Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1024

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TO1© " my money has been returned I cf. Pt. IDS? 3P1Q-I 43" (both J); «fr 'tSH Nu 5 8 (P) the DB>K wMeA u restored to '■> ; pi. D»atWD Je2 7 16 the vessels are about to be brought back, c. f? loc. ; Impf. 3 ms. nBT3-n« 3B-V1 Ex io 8 (J; cf. Ges »">". b ) Moses was brought back, c. ?K pers. t rQ^lty n.f. retirement, withdrawal (from T war, etc., cf. Mi 2 8 ) ; — Is 30 15 . fn. [n2 , tt}] cstr.n2Wrestoration(1)^i>■l26 , , but read JV3B>, v. sub n3E— 1. m"0 v. 3(K f 1. ITltt? adj. backturning, recusant, apostate' (perhaps for 33^?, Pt. Po'l. OP 251 " GeB» B, Ko'-« 4 );— 'r Is 57 17 ; pL D, ? a «** D'rnte' Je 3 1422 .— D , 331B' Je 50 6 Kt< Qr D133iB> © Comm., cf. -/Po'l. fii. 32111' 2o>j3a/9, etc.: 1. son of David 2S5"=iChi4 4 , 1CI13 5 . 2. son of Caleb 1 Ch 2 18 . T 2!jYiI) adj . backturning, apostate (perh. for "MO, v. 1. late*) ;— as subst., "&) Mi 2 4 (but read prob. WjW o«r captors) ; f. n33^ri nan Je 3 1 22 (of Israel), 49/ (of Amnion). t ^©' , usu. laaovfi; — 1. in Issachar Nu 26" (P) 1 Ch 7 1 Qr (Kt TV). 2. one with foreign wife Ezr io 29 .— Is 7 3 v. WS^ INK'. T' , 3.^l7" , adj. gent, of foregoing 1 ; c. art. as subst. coll. "n Nu 26 24 . tcnV XSXT in Judah 1 CI14 22 ; ©L iniarpt^av <avroiy Aet/i. tc3?2i!. , a hero of David: — 1 Ch t : T|T ii", 12 6 , 27 2 (natpa ae", q. v . p. 444 supra, in 2 S 23 s , V. Dr); Iefff/3a8a, Ic<rcrc/3aaX, Icr/3aa/x, etc.; rd. in all •J , 3B > N AVe al. T"1Dn 2FP son of Zerubbabel, v vv - t I Ch 3 20 ; Apofiao-ovK, ©L Iu<ro/3ff. t[PDWto], rCCfo n.f. turning back, apostasy; — abs. naBT? Je 3 s +; cstr. naWPO Pr i 32 ; sf. Draw Ho 14'; pi. sf. oa'-naie'D j e

a , etc.; — backturning, apostasy, of Isr., Ho 

14*, , naiS'p 1 1' apostasy from me (si vera 1.); of Juda'h Je 2" 3 m 5" 8 s 14 7 (all pl.) + Ez 37*' (read OrVrtflSW for f*0, © Coram.); TIPIM 'D Je8' enduring, perpetual apostasy; also as n. concr., appos. of foil, word, &] faBto Je 3 68 " 12 apostate one, Israel. Of individual, nattf'D DVIB p r 1*.


tlUiCJQ in Simeon, I Ch 4 s4 ; t : Mo<70)j3a/3, ©L e'ni<rTpc(pa>v. rrnnWnl n.f. return, answer; — 1. sf. nriDtn lnatSTR 1 S 7 17 and his return was ( = he T T T T T ■.. . f . returned) to Rama. 2. esp. cstr. JiaWrip i"0#n a< the return of the year, i. e. of spring,

s 1 1 1 1 k 20 22 - 26 2 ch 3 6 10 , ¥0 ify nj£ 1 Ch 
1 (|| 2 S ii 1 ). 3. answer, pi. abs. naB'n 

Jb34 36 , sf. D?"na^ri 21 34 . hXyW v. ^JOf* (cf. Sab. i>X3in Os ZMO xlx (1S65), 19811. JJ a l<» T_) JJ J{ ZMG mvll (1883). 16 T TJD.'itlJ n. pr. m. Aramaean general, 2 S IO 16 - 18 (2a)/3<K, ©L 2a0«), = *BW i Ch io 16 - 1 ' (2a)(f>ap, 2a T W ; A 2ax£ax, 2o)/3a^, ©L 2oXpaic). TOitt) v. tatf. p3faj, pniU) v. pat?. J0t#' (yof following; || form of UV, mv). t[rOWJa3 n.f. error;— sf. WlKTS Jbi 9 4 (? rd. »£*$). titf Jb 5 21 van d. H., for 1. "IB* q.v. sub 115?. ["fiffi] vb., "W* V 9 l6 v - TW>. fl- ("Ht^ vb. (be even, smooth, v. Pi., T T hence) agree with, be like, resemble (Ar. ,jy* 11. make even, flat, uniform (with something else); Aram. W$ (der. spec.) be like, jo*, be equal, fit, like, Pa. lay out smoothly, Aph. make plain, fit, worthy) ; — Qal P/. 3 ms. '? 'E> *6 Jb 33 27 (si vera 1.) i'< was not equalled to me, i. e. (v. infra ; ace. to most) not requited (so De Di Da, and Is 16 6 %); Bu »# t6 !* ^od cftd no< requite (or D.^ for mB'); Du ^il|3 TV($ ib (cf. ©); Impf. 1 s. of Hlf S . . . 'O^K Is 4 o 2i <o w/ioot shall I be like t ( || V^Hs?), implying that he is incomp.; 3 mpl. a3Ti^ t6 Pr 3" are not comparable with her (wisdom), so 8"; 2 ms. *"HJB^T|i Pr 26 4 lest thou be like him (a fool); Pt. a IW Est 7 4 is not an equivalent for; c. ?, suitable for 3 s , so I 22 HiOrRy K,u (rdg. toy my ^3 for toj) fit^ps, but v. Siegf.); adequate for 5". Pi. P/. 3 ms. ff^ Is 28 s5 /ie /ta</t levelled its (the ground's) surface ; 1 s. n?W 'riDpini >n^K' ^131=/ /taw smoothed (com- posed) dni stilled my soul; so, sc. VfJ Is 38' 3

  • S GesDe al.; HoubLo Che Du al. read ^0

I cried; ace. D'tpEE't? 1 19' 10 accounted suitable,