells are in the lusts and concupiscences of evil, consequently, contrary to those things which are of heaven, wherefore they act upon (or into) man from an opp. principle; heaven, which is the grand man, contains all things in connection and safety; hell, as being in the opp. principle, destroys and rends all things asunder; consequently, if the infernals are applied, they induce d., and at length death; but it is not permitted them to flow in even into the solid parts of the body, or into the parts which constitute the viscera, the organs, and members of man, but only into tbe lusts and falsities; only when man falls into d., they then flow in into such unclean things as appertain to the d.; for as was said, nothing in any wise exists with man, unless the cause also be in the spiritual world; the natural principle appertaining to man, if it was separated from a spiritual principle, would be separated from all cause of existence, thus also from every principle of life. Nevertheless, this is no hindrance to man's being healed naturally, for the divine providence concurs with such means of healing. 5713.

DISGRACED. To be ashamed and d., s. to be destitute of all good and truth. DISJUNCTIOX from the Lord is s. by cvils and sins. DISH 8. the tbings contained in them. A. R. 672. DISPERSE, to, den. to be dissipated. 1328. DISPOSITION. Truths are disposed into order when spiritual good begins to act in the natural mind. 4543. DI8PUTATION CONCERNING FAITH AxD CHARITY IN THE SPIRIT- UAL WORLD. The d. c. f. alone, was heard at a distance, like the gnashing of teeth. And the d. c. c., like a beating noise. A. R. 386. DISPUTE, to (Gen. xxvi. 20), s. to deny. 3425. DISSENSIONS and HERESIES, the permission of, is according to the laws of divine providence. D. P. 259. DISSIMULATION. See Simulation. Sphere like the smell of a vomit. 1514. DISSIFATE S. to cast into hell. A. E. 639. DISBOCIATIONS in another life, are made according to splheres. E. U.64 A. E. 811. 4997.