Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/174

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162 ST. POLLINA St. Pollina, Pollkna. St. PoUutana, Polentana. St. Polyxena, Sept. 23. Slater of St. Xantippb. B,M, St. Poma, June 27, V. 3rd century. Sbter of St. Memmius (Aug. 5) or Menge, first bishop of Ch41ons-sur-Marne. He is said by tradition to have been sent from Borne by St. Peter the apostle, with St. Siztus, bishop of Rheims, and St Denis of Paris; a later biographer has tried to make the story more likely by substituting the name of St. Clement, pope, for that of St. Peter. All that is known with any certainty is that St. Memmius was worshipped as patron of Ch&lons in the time of St. Gregory of Tours, 6th century. It is said that Poma aocomp&nied him from Home and was buried beside him. AA,SS, Baillet. St. Pompeia f l), one of the martyrs of Lyons, beheaaed, being a Eoman citizen. (^See Blandina.) St. Pompeia (2) or Copagia, Nov. 30, honoured witn her daughter St. Seuve. British Piety, Supplement. St. Pomponia, Feb. ll, patron of a parish in Condomois. (Chastelain, Voc, 'Hag,y She was martyred with St. Victoria (2). St Pomposa, Sept. 19, V. M. 853. A native of Cordova. Her parents had a considerable rank and property there, but seeing all their children inclined to a religious life, they sold most of their possessions and built a double monas- tery at Pillemellar, a few miles from that city, and retired there with all their family and several other friends. Pom- posa was a young girl at this time, but soon distinguished herself by her austeri- ties and by her envy of the Christians, who were put to death for their faith, by the Mohammedans. When her friend St Columba (11) suffered martyrdom, Pomposa was so anxious to undergo the same fate that it became necessary to shut her up in the monastery and guard her. One night, however, she contrived to make her escape, and waited for day- break at the gates of the city. They were no sooner opened than she presented herself to the governor and spoke with such boldness against his religion and his prophet that he ordered her head to be cut off before the gate of the palace, Sept. 19, 853. B.M, AAM. Eologios. Baillet. St Pontia, daughter of St. Pktbok- ILLA (2) and her successor as prioress of Aubeterre. St Pontiana, Feb. 27, M. Her head is preserved in the church of St Nicholas of Tolentino at Genoa, and her office read there. History unknown. AA,SS, St. Poplia, PuBLiA (2). St. Popola, Paplk. B. Popolaha. St. Catherine (3) or Siena is called La Beata Popolana. SS. Popula and Bamora, May 15, MM. Mentioned only in the Martyrology of Tamlaght. AA,SS,, Prseter. St. Porcaria. (See Camilla (1).) St. Porentella, Potentella, or Pu- dentella, May 7, M. in Africa. AAJSS. St. Portuna, Y. invoked in an ancient Anglican litany. Migne, PcUnjiogise Cur' 61L8 Completus, vol. 72. SS. Posenna (Posennia, Possbnna), Prompta (Pkomptla) and Frada, Jan. 3, hermits near Bheims, in the 5th. or 6th century. They were members of a family of ten brothers and sisters, who left Ireland as pilgrims and settled on the banks of the Marne. St Gibri- anus, May 8, was one of the brothezs. AA,SS,, Prseter. St. Posinna (l) or Posinnits, Feb. ] 2, M. at Carthage. Commemorated in the Martyrology of St, Jerome. AA.SS, SS. Posinna (2, 3), June 2, two of two hundred and twenty-seven Boman martyrs commemorated in the Martyrology of St. Jerome. AA.SS. St. Possidonia, Sept ll. This name was given arbitrarily to the body of an unknown saint, taken from the cemetery of St Pbiscilla at Bome, and trans- lated to Fana, near Modena. AA.8S., Prseter. St. Posthumiana or Potamia. One of the martyrs of Lyons, beheaded, being a Boman citizen. (See Blakdina.) St. Postiniana or Postuniana, July 29, M. in Africa. AA.SS. St. Potamia H), Posthumiana. St. Potamia (2), Pantamia. St. Potamia (3), Dec. 5, + 302, at Thagura in A^ca. UM.