Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/160

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540 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 3. John Gcoffry, b. 16th April, 1873. 4. William, b. 20th June, 1874. 5. George Arthur, b. 29th March, 1881. (i) Richard, b. 1836, d. s.p. 7th May, 1872. (p) William Arthur, J. 1837 ; m. 19th August, 1880, Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of Rev. Theodore Caktweioht, of Preston Bagot, Hen- ley. ((/) George, b. 1839; d. Uth March, 1880. {a) Mary Charlotte, b. 1832. (J) Anne Theodosia, b. 1831; m. 1866, Major William Hill. (c) Caroline, b. 1841, m. 20th October, 1868, Rev. Robert BuEROUGHES, rector of Pencombe, who d. 1890. (2) Artliur Andrew (Rev.), h. ?7th April, 1815, M.A., vicar of Newent ; m. May, 1843, Harriet Louisa, daugliter of Simon Mar- shall, and d. 20th December, 186 4-, having had issue, (a) Richard Francis, b. 6th August, 1847. (i) William Dyson, b. 6th July, 1849. (c) Walter John, b. 10th January, 1851. (<f) Augustus Paul Lums- den, b. 25th August, 1853 ; m. 9th December, 18S6, Alice Maud, daughter of William Francis STEyENiGHT, and has issue, 1. Augustus Charles Albert Foley, b. 14th February, 1888. 2. Frederick Arthur Foley, b. 15th November, 1889, d. 28th March, 1890. (e) Andrew Bainbrigge, h. 23rd March, 1855, d. 14th March, 1866. (f?) Cecilia Lou'sa, b. 1844; m. 12th February, 1874, Thomas Gervace Finch Dtson, and d. his widow, 10th October, 1893. (3) Thomas Phipps, Cajitain G7th Foot, b. 1818; d. 1850. (1) Harriett Frances, b. 1803; m. 12th December, 1833, Rev. Thomas Ceomjieline, who (/. in lti42. (2) Constantia, m. 16th May, 1826, John Freeman, of Gaines, co. Hereford. (3) Anne Cecilia, in. 13th July, 1836, Rev. T. J. Caet- WRIOHT, and d. 1856. (4) Elizabeth, d. unm. 18th September, 1879. (5) Frances, d. num. 7th January, 1887, aged 75 years. 2. Arthur Cyril (Rev.), rector of Ncwington, Surrey, b. 1788, m. 1812, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edward Wjnninoton, Bart., M.P., and d. 6th February, lt-69, having by her, who d. 19th October, 1865, had issue, (1) CVri! Winnington, b. 17th December, 1815; d. 24th July, 1866. (2) Constantinc Phipps, b. 30th January, 1817, d. 16th No- vember, 1887. (3) Henry, b. 5th May, 1818. (4) Thomas George (Rev.), b. 13th October, 1826 ; m. first, 22nd September, 1853, Maria Augusta, daughter of John Hawkins, of Byelands, Herts, and by her, who d. 1857, he had a daughter, Edith Fanny, m. 1882, Cliarles Constable CUE- Tis. He m. secondly, 18th Novem- ber. 1862, Mary Frances, daughter of Widiam Fitz WilHam Bueton, of Burton Hall, CO. Carlow, and has issue, William Henry, Captain R.A.,4. ISth September, 1862. (1) Elizabeth. 3. Pliipps Vansittart, b. 1790 ; m. first, 21st July, 1820, Harriet, daugliter of Sir Edward Win- nington, Bart., M.P., and by her, who d. 5th March, 1827, he had a son, (1) Phipps (Rev.), rector of Upper Sapev, Hereford, b. Otii March,' 1823 ; m. 23rd June, 1868, Jane Sophia, daughter of C. W. Martin, and has issue, (a) H(nry Phipps, B.A., b. 2nd April, ls69. (a) Helen Jane, i. 1870. Mr. P. V. Onslow, m. secondly, 20th February, 1834, Lucy, daughter of Walter Michael MosELET, of Winterdine, and d. 10th May, 1867, having by her, who d. 1839, had issue, (2) Francis Phipps, b. 1835, barrister ; m. 28th April, 18G8, Emily Gertrude, only sur- viving daughter of the late W. Digby SErjiouR, M.P.