Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/217

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M21 Israel at one of the sources of the Jordan, originally B*$ Ju 18 29 (cf. v 7 ); = D'$ Jos 19 47 ; captured by a colony of Danites ; named Dan, and made a sacred place with rites of worship that lasted until the exile (Ju i& a ); = Tell el Kddl, Eob BB "'• **■ *» Bd ral ™. This place is fre- quently referred to: Gn 14 14 Dt 34 1 I K 12 2930 15 20 2 K io 29 2 Ch 16 4 Je 4 15 8 16 Am 8"; rd. also rjy for r?1 2 S 20 18 © Ew We cf. Dr; and v. the phrase' V3B*nN3-iyi J"TO J U 20> iS3"2S3 10 17U 24 s " 1 K 5 s ; given by Chr yae> 1K30 if*^ 1 Ch 2 1 2 2 Ch 3 o 5 . (Ez 27 19 v. pi.) A r ote. — iT- nfj 2 S 24 s . As no such place is known, thetextisusuallyregarded as corrupt, and, © being uncertain, is variously changed: (1) T ™$ t Ban in the wood, Thes after 33 silvestria. (2) (Sbjl) p**f1 rm < Z>an and 7/V>» Klo (cf. 1 K 15 20 ). (3) («3D) fTO* fl WeDrcf.®. t^l adj. gent. alw. c. art. as coll. 7™ iCh 12 35 ; 'JfJfJ oat? j u 18 130 ; *JW nnBB't? Joi3*i8 11 . tjjfl n.m. judge 1 S 24 16 ; cstr. |H f 68 6 . WW, later h**?* (cf. Ew S45d ; El is my judge; on a possible connexion with Zend ddnu, wise, or wisdom cf. Che OF107 ; v. Palm. btOTt Vog 93 )— 1. son of David 1 Ch 3 1 , V", but dub. cf. Che 0PK *; © Aapv<. v , ©L & Codd. AaXovta ; || 2 S 3 3 3KJ>3, © AaXoiua; Klo Sm prop. 'tJT'i & in Ch ^"P, but grounds pre- carious. 2. - ,N .'?iJ, priest of the line of Ithamar Ezr 8 2 Ne io 7 . 3. ^?n a great sage Ez 28 s ; classed with Noah and Job as models of righteousness Ez 14 14 ' 20 ; perh. the same as 4. •' x . , ?% one of the noble young men taken into captivity by Nebuchadrezzar ace. to Dn i 1 " 6 , the hero of the book of Daniel, Dn i 6 + 22 t. (also frequently in Aramaic section). ti. yna n.m. Pr22w strife, contention — ^8o 7 + 9 t.; pi. D*3J19 Pr 18 18 , DWit? Pr 18" + 7 t.; contracted into D^"TO Pr 6" io 12 , tnfy Pr 6 14 ; cstr. 'JVT? Pr 19 13 . 1. strife, contention, aim. wholly Pr :— Pr 18" 23 s9 26 20 ; also 17" (|| V% 22 10 (|| ffy* H); *¥*. ' D Hb I 3 contention ariseth (|| an) ; 'o n^tJJ f«« loose strife Pr 6 14 16 28 ; '» IT^ A« rftmrfA wp strife 15 18 28 s5 29 ffi ; note esp. Q , ?p>? K"K 26 21 = a contentious, quarrelsome man; oftener 'D HE'S = a conten- tious woman 21 9 25 s4 27 15 , cf. DJ3J 'D Nfe 2 1 19 . 2. o6j«c< nf contention f 80 7 , cf. ?i"l» K"K Je 15'° (|| 3n thf).—O u jno 2 S 2 1 20 Qr, v. 1. fly? sub "no. tn. 'p "TO a royal city of the Canaanites Jos n 1 12 19 ; © Mappav, MaSeov, Aa/iopwi/ ; = Madln, close to Hattin, Survey 1 * , dub. ; a village Maron lies 2 hours WSW. fr. Kedesh, van de Velde"""- 146 , cf. Di. T|"TO son of Abraham and Keturali Gn 25* 1 Ch i 32 . Y T 1Q 1. son of Abraham and Keturah Gn 2 5 24 (J) 1 Ch i 32 - 33 . 2. an Arabian tribe Gn 36* (= 1 Ch i 4C ) Nu ji"*"* (P) J u -9 (31 1.); having a fnb ( as chieftain ?) Ex 2 16 3 1 i8'(E); Qypt Nu 2 2 4 - 7 (JE), (ff)trtw Nu 25 1S (P) Jos i 3 21 (P), onto Ju 7" 8 3 , DV^D Nu 3I 8.s j u8 5..2.2o. [nonaa dromedaries of Midian Is6o 8 ; jno DV 1 efay of Midian Is 9 s (the victory over Midian Ju 7-8) cf. io 26 ^83'°. 3. H«  |*J"Jt? <^« *and of Midian Ex 2 13 (E) Hb 3 7 ; >n«? Ex 4 19 (J) Nu 25 ,5 (P) 1 K 1 1 18 ; land on iElanitic gulf (where Arab, geographers still place town ^x.). Cf. on Midian, Glaser 8 "' 118 "- 447 *-; Horn A lllsid IB i. (18M), 4 f. t'JHIS adj. gent. Midiajiite— Nu io M (J); f. nWDNn 25 61416 (P); pi. D'jno Gn 3 7- 8 (JE) Nu 25' 17 3 1 2 (P), D'ru? Gn 37 M (E). H2' , "ip n.f. province (an Aramaic word, cf. Syr. jfcliljjo, Ar.ijbxl city) — Esti'+ 28t.; pi. niJn»~i K20 ,4 + 23 t.;— a district of an empire, 1. districts of realm of Ahab with nnb> over them 1 K 20 14 ' 51719 . 2. of the Babylonian empire: Ez 19 8 ; Dn 8 2 (of Elam) ; nfcnoa >rrto princess among the provinces La I 1 (of Judea). 3. of the Persian empire Est I' + oft.; one of which was Palestine, Ne i 3 ; the returning exiles, Hjnon >pa children of tlie province Ezr 2 1 Ne 7 6 , having njneri *gfcn Ne 1 1 3 . 4. pro- vinces in general Ec 2 8 5 7 ; ^"^0 , 30B'l?3 in the fat places of the province Dn n 24 (fertile regions, prob. Egypt; other trans, vid. in Bev.) tp"P a Meronothite, one of the builders of the walls of Jerusalem Ne 3 7 . Tn2* , " T T a son of Gomer son of Japhet 1 Ch i 6 ; but rd. prob. nan ( q . v .); © 'EptupaB, 'P«pa ( ; ©L 'P«pa6; || Gn io 3 HDn © 'Pupad, 'Epi(pnd. p;n v. sub pn. tyif t tfvj, ^•7, ]L"l v. trn. I L^*^ ; J vb. crush, poet, (hs-dakil, crush, Muss-AmoU""'- 01 * 1880 -*) not in Qal;— Wiph. o