Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/99

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BURKE-S COLONIAL GENTRY. 481 ^li-. HalT an-iv(.(l in New South Wales in 1845, soon afterwards went to Vietmia, where he remained five years, pursuinu' the i)een|iat inn (if a srjuatter. and arrived iu the eolony of Queenshind in 18.M. Ho was a|i]iointed Ollieial Assignee, 1805, and ciirator of Int(statc Estates, 18i;8, and was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council, 14th August, 1884. He has carried on the occupation of a pastorah'st since 187l2. HfncirTC. Tins family luivc fov sonic time past liocn ivfitlcnt on the Altyro Estate, Klginsliiro, 8eotl!in(l. Gkokoe Ravf, >i>. Isabcllu Stalkku, nnd liad a son, Jamks Raff, of Forres, Elginshire, Scot- lanti, farmer, who w. 2.5(li June, 1S14, Mar- garet ClTMJiJNU (who il. ;9lh I'eoemljer, 18J5) aud d. 2utl XoTcmber, 18(38, having had issue, I. George, a Queensland colonist of 1851, m. first, Harriet, daughter of Robert Bouune, and by l:er had issue eight sons and three daiiglilei's, und seuondlv, Mrs Mollk, wittow. Jto (/.

i8th August, 1889, aged 7 !• ye.irs.

ir. James. III. .Vi.Ex'ANDEii (IFon.), now of Griinge- hill and Logie i'lains. IV. William, in. Janet, daughter of Wil- liam WAT80y, of Glasgow, and has issue, four sons and seven daugliters. I. Margaret, m. James Machonald, LL.D., of Glasgow, and has issue four sons and four daugliters. Residences — Grangehill, Brisbane ; and Logie Plains, Darling Downs, Queensland. iHaciHtduncj. EOBERT JIACMICKING, of Manus, Tumberuniba, Upper Murray, New I South AVales, and of Cashmere, Maranoa River, Queensland, h. I'itli August, 1826; 1)1. 11th August, 1869, Eleanor Jane, only daughter of the Into Germain NrcHOr.sON,* of Melrose, Domain Road, South Yarra, Victoria, J. P. (appointed 1857), and by her has had issue four swis aud three daughters, ono of whom, May Quinta W., d. at Nice, France, 15th February, 1889, aged twelve years. Mr. MacMicking in earlier life passed three years at Manilla, which he left on account of ill-health. His liecollediuns of Manilla and the Philippines during 1848, ^849 and 1830, has been considered an autliority on the Philippine islands. On coming to Austrnlia, 1852, he engaged in business in Melbourne for some years, and then purchased ilanns, Upper Murray, in New South Wales, where he has continued to reside until the present time. He also purchased Cashmere, Maranoa River, Queensland.

  • Mr. Gekmain Nicuolson, who was the second son of Wj i.i.iam Nicholson, of the co. of

Cumberland, England, by Ellen Gekmain, his wife (wliose fnther emigrated from Normandy lo Ireland), arrived in Melbourne in the ship " Arkn rigid," 7th January, 1812, In 1H,")1, he took an active [lart in the movement to stop transportation into the (_'olonics, and was one of the " Thirty Patriots of Melbourne" (so designated by the iidiabiiants), who each contributed their money and inlluencc for this purpose. In 18.53, in conjunction with others, lie originated the Bank of Victoria, aud was sometime one of the directors of that institution ; he was one of the originators in 185-iof the JNtclbourne and Hobsou's Bay Railway Comirany, of which he was a director, and he was also i director of the Victorian Life aud General Insurance Coinpau}'. Mr. Nicliolson was 4. in Cumbeiland, England, 18th October, IS14; iii. in ISll, Eleanor, second daughter of C'utlibcrt .loiil.ixo (baptised at 81. llidcn's. Aiickl:n:d, Durham, England, 12tli June, 177-1), son of Jo!-ei)li Joiii.iNO of West Auckland, Diirliani, by June UouiNsON, his wife, and d. on board ship, in the Red Sea, when on his way to Europe, 23rd iVovember, 1888. Four brothers followcil Mr. Nicholson to Melbourne, all of wlnun predeceased him ; one of them, Thomas Nicholson, in. a sister of the Hon. William Nicliolson, formerly eliief secretary of the colony of Victoria, and rf. s. p. His youngest brother, James, left an only ilauj^hter, Fmmaline Elizabeth, who «;. iu ISSU, Gilbert Torrunce MacMicKINO, and has issue. VOL. U. 2 I