Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/445

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(land and people); v. also D»1fl infr.— ^If ^ 132 6 is a (but Bae thinks appellat. 'auf waldigem Gefilde'), v. D"")?] my. On 1 Sh 26 - 26 , v. ii.iy— omy Ez 34" Kt, rd. W}y) Qr, v. supr. II. "l,!^ (/of following; meaning dubious ; MV identif. with I, from roughness and porous- ness^) of honeycomb, cf. Buhl. < j-n. "1J*^ n. [m.] honeycomb, — abs.^Jf! iS

2526 ; sf. ^V- Ct 5 1 ; — honeycomb, containing 

honey 1 S 14 25 (where rd. ffjfcl ♦^T^j .TH T£) with © We Dr Kit in Kau AT , instead of v. as in MT); TR-T^J DVn ifajl 1 S 14 26 (|| Ban v 25 ) and «/A«)i <A« peopU came to the honeycomb behold its bees had departed (v. ® We Dr Kit VB); WTB? '"!?- ,r ^ 3 ? Ct 5 1 ; v. also 1. ffljp. j- 1. [rpy]] n.f. honeycomb, only cstr. ni^- e^n 1 s 1 4*7 (v. 11. -iy).— nnjp v . 1. T- j-n-my a descendant of Saul 1 Ch 9 42,42 , prob. corrupt, v. illfin; p. 221 supr. tD-rW "H?P father of Elhanan S21" (=">V t 1 Ch 20 5 ); 'K prob. scribal err. anticipating 'K in foil, line (We Dr), and , "?- error for "PJJ (We) q. v. sub "liy. ta^y. only B^JJpn Jos 15 10 (® ir6iv lap«.v), where explained as=fvD3 (@ Xa<r(a)a>v), mod. Kesla, NE. of Beth Shemesh, cf. Rob 88 " 50 " 11 "- 164 .— Q , ~V! rry v. sub nnp. rr'ahy v. sub cny. t : v— : — "<ta£ "w, ^to! v. nfc»y. rTHO" 1 v. sub ma. t [nD 1 ] vb. be fair, beautiful (NH id. Pi. and deriv.; Aram. Aph. o^o/'is suffice, finish, fail ; cf. Aram. ]|a (PS 3015 ) beautiful, fit, No * 172 CAnm. G JJ[- offmann -]LCB 1882. 321. Ar ^- y^ perform; Eth. h(D<Lf: II. 2, ^n - e (entirely) over to, into power of, Di 949 )— Qal Pf. >V2} Ctf; WJ 4 10 7 2 ; 7m^/. 2 fs. *B'Jjn (Ko**"- 1 - 681 ) Ezi6 13 ; 3 ms. apoc. T?) 31'; — be beautiful, suhj. pers. Ct4 I0 7 7 ; of feet v 2 ; of Jerus. under fig. of woman Ez 16"; Egypt under fig. of tree 3 1 7 . Pi. Impf. 3 ms. sf. WB!| Je io 4 beautify an idol. The (Fe'al 'al t) Pf. form ^.30 JVBJB' DIN ^45' is contrary to all anal.: rd. either

«j B i 

JTBJ or ^Vf) Ges' B - 8 Sta' 1MB Now (Kb ,aB '- defence is artificial) : thou art more bautiful than, etc. Hithp. Impf. 2 fs. ^nn beautify thyself J e 4 s0 . t nEp adj . fair, beautiful ; — m. abs. ns; 2 S i4 B + 4t; cstr. HEP Gn3 9 8 - 6 +6 t.; f. HD> i 2 u + 14 t.; cstr. TIB* 2 n + 6t.; sf. ViBJ Ct2 10 "; pi. niBJ Jb 42 15 Am 8 13 ; cstr. niB} Gn 41 2 ; r*J v 418 ; — /air, beautiful, as attribute of woman 2S13 1 1K1 3 AmS'Trn 22 ; cf. Jb 42" Ct 6 10 (nS^S '»); pred. Gn 1 2 14 1 K i 4 Ct i 1MS 4 117 6 4 ; =subst. fair one i 8 2 1013 5" 6 1 ; oft. cstr. TIB' n*no Gn 12 11 29 17 2 S 14 27 ; iNirnB? Gn 29 17

S 25 s Dt 21" Est 2 7 : of kine nx-p-JTB' Gn 

4 1 2 , cf. v 4 ; "WiTTnB? v 18 ; less oft. of boy, young man HBJ tf'K 2 S 14 26 ; pred. Ct i 16 ; yfi HB^ Gn39 6 ; nS"]D HS'l v" (of Joseph); of Jerusalem f|to HB^ 4 8 3 ; of a singer *?ip na; Ez 33 s12 ; of trees : olive "iKrr'IB HB' J e 1 1 16 ; cedar (fig. of Egypt) qjV r» Ez 3 1 3 , cf. v 9 ; flD< of everything in its time Ec 3"; of various acts 5 17 . — In DV 09*8 "fj 1 S 16 12 , ns-ip ns> Dy 17 42 , either W = subst. abstr. with beauty of eyes, or QV is textual error (Gr Krenkel ZAW ' 1882 ' 309 Bu B^f youth), v. Dr. trPD-nDVd. n ' anL )» or better n$*gj (01 51881 Gr Gie; reduplicated, with the force of a diminutive, Sta slM ; cf. &&!$, Pli??), adj.f. pretty, D*jpp n»B"nB* rbi^ Je 46 20 Egypt is a pretty heifer (© KeicaWamtcrnevri). ID" 1 v. % t ["•£*] n.m. beauty;— abs. *B* Is 3 24 + 5 t.; cstr. W t Ez 28 7 ; sf. •£$ v 17 ; ltf£ * 45 12 + 5 *.; ^j Is33 ,7 +2 t.; .Wpr 6 ffi Est 1"; beauty of a woman Is 3 s4 ^45 12 Est 1" Pr 6 25 , cf. Pr 31 30 ; of Jerus. under fig. of woman Ez i6 1415 - 25 ; Tyre

7 3 CB* n^3), cf. v 4 "; prince of Tyre, beauty 

of (his) wisdom 2 8 7 ; king of Tyre v 12 (V ^b), v 17 ; ideal beauty of king of Judah Is 33' 7 , Zion ("B'-^ao) ^50 2 , cf. La 2 15 (*J n^i>3); of Egypt under fig. of tree Ez 31 8 ; of ransomed people of "> Zc 9 17 . tir^, Kii:^ Joppa (Ph. 'B'; As. Ja(p)pu COT 010 " Bez T " 1 - 1 - Am * r ™ T * bUnBr "- MM - 146 ; Egypt. Ye-pu WMM 159 ) — seaport town of Palestine (Jerusalem), IB} Jos 19 46 Jon 1' 2 Ch 2 15 =NiB; Ezr3 7 ; © omva, mod. Jaffa.