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Pine-needles used for covering floors, 83, 87, 119.

Pine Ridge, the Great Northern, (see also Makál, Rio), writer's journey in, 182, 183, thicket on fire, 84, possibilities of locality as a sanatorium, 188.

Pine trees, 33, 38, 39, 51, 76, 80, 83, 86, 87, 100, 116, 118, 122, 129, 145, and woods, 152, 174, 182, 184.

Pines, white, 85.

Pisté village, 198, 199.

Pit-pan, a kind of canoe, 186.

Pito-reale birds at fiestas, 93.

Pizarro, successes of, 25.

Plantains, 23, 237.

Plazas, or market-places, at Antigua, 27-8, at Coban, 95, at Copan, 126, at Guatemala, 10, at Panajachél, 58, at Santa Maria, 31.

Poctum savannah, 174.

Pointsettia, 23.

Polochic river, 104, 105, 251, 252.

Popul Vuh, the sacred book of the Quichos, 61.

Potts, Mr. and Mrs., their kindness to travellers, 151.

Prescott's Conquest of America referred to, 253.

Price, Mr. Hugh, 146, 151, 154, 215, 219.

Priests, (see also Dominican missionaries and Ecclesiastical influence), 11, 80, 160.

Processions, 43, 53, 74.

Progreso, roadstead of, 196, 197, 212.

Puchutla, island stronghold in lake, 70.

Pueblo Viejo, (see also Chacujál), 252.

Puhuyak or night-jar bird, legend concerning, 121.

Punta Gorda, 173.

Puro de San Gerónimo, 107-8.

Putnam, Prof., 142.

Pyramids at Chichén Itzá, 203, of Tikál, possible astronomical use of, 234.

QUEKCHI, a modern Indian dialect, 172.

Quetzal bird (Pharomacrus mocinno), 120.

Quezaltenango or Xelahú, battle fought near by Alvarado, 60, 62; 72, 79 (ill.).

Quiché (& Cachiquel) tribes, (see Uspantan and Utatlan), history of, 60-66, 251, sacred book of, 61, subdued by Alvarado, 25, 60-66, 95.

Quirigua, 179, 228, 251, ruins at, 12, 128, 146 et seq., journey to, 143-6, camp at ruins, 146, roaming cattle at, ib., climate, vegetation and birds of, 147, animals and insects at, 148, parasol-ants, ib.; previous visits to ruins (1881-83), 148-151, description of them, 149, and survey, 151, result of bad packing to moulds taken at, ib.; baby squirrel acquired at, 152; quitted for Yzabal, ib.; carvings of sceptres at, 176, carvings on stele of, 265, absence of weapons of war in carvings at, 210, the Great Stone Turtle of, 151, 238.

RABINAL and Cubulco, ruins near, 70, 76, 101-4, town founded by Las Casas, 98, the ball-court at, 104, 106.

Rafts, built by writer, 184, crossing Rio Negro on, 89, Indian, stranded, 165.

Railway, from Puerto Barrios, 145. from San José to Guatemala, 8.

Ramon tree, leaves of used as fodder, 163, 171.

Rastrojos (stubbles), 80.

Rattle-snakes, 123. in stone carvings at Chichén Itzá, 206.

Reforma, La, village, 112.

Religious functions, see also Fiestas; at Coban, 93, at Copan, 137, at Panajachél, 93, at Patzun, 43.

Remate, El, 232.

Remedies for snake-bite, 170-1.

Remesal, Antonio de, historian, cited, 70.

Reptiles:—Alligators, 181, 185, 215, 216-7. Frogs, 48. Snakes, see Rattle-snakes, supra. Tamagás, 123, 170.

Rio, Antonio del, his report on Palenque, cited, 229.

Roek, Mr. Miles, additions made by to map of religion, 84.

Rockets, Indian habit of firing, 74.

Rockstroh, Prof., survey expeditions of, 84, 163, 235-6.