Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1029

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nntf from the left Ba KS49 (expl. E>, for normal B*, as dissim. before T), Jacob Ar - Dlch, " ,M );— Ft. VV ITfO Ex 26 UU6 + 17 t. Ex (P); B>B» om. 39". nty v. nne tPTntf] vb. give a present, bribe (Eeclus35 1 ' 1 ; Aram.TnB', •_!«. 6n'6e; perh.also As. dMe, fljfa, D1 WB643 )';— Qal /mp/ 2 fs., ace. pers. DniN , "inB'Pll Ez 1 6™ thou didst bribe them to come (Kta^; ||DTJ? i™); rd. prob. also Inf. estr. sf. aWls 47" to buy it off (for MT ST^, so Kr Gr Buhl Che""' Heb m , cf. Marti ; v. Pr 6 :tl ); Imv. mpl. nj(? "D?> (Ges' 64 *) Jb 6 M </M>e a 6W6e for me. t.<. "in© n.m. present, specif, bribe ; — 'E> abs. Is i 25 + 2 2 1. ; — 6m'6«, usu. to pervert justice, obj. of npb Ex2 3 " (E), =Dt 16"*, Dt io' 7 1 S8 3

Ch 19 7 >//i5 6 Pr 17 s ; +inf., take 6n'6e to do 

something, Dt 27" Ez 22 12 ; V 3HK I 8 ,»• c f. also5 23 33 !5 Ex2 3 8b (E)=Dti6 1!,b , Mi3'>26 10 Pr 1 7 9 21"; / B , "^n? Jb 1 5 M . i- e - » D ° ue of bribe- givers ; 'B> Pr 6 s5 (|| IDS) is hush-money, or (poss.) legal compensation (cf. Toy); '&> elsewh. (c. n !?V') of bribing king to take sides 1 K 15" 2K16 8 , cf. Is 45" (IP'™?). rnnt^l vb. bow down (NH id.; L T T f 172 X JAram. *n& (rare); akin to me>, nnt?);— Qal Iinv.fs.typis5i a bow down. Hiph. fmpf.^ms. sf. njne^ Pr I2- 6 , fig., anxiety expresses t< (sc.3.?; opp. W). Hithpalil ,_ (Ges » " kk ) Pf 3 ms. mnnfri Ez 4 6 2 ; 2 ms. "inn^n Dt4 ,0 + 3 t.j If. VmnnEVI 1 S i6 4 + 2 t.; 3 mpl. ftjJBf^ Je 8 : , etc.; /mp/. mnn?* 2 S i5 32 + 3 t.; apoc. W$p>. Is 44 17 + ; 3 mpl. «rine» Gn 49 s + ; 2 fpl. jvvf n Gn 33 6 37 ; , etc. ; /mv. fs. , wriK'n ^ 45 l2 ; m p]. imijh) 2 9 " + ; Inf.cstr.rirm?nGn3f°+; sf. ? rnnne>'n 2 K s 18 (but ® 55 and mod. tain.) ■ pt. rmrmfb zKi^, etc.; BWrWKn? Ez8' 6 , read EW- all mod.; — 1. bow down, prostrate oneself, before a monarch or superior, in homage, etc.: a. c. ?, after descriptive cl. (esp. with mp, ?B3

