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A Female Nihilist.

LIBERTY. A FORTNIGHTLY ORGAN OF ANARCHISTIC SOCIALISM. BENJ. R. TUCKER, Editor and Publisher. A. P. KELLY, Associate Editor. ONE DOLLAR .A_ YEAR LIBERTY insists on the sovereignty of the individual and the just reward of labor; on the abolition of the State and the abolition of usury; on no more govern ment of man by man, and no more exploitation of man by man; on Anarchy and Equity. LIBER~rY’S war.cry is “Down with Authority,“ and her chief battle with the State, —the State, that debases man; the State, that prostitutes woman; the State, that corrupts children; the State, that trammels love; the State, that stifles thought; the State, that monopolizes land; the State, that limits credit; the State, that restricts exchange; the State, that gives idle capital the power of increase, and. through interest, rent, profit, and taxes, robs industrious labor of its products. Address: LIBERTY, P. O. Box 3866, Boston, Mass. LlBERTY’S LIBRARY. M For any of the following Works, address BENJ. R. TUCKER, Box 3366, Boston, Mass. WHA'I‘ IS PROPERTY? Or, an Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government. By P. J. Proudhon. Prefaced by a Sketch of Proudhon.s Life and Works, and containing as a Frontispiece a flue steel Engraving of the Author. Translated from the French by Benj. R. Tucker. A systematic, thorough, and radical discussion of the institution of property,—its basis, its history, its present status, and its destiny,—together with a detailed and startling expose’ of the crimes which it commits, and the evils which it engenders. Price, cloth, $3.50; full calf, blue, gilt edges, $6.50. L TRUE CIVILIZATION: A Subject of vital and serious Interest to all People, but most immediately to the Men and Women of Labor and Sorrow. By Josiah Warren. A pamphlet of 117 pages, now passing through its fifth edition, explaining the basic principles of Labor Reform, —.Liberty and Equity. Price, 30 cents. THE RADICAL REVIEW: Vol. I., handsomely bound in cloth, and containing over sixty Essays, Poems, Translations, and Reviews, by the most prominent radical writers, on industrial, financial, social, literary, scientific, philosophical, ethical, and religious subjects. 828 pages, octavo. Price, $5.00. Single numbers, $1.15. SO THE RAILWAY KINGS ITCH FOR AN EMPIRE, DO THEY? By a “ Red.Hot Striker,” of Scranton, Pa. A Reply to an article by William M. Grosvenor in the International Review. Price, 10 cents; per hundred, $4.00. INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: An elaborate, comprehensive, and very II .. entertaining Exposition of the principles of The Working.People’s International Association. By William B. Greene. Price, 15 cents. ~