Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/41

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JSrUKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 4:>:] EdGinton (who (/. nt Norwich, lOtli December, 184tS, aged (i'J) ; and d. 1st December, IS-IG, aged 75, leaving issue. II. TnoMAs, of whom presently. III. Ebenezcr, cl. an ini'ant. I. Klizabeth Coombo, i«. June, 1795, Edward LE.MUiii. who d. s. p. 27lh October, IHT.i, aged fil. II. Mary, »i. first, liichard Feaxcis (whoV. 28th March, 1S22, aged fiG) ; and secondlv, June, 1824, Eiohard Eexdal (who d. 1828) ; and d. s. jj. 29th October, 1852. ,,. T>i ii f "■ miants. IV. Martha J V. Hannah, m. at Beading, co. Berks, William Caket, formerly of Bough- keepsie. New York, and afterwards of Utica, in co. Oneida, U.S.A., and had issue. TI. Martha, i«. May, 1824, James CoL- UEE, who d. 8th May, 1849, leaving issue. The second son, Thomas AViliiams, sometime of Camden Hill, in the parish of St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, co. Middlesex, and aftcrw ards of Cowley Grove, Hillingdon, in the same co., h. 12th December, 1773; m. 24th Marcli, 18C0, his first cousin, Violetta, daugliter of John Williams, formerly of Coate, and afterwards of Old Shiftord, Bampton, and d. 3rd Janu- ary, 1852, aged 78, having by her (who was b. 16th June, 1776 ; and d. 1870, aged 94) had issue, I. Thomas Coombe, h. 21st February, 1801 ; d. 29th October, 1804. II. Benjamin, of The Lodge, Hillingdon, cu. Middlesex, J. P. lor that co., and Captain in the Oxfordshire Militia, h. 13th January, 1803 ; »». fii-st, 2Gtli Oc- tober, 1826," Matilda Sarah, dauahlcr of William Davis, of Millfields. co. Pembroke, and bv lier (who d. 13th February, 1810) had, 1. Benjamin, b. 5th April, 1828 ; d. 2fith September, 1831. 2. Frederick, Lieutenant E.N., b. 28th December. 1829; m. 26th April, 1856, Anue, third dauglitcr of Thomas SAN'crrAEY, of Spring- field, Horsham, co. Sussex. 3. Benjamin, b. 22iid August, 1830, C.B., Colonel Bengal StaB Corjjs, Director of Remounts in Bengal ; served in the Indian Mutiny, the Frontier Campaigns, and the Afghan War, d. 1890. 1. Matilda, h. 23rd August, 1831. 2. Mary Violetta, h. 29th April, 1833. 3. Emily, b. 5th August, 1834. Mr. Benjamin Williams in. sccondlv, 22nd April, 1854, Catherine Amelia, daushtor of Spencer Hogan FoEDE, of (ilanniyre, co. Cork, Ireland. III. Thomas Coombe (Kev.), LL.B., b. IGth January, 1807; m. 3rd Decem- ber, 1816, Elizabetli. daughter of John NiCHOLSOx, of Straniore House, co. Down, Ireland, and had issue, 1. Thomas Bellinghum Coombe, b. at Geneva, Switzerland, 4th Oc- tober, 1847. 1. limily Violetta Elizabeth, b. in Edinburgh, 3rd October, 1849; (/. there 8th January, 1853. 2. Gerlrvide Mary Klizabeth, b. in Edinbnrgb, 17th November, 1852. IV. Caleb (Bev.) M.A., rector of New- haven, CO. Sussex, b. 31st July, 1811 ; in. 6th February, 1814, Francis Eliza- beth (4. ir.lh March, 1822), daughterof the Kev. 'I'liomas Heathcoik, of Shaw Hill, Melksl am, Wilts, and d. .y.y.6th May, 1856. v. Joshua, of whom presently. VI. Josiah Dore, of Pienre Williams, Hatfield Broad Oak, co. Essex, and of 12, Cavendish Place, Bath, co. Somer- set, J.P., CO. Essex, b. 17t'i April, 1816; m. first, 11th October. IStJi, Sophia Simonds, dauglitcr of William Smith, of Brighton, co. Sussex. She d. 15th Mav, 1848. He m. secondly, 29th May, 18-19, Emma Mary, daugh- ter of the Bev. Henry Bidd, M A., rector of White Roothing. co. Essex. I. Violetta, h. 21st Jauuary,1805, m. 2Sth October, 1834, Rev. Russell Skix- >"ee, AI.A., rector of Swellling, co. Suffolk (who was 4. 3k1 June, 1802), and had issue, 1. Russell Walton, b. 14th June, 1839. 1. A'iolelta Marv, 6. 4th August, 1835. 2. Lucy .Judith, b. 'in December, 1836." II. Rebecca, i. 15th May, 1809; »». 13t!i August, 1839, Rev. Theyre Town- send Smith, M.A., vicar of Wymond- ham, CO. Norfolk, and hororary canon of Norwich. He d. 4th May, 1852, leaving issu", 1. Waller Thevre, b. 2nd July, 1843. 2. Russell, b. 15th March, 1848. 1. Violetta, b. 19th Jlay, 1840. 2. Clara, b. 22nd October, 1841. HI. Esther Phillips, b. 30th March, 1820; m. 21st April, 1816, Rev. Richard Cox Hales, M.A , one of the lecturers of St. Martin's, and rec- tor of Carfax iu the city of Oxford, and had an only child, Esther Elliott Cox, b. lltli Febru- ary, 1847. The fifth son," Josuf.v Williams, of Lincoln's Inn, co. Middlesex, barrister-at-law, Q.C., author of Williams on Heal Properti/ and other well-known legal works, b. 23rd May, 1813, m. first, 4th May, 1836, Lucy, only daughter of William Stuaxge, of Upton. i>t liam, CO. Essex, and by her (who d. 20th Novem- ber, 1811, aged 38) had issue, 1. Joshua Stha.noe (Hoil), ji.dge of