b, q. v.), 1 S 2 4 9 Gn 43* (J) 2 S 14 422 Eu 2™ 

1 K i 3 ' 2 K 4 37 + 6 t., + (after TBfo Est 3"". b. c. b, sq. phr. (>)E>b) nmK D'BK by 2 S 14 33 1 K i 23 ; D'Bt6 Gn 48'= (E) 2818"; D'BN Gn 42*(E) + 4t.; om.D>SX33 3 (J) + 3t.; niS3 by y!?i~ Is 60 14 . c. c. b pers. only, Gn 23 7 (P) 27 ».29 3 f(E), 49 s Ex 1 1 8 (J) + 8 t.; c.-JB^Gn 2 3 12 (P); c. ba Is45' 4 (ll ^ snn ); abs. Gn 33 67 - 7 (J), Ex 1 8 7 (E) 2 S 9 8 1 6 4 Is 4 9 7 . 2. before God, in worship, etc. : a. c. b, after descriptive phr.: nyiX mp Ex 34 s (J); nviK om. Gn 24 26 ' 48 (J) + 4 t.; nviN D'BK JH3 a Ch 7 3 ; jna 29 29 ; nrW ^S3 Jb i w ; ^si» ^ESS 2 Ch 20 18 . b. sq. phr.: mm BTfiM $ 't^l mp Ne 8 6 ; 'b ffiTHI Gn24 M (J); WOU '«*1 ^95 6 ; ^.P nmna $ 1*1 29 s 96'= 1 Ch 16 59 ; ?9*"~ , v (looking towards) f 5" 138"; D'^-i D'ir£ 99 5 132 7 . c. c. i> only : 1 S i M (but read WJf0! © and mod.), 15 s5 Je 7* 1 //66 4 + 9 t.; c'JBi) Dt26'°Is66 2:, + 4 t; c. a loc. Is 27"; c. b loc. ^99 9 ; abs. Gn22 5 (E) Ju 7 ,3 + 5 1.; ace. loc. Ex 33 10 (E) Je 26 s Ez 4 6 3 ; naro(n) ":s>b Is 36 7 = 2 K 1 8 K = 2 Ch 32 12 ; c. bv loc. Gn 47 31 (J) 1 K i 47 Ez 4 6 J ; prPD afar off EX24 1 (E). d. before angel in theoph.: after cl. c. bsi, mp, Joss 14 Nu 22 31 ; sq. nyiN D'BN Gni9'; njnN i8 2 (all J). 3. before other gods : abs. Is 2 ;o 44 IS17 46"; ace. loc. 2 K 5 181818 i9 37 =Is 37 18 ; c. b, Ex20'=Dt5 9 (io words), Ex 2 3 24 (E), Nu 25 2 (J), Jos 2 3 7 (D), Dt8 19 n 16 i K i6 31 + 34t.; c. by, Lv 26 1 (H); '3B^ 2 Ch 2 5 ,4 (|pt2p). t[niru1?] n.f. pit (cf. not? from nw);— s f. bfat vmhrmfo Pi-28 10 . ttirntf] n-f- id.;— pi. sf. tttfrmfa 13^3 La4 M , '1$ $PF + 107 20 . ^rw v. nVrf*. -lintp v. i. me*. t[nniu] vb. bow, be bowed down, crouch (NH id.; Tel Am. sahdhu (Wkl T " Am - Voc * b ), ]>rostrate oneself, prob. Canaanism ; As. sahdhu is opjrress, torment}; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. ^W) Is 2 1117 , 1 s. Trine/ ^ gg^ ^nne* 35 » ; 3 p l. *nne/ jb 9 13 , ^e> Hb 3 6 Pr 1 4 19 ; Impf 3 ms. >P) f io 10 , 3 mpl. ! inE'; Jb 38 40 , in'B'll ^ I0 7 39 ; Inf. cstr.( = abs., as adv., Ges» n8<1 Kb' "•*. «»'.«" cf. also Ba NB164 ) DinE* Is6o 14 ; — 1. be bowed down, prostrated, humbled, by Is 2 1117 (both || bt>f), Hb3 6 (of hills), Jb9 ,3 ('e> WITFI), .f 107 39 ( + t3po); by man io 10 . 2. fcou; in homage, !Bi> pers. Pr 14 19 ; Dints' -|£k fcjwi^ Is 6o 14 ( || «rW^n). 3. 6ow, of mourner (mp), f 35" 38 7 . 4. crouch, of wild beast in lair Jb 38 40 . Niph. Impf. be prostrated, humbled : D"JX nB*J1 Is2 9 (|p??B') = 5' 5 (|| id.); be reduced, weakened, Ttyn ni33-b Vty Ec 12 4 ; =proce«d AMOTJZy, of words "IDV'O Is 2 9 4 (|| PSB*). Hiph. prostrate, lay low, city, walls, etc.; Pf. 3 ms. ne/n Is 25 